Friday, May 15, 2020

Consultant for Marketing Analyses and Marketing Strategy

Consultant for Marketing Analysis and Marketing Strategy for Purun Craft Business in South Sumatera and South KalimantaN

Purun is a paludiculture crop and is a priority for the BRG Incubator. BRG, Peatland Restoration Agency, considered South Kalimantan and South Sumatera as two locations that have large quantities of naturally occurring purun. Both of the two selected project locations are an existing focus of BRG’s restoration activities, have history of forest fires, and are places where purun weavers have been established for a long time. Direct beneficiaries from this project are the purun weavers and purun farmers, neither of which currently have a regular income. The project which is implemented by PT. Eco Fesyen Indonesia, aims to boost the peatland economy by adding value of purun craft business. The company will empower weavers, who are mostly women, through dedicated training to produce high-end purun products. Furthermore, the company will contribute to the revegetation of peatland through the expansion of purun platforms.

1. Provide thorough analysis on the potential of market for purun product, including the size of the market, targeted fashion segment, estimated product volumes, potential competitors, and Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the products.
2. Develop a marketing strategy as a roadmap for promoting and selling or purun products, describing the marketing channels to be used to sell the products, while detailing the product timeline and marketing effort. 

Scope of the assignment
The consultant will engage mainly with PT. EFI and community stakeholders to develop:
1.  Market analysis. A thorough market analysis is required to understand the market that will be targeted by PT. EFI for their purun craft products. Several aspects related to the market will be assessed, including size of the market, targeted fashion segment, estimated product volumes, potential competitors, and Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the products. The result of this analysis will guide PT. EFI in developing a marketing strategy for promoting and selling the products.
2.  Marketing strategy as the roadmap for promoting and selling purun products. The consultant will propose and describe the marketing channels to sell the products, also detailing the product timeline and marketing efforts.

Duration and location of activity
The activity is expected to be completed within 2 weeks from the starting date. The asignment will be carried out for projects in two villages of Asia Baru Village, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan and Pulau Geronggang Village, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatera.

Specification of the consultant
·   Successful track record in providing market analysis and developing marketing strategy.
·   Experience working with fashion products.
·   Experience in assessing market for high end products.
·   Good understanding of the market for fashion industry.
·   Advance problem-solving and analytical skills.
·   Excellent command in spoken and written English and Bahasa Indonesia.
·    High level of commitment and responsibility towards completing assignments efficiently, accurately, and in a timely manner.
·   High standards of ethical conduct.

Output and deliverables
The main deliverable of this assignment is a marketing analyses and strategy report outlined below:
1.     Market Analyses of Purun Craft Product.
       -   Industry Description and Outlook
       -   Target Market
       -   Market Need
       -   Competition
       -   Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
2.  Set Target Market.
3.  Goals of The Strategy (including target on Sales and Volume).
4.   Strategies and Tactics.
        -   Product
        -   Price
        -   Place
        -   Promotion
5.  Detail Budget.

Implementation Arrangement
The consultant will report to PT. EFI and BRG, and will work closely with PT. EFI Program Director to support the consultancy in each targeted area, when needed.

Application Process
Please send the application documents as follow:
-   Preliminary technical proposal, describing the plan and strategy to gather the necessary information within the current limited movement during large scale social restriction.
-        Financial proposal.
-        CV of consultant.
to with subject “Marketing Analyses and Strategy”. Closing date for application is up to May 16th, 2020.


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