Tuesday, September 12, 2017

External evaluation proposal for Rural Sanitation and Hygiene STBM project


External Evaluation of Rural Sanitation & Hygiene Programme

Short Term Consultancy

1. SNV

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is a not-for-profit international
development organization founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago. It
has built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in
Asia, Africa and Latin America working with local partners to equip
communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and
connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic
services - empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own
development. Using market based approaches, SNV is committed to reducing
poverty by catalysing environmentally sustainable solutions for the poor in
agriculture, energy, water & sanitation, and climate change.

2. The Supporting STBM in Lampung Rural Sanitation & Hygiene Programme

By the end of 2015, still 51 million Indonesians practiced open defecation
(JMP, 2015). In that same year alone, more than 60.000 Indonesian children
died from poor sanitation related diseases, while stunting, another poor
sanitation related condition, afflicted 37% of children under 5, limiting
their physical and intellectual development for life (UNICEF, 2015). WSP
(2013) research revealed that Indonesia's poor sanitation conditions
annually cost the country 2.3% of its GDP.

To address the sanitation challenge, Indonesia's National Government
developed a specific programme promoting sanitation access country wide, the
Community Based Total Sanitation Programme, STBM in Indonesian. The STBM
programme gained additional traction with Presidential Decree (185/14) on
Sanitation Provision Acceleration that declared universal access to
sanitation as a national target to be met by 2019, eleven years ahead of the
Sustainable Development Goals deadline.

The STBM programme is a non-subsidised, behaviour change driven, community
wide sanitation approach. It promotes community-wide achievement of five
hygiene behaviours (pillars): (1) Stop open defecation, (2) Hand washing
with soap, (3) Safe handling of drinking water and food, (4) Safe management
of solid waste, (5) Safe management of domestic liquid waste.

Through funding from The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
SNV is supporting the Local Governments of three Districts in the Lampung
Province (Lampung Selatan, Pringsewu and Tanggamus) to implement the STBM
programme at scale and with quality. The "Supporting STBM in Lampung
Province" programme is focused on strengthening the capacities of local
stakeholders, including Government agencies, private sector and local CSOs
in areas such as steering of demand creation activities, development of a
sanitation market, testing of technological options for specific groups,
integration of school sanitation and proper phasing of behavioural change
communication, also for Hand Washing with Soap.

The programme started on May 2014 and will finish by the 31st October 2017.
As part of its commitment with the donor and in view of learning further
from this programmes's process and results, SNV is seeking to recruit an
external consultant to finalize the design and conduct an external

3. Purpose and Audience of the evaluation

The evaluation serves two purposes. One is accountability, both towards the
donor as towards the National and Local Government counterparts. The second
purpose is learning, that is, to sharpen the understanding on the impact of
the program and effectiveness of the approaches used to sustainably increase
access to sanitation and hygiene in the targeted locations.

Thus, the evaluation is expected to provide evidence on the strengths and
weaknesses of the programme as well as recommendations that will allow SNV
to further improve its support to Government led STBM programmes in
Indonesia. The final evaluation report will be shared by SNV with the
Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, national level ministries and
Local Governments targeted by the intervention, as well as with other
stakeholders within the WASH sector.

4. Evaluation objectives

Objective 1: Impact

The evaluation should assess the significant changes in terms of access to
sanitation and improved hygiene behavior that can be arguably attributed to
SNV's intervention in the targeted communities, its health facilities and
schools. Specifically for the targeted schools, the intervention should look
into the impact of Nudges & Menstrual Hygiene Management initiatives. The
evaluation should also consider the impacts (both intended and unintended)
of the program on women and vulnerable groups including people living with

Objective 2: Sustainability

The evaluation should assess whether the changes realised are likely to be
sustained over the long term and past project closure, and assess the
strategies used by SNV to ensure institutional embeddedness of the capacity
strengthening activities conducted throughout the programme. The evaluation
is also expected to provide insight into the sustainability of the
sanitation supply chain actors and funding mechanisms supported/established
both at district and at village level.

Objective 3: Effectiveness

The evaluation should assess to what extent the objectives planned were
achieved and articulate the major factors influencing the achievement or
non-achievement of the objectives.

Objective 4: Efficiency

The evaluation should determine to what extent the program used the
available resources in view of achieving the desired results in an
appropriate way and if these results were achieved on time.

Objective 5: Relevance and appropriateness

The evaluation will assess the extent to which the project was (and was able
to remain) suited to the priorities and policies of the target group,
partner Governments and donor. It will also determine the extent to which
the activities conducted and results achieved were consistent with the needs
that determined the intervention to begin with.

5. Evaluation questions

The following are generic overarching questions to guide the evaluation
based on the prioritized evaluation criteria above. As part of the
evaluation process, and following a desk review of the relevant documents,
the evaluator is expected to work with the evaluation team to finalize the
key evaluation questions, the sub questions, and correspondingly the methods
which will be used.

Evaluation criteria

Key evaluation questions


What has happened as a result of the programme?

What added value the project brought to its beneficiaries in terms of
sanitation access and improved hygiene behavior?

What (intended and unintended) impacts did the programme have notably on
women, girls and other vulnerable groups?


To what extent are the benefits of the programme likely to sustain after
donor funding ceased, notably in terms of institutional embeddedness?

What were the major factors which influenced the establishment or
non-establishment of the sustainability prospects of the programme?


To what extent have the strategies used led to changes in access to
sanitation and related capacities, policies/regulations?

To what extent were the objectives achieved?

Are there alternative strategies which could have been more effective?

What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement
of the objectives?


Were the choices about allocation of resources the most efficient and

To what extent has the distribution of resources to specific
activities/strategies in the programs been appropriate?

Was the program implemented in the most efficient way compared to

Relevance and appropriateness

To what extent the objectives and approaches of the programme remained

Are the activities and outputs of the programme consistent with the overall
goal and the attainment of its objectives?

Are the activities and outputs of the programme consistent with the intended
impacts and effects?

6. Scope of the evaluation, approach and methods to be used

The evaluation should ensure that the findings and recommendations are
relevant and feasible considering Government led STBM interventions. The
evaluation should be seen also as an opportunity to promote reflection in
SNV's team and Government partners. The evaluation plan and methodology
should be discussed with SNV's team. The evaluation should propose a scope
that entails a meaningful but realistic sample for the field data
collection. The evaluator will be provided with project documents and will
be facilitated access to the programme's stakeholders and targeted

The evaluation is expected to be gender responsive and explore issues of
gender equality through the questions chosen, sample selection and methods

7. Level of Effort, budget and Logistics

The evaluation is expected to be conducted in 30 days over the period
September-October 2017. The distribution of days for certain phases will be
finalized once the sample size and locations for field visits is confirmed
and the methodology is developed. The evaluator can also suggest changes to
the schedule based on expected timeframes for each phase and deliverable.
Travel costs associated with the consultant will be covered by SNV. Travel
costs and additional expenses for participants in order to facilitate
face-to-face data collection will also be covered by SNV. The logistics for
the evaluation will be arranged by SNV and the local partners.

8. Deliverable

The final evaluation report needs to be comprehensive enough to be shared
with different audiences. The report format will be clarified during the
evaluation planning stage. The evaluation consultant will be provided with
SNV's report writing requirements, including branding, and is expected to
comply with these. The consultant is required to document and provide all
raw and analyzed data to SNV.

9. Consultant qualifications and experience

The consultant may present as an individual or as a team, the consultant or
team should have the following qualifications and experience:

* An academic degree (minimum Bachelors degree) in a relevant field

* Demonstrated experience working in and leading evaluations for rural
sanitation and hygiene programs in Indonesia

* Demonstrated ability and experience in evaluating development programs
using quantitative and qualitative methods and participatory approaches.

* Knowledge and experience of evaluating capacity building focused

* Demonstrated experience in the use of gender and social inclusion
conceptual frameworks in the context of evaluation processes.

* Excellent oral communication skills and the ability to deliver high
quality written reports in English.

* Ability to communicate well in Bahasa Indonesia.

* Strong interpersonal and facilitation skills, and cultural and gender
sensitivity in working with local communities and a range of partners and

* Understanding of the Lampung context is an added value

10. Application procedure

Consultants interested in applying for the evaluation consultancy are
required to submit the following:

1. A brief proposal (2 pages max) addressing the proposed approach and
suggested methodology based on the information in this TOR; (if proposing a
team approach, please specify roles and responsibilities), and financial

2. Updated CVs (if a team is proposed, CVs for each proposed team member)

3. An example of a relevant piece of written work (preferably an evaluation

Please submit the requested documents to snv.procurement@gmail.com
<mailto:snv.procurement@gmail.com> referring in the e-mail subject
"External evaluation proposal for Rural Sanitation and Hygiene STBM
project". Deadline for submission is September 19th 2017.

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