Saturday, November 16, 2013

ANNOUNCEMENT - RFP 13.478 Media Campaign Expenditures in 2014 Presidential Elections

RFP 13.478 Media Campaign Expenditures in 2014 Presidential Elections

MSI/SIAP-1: Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program I (SIAP-I) is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Management Systems International (MSI).

The Indonesian election legal framework contains many provisions that effectively seek to comply with internationally recognized standards for the conduct of political campaigns and elections. One of these requirements relates to the issue of accuracy and credibility of campaign finance report, inluding transparency regarding the funding sources and expenditures by the candidates.   Currently, political candidates are legally required to file detailed financial reports. It is anticipated that a large amounts of the campaign funds for presidential candidates will be spent on media advertising; namely, television, radio, and print.  Measuring the media campaign expenditure will give a brighter profile of the whole campaign expenditure of candidates.

MSI/SIAP-1 is seeking proposals from eligible vendors to implement a program that should be designed to monitor the media campaign expenditures of the candidates in the 2014 presidential elections. The monitoring task of this solicitation shall cover all media related expenditures made by the candidates, their campaign organizers and political support teams to have their campaign expenditures (all media, both national and local TV and radio, include advertisements, advertorial news, internet/web expenses, and newspapers) reported. Results of the campaign monitoring will then be shared with SIAP 1 partners.   The SIAP 1 partners will use the data collected as a basis for analysis to compare with the formal campaign finance reports that are submitted by other candidates to the election commission; to review for accuracy, and conformity with regulations. Results of the analysis are also expected to be used as source for further advocacy by SIAP 1 partners.  Applicants are invited to propose monitoring design and implementation, to enable fact findings on the accuracy of media campaign spending, and implement creative activities to educate public on campaign finance. However, this program must include the following activities:
·         Monitoring plan of the media campaign expenditures including national TV, radio, and newspapers, and local TV, radio and newspapers in Surabaya, Makasar, Banjarmasin, and Medan.

·         Design and implement a distribution plan to ensure that the public is able to understand the research findings and recommendations, including the campaign strategy, type of activities, and profile of targeted groups.

Other activities are encouraged, keeping in mind that all activities are limited to the available budget of less than IDR 1,000,000,000.

Proposals are due on Friday, December 15, 2013, 3:00 p.m. local Jakarta time at: with cc: to Please reference 605700.01.13.478.RFP “Media Campaign Expenditures in 2014 Presidential Elections” in your e-mail subject line and please provide your contact details.

Offeror’s conference will be on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 at 10:00am at the MSI office (or an offsite venue in case of high attendance) to answer Offeror’s questions. NOTE:  Due to space limitiation, Offerors must pre-register their intended participation in the conference (maximum two partipants per bidding organization) at by Friday, November 22, 2013. All interested offerors must attend this conference.

To obtain the complete document of Request for Proposal (RFP) please request by e-mail to:

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