Sunday, September 3, 2023

RFQ 91174771 SUPA Field Tactical Equipment 2LOT

Public Invitation to tender.

Procurement of:

·       LOT I - 91174771 Procurement of Field Tactical Equipment

·       LOT II - 91174949 - Procurement of Fire Equipment


Project no.     : 14.9048.1-002.00
Project title    :  GIZ ASEAN SUPA
Country          :  Indonesia


Dear Sir/Madam,


You are kindly requested to submit a quotation for supply and delivery of Procurement of Field tactical Equipment and Fire Equipment for GIZ ASEAN SUPA Project - Palangkaraya

The detail specification is set forth in the Technical Specification Form as Annex 1 of this document.

Should you be interested in participating in this tender, please submit the quotation to  at latest by 20 September 2023 at 15:00 Jakarta Local time.

Please download the tender pack from this link:

Bidding Opportunities: GIZ Indonesia -


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