Thursday, November 14, 2013

Vacancy announcement: Environmental Planner Specialist - Jakarta based

Tetra Tech ARD is currently accepting expressions of interest for the ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER SPECIALIST (Jakarta based) on our USAID Indonesia Forestry and Climate Support Project (USAID IFACS).
USAID IFACS seeks to reduce the threats of deforestation and climate change, and help the Government of Indonesia (GOI) conserve the country’s tropical forests, wildlife, and ecosystem processes (including carbon sequestration).

The Environmental Planner will work with other members of the Project’s Best Management Practice (BMP) Unit to inform selected natural resource concessionaires, SMEs, community enterprises and members of multi-stakeholder forums on BMP approaches to conserve high conservation values in their areas of concern. And to assist them incorporate these strategies into their conservation management planning and implementation processes. The Project has developed MoUs with a portfolio of 15 large business enterprises, and community conservation livelihood agreements (CCLAs) with a similar number of SMEs and community enterprises (as part of the Project’s subcontract and grant mechanisms). It has modified existing technical guidelines regarding BMPs. In particular, it has developed - in collaboration with the Indonesian High Conservation Value Network- working guidelines for the development of conservation management and monitoring plans (CMMPs) with natural resource concessionaires. It has also developed a protocol for the development of CCLAs to ensure that Project partner SME and community enterprises make commitments to conserve HCVs in their areas of interest. The BMP Unit has also conducted BMP training programs in almost all Project target landscapes. Through collaboration with the Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF), reduced impact logging training is being conducted in the partner concessions. During and after the development of CMMPs in each natural resource concession, specific topical BMP trainings may be conducted as required.

1.       Using integrated spatial planning approaches, work with 8 natural resource concessions and develop CMMPs using the Guidelines developed by  the Project and HCV-NI.
2.       Work closely with one of these concessions, to develop a more intensive collaboration that, in addition to the facilitation of a CMMP for their COW in the Project Landscape, will involve collaboration to support a proposed mangrove conservation project in this landscape.
3.       Provide support to those Project grantees and subcontractors to assist them identify HCVs when this is requested.
4.       Work with selected multi-stakeholder forums to guide them in the development of their landscape scale conservation road maps.
5.       Work with Project consultants developing Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) for targeted Districts and assist in identification of district level HCVs for input into these SEAs.
6.       Work collaboratively with the BMP Unit and the Forestry, Climate Change, and Biodiversity Conservation Advisor to achieve all goals and deliverables listed in the work plan and task order contract.

1.       University degree in related discipline
2.       Three years’ experience working in conservation spatial planning and natural resource management
3.       Familiarity with all technical aspects associated with identification of HCVs and their management and monitoring
4.       Good knowledge of conservation issues related to forests, biodiversity, environmental services and Climate Change
5.       Familiarity with objective based conservation management plans
6.       Experience working with natural resource concessionaires and their staff
7.       Strong communication skills, both interpersonal and written.
8.       Native fluency in spoken and written Indonesian.
9.       Professional competency in spoken and written English.
10.   Ability to engage in activities occurring in multiple field sites with multiple stakeholders across Indonesia.
11.   Willingness to travel extensively in Indonesia

Please submit your recent CV as of 30 November, 2013 (the latest) with subject Environmental Planner Specialist – Jakarta based to:

Tetra Tech ARD is an equal opportunity employer.

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