Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Consultant to Fundraising Support for Maluku Spice Council

Consultancy Title:
Location of Consultancy:         
Fundraising Support for Maluku Spice Council
Spice Up the Deal III
Ambon, Maluku Province - Indonesia

Spice Up the Deal III (SUD III) is designed to foster systemic changes to develop equitable nutmeg and clove markets in Indonesia’s Maluku Province (with a focus on nutmeg). Building on previous phases, the program continues to work with farmers, traders and other actors involved in the production, processing, marketing and export of nutmeg (and to a lesser extent clove) on the Maluku islands. The program goal is to improve the performance of these spice value chains to benefit poor farmers and increase their income, by improving the capacity of the Maluku Spice Council (MSC) to be an effective business hub that advances the development of the spice market. The Spice Council will support increased production, improvements in quality, and foster ‘win-win’ business relationships between farmer groups and buyers. In this final phase, the program focuses on supporting the Maluku Spice Council to fully take on leadership and management of market development efforts, thereby ensuring the continuation of activities and building long-term sustainability.
In its role as a business hub, the Maluku Spice Council is involved in promoting the spice trade, attracting buyers to Maluku, facilitating linkages between market actors and providing policy recommendations to the government to boost Maluku’s spice trade and direct export from Ambon. As part of the latter, the Maluku Spice Council is also engaged in a multi-stakeholder process of restoring Ambon’s status as export port.
Consultant Objectives:
Mercy Corps Indonesia is seeking a consultant to support the Maluku Spice Council with developing fundraising strategy and tools to help the Council secure funding after the SUD program (i.e. financial support) ends. The consultant will conduct potential donor/funder mapping, covering donor and public and private sector institutions with a potential interest in supporting the Maluku Spice Council. S/he will provide recommendations on which donors/institutions to focus on and what fund-raising approaches to employ. The consultant will also develop a standard fundraising proposal that can be adjusted to specific donor requirements when opportunities arise.
Consultant Activities:
The Consultant will do the following:
Ø  Conduct donor/funder mapping, focusing on potential public and private (CSR) sector funding institutions with a potential interest in supporting the Maluku Spice Council. This will be done through a combination of literature study and interviews with SUD staff, MSC staff and other stakeholders.
Ø  Based on the donor map, provide recommendations on which institutions the Maluku Spice Council should focus its fundraising efforts on and what approaches to employ.
Ø  Write a fund raising strategy report containing the donor mapping results as well as the recommendations mentioned above.
Ø  Write a standard project proposal, including a budget, that the Maluku Spice Council can adapt and use to submit to potential donors, based on a template agreed upon between MCI and the consultant.
 Consultant Deliverables:
Ø  Fund raising strategy for the Maluku Spice Council
Ø  Standard proposal for Maluku Spice Council to use for fundraising purposes
 Timeframe / Schedule:
20 days in September – October 2017
Field work in Ambon for donor mapping, meetings with SUD field team, MSC, local government actors, local private sector actors
7 day
September, 2017
Part of donor map
Home-based literature study for donor mapping
3 days
September, 2017
Part of donor map
Home-based work drafting standard proposal for MSC
Draft proposal
Jakarta-based meetings with potential donors and meeting with MCI senior leadership to present the draft fundraising strategy and standard proposal
5 day
October, 2017
Part of donor map

Presentation on draft fundraising strategy
Home-based work to finalize fund raising strategy, incorporating donor map & fund raising recommendations, and the standard MSC fundraising proposal
3 days
October, 2017
Fund-raising strategy document

Proposal document

The Consultant will report to:
Ø  MCI Director of Programs in Jakarta
The Consultant will work closely with:
Ø  MCI SUD team in Ambon
Ø  Maluku Spice Council in Ambon

If you are interested, please send your application and cv to before 7 September 2017.

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