Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Request for Applications LINKAGES

RFA No.: P171208-2020-03-01
Date of issuance: March 2, 2020
Due date for questions: March 8, 2020
Release date for response to all questions: March 12, 2020
Closing date: March 26, 2020
Application can only be submitted through email to Jeilan Hamrianto (jhamrianto@pactworld.org) with writing “Application Submission – Name_of_organization” in the email subject, e.g: Application Submission – Yayasan Cinta Sesama.
Estimated award start date: between May 1, 2020 to June 1, 2020

1. Background on Pact

Pact is a leader in building the capacity of non-government organizations, networks and intermediary organizations. Pact's mission is to help build strong communities globally that provide people with an opportunity to earn a dignified living, raise healthy families and participate in democratic life. Pact achieves this by strengthening the organizational and technical capacity of grassroots organizations, coalitions and networks, and by forging linkages between government, business and citizens in order to achieve social, economic, and environmental justices.

Background on LINKAGES

The USAID-funded project, Linkages Across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV (LINKAGES), under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program is implemented by FHI 360 in partnership with Pact, Intra Health International and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and conducts a range of activities to reduce HIV transmission among key populations (KP) — sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender persons and people who inject drugs — and improve their enrollment and retention in care and treatment across the HIV cascade. LINKAGES will accelerate the ability of governments, key population leaders, organizations working with key populations, and private-sector providers to plan and implement services that reduce HIV transmission among key populations and their sexual partners and extend the lives of those already living with HIV. The key elements of the FHI 360-led team’s strategic and technical approach are:

·        Identifying key populations and locales and comprehensively assessing risk,

·        Diagnosing “leaks” and revealing access barriers within the HIV services cascade,

·        Scaling up “what works” while innovating to ensure the most strategic use of resources and access to newly emerging technologies,

·        Addressing structural barriers and transforming local KP organizations,

·        Ensuring interventions are sustainable over the long term, and

·        Supporting the main streaming of human rights, gender and competency and capacity development.

2. Purpose Statement

Pact is pleased to announce the release of a request for applications (RFA) for funding provided to support the implementation of LINKAGES program in DKI Jakarta.  Upon the availability of funding, this award will focus on reaching out to Key Populations for HIV case finding, newly HIV case management and PLHIV management.  This RFA is issued as a public notice to ensure that all interested, qualified, and eligible organizations have a fair opportunity to submit applications for funding. For the purposes of this RFA, “organizations” are defined as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs), or for-profit organizations/companies.

3. Program Description

3.1. Program background

The USAID-funded project, Linkages Across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV (LINKAGES), under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program is implemented by FHI 360 in partnership with Pact, Intra Health International and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and conducts a range of activities to reduce HIV transmission among key populations (KP) — sex workers, men who have sex with men, transgender persons and people who inject drugs — and improve their enrollment and retention in care and treatment across the HIV cascade. LINKAGES will accelerate the ability of governments, key population leaders, organizations working with key populations, and private-sector providers to plan and implement services that reduce HIV transmission among key populations and their sexual partners and extend the lives of those already living with HIV. The key elements of the FHI 360-led team’s strategic and technical approach are:

·        Identifying key populations and locales and comprehensively assessing risk,

·        Diagnosing “leaks” and revealing access barriers within the HIV services cascade,

·        Scaling up “what works” while innovating to ensure the most strategic use of resources and access to newly emerging technologies,

·        Addressing structural barriers and transforming local KP organizations,

·        Ensuring interventions are sustainable over the long term, and

·        Supporting the main streaming of human rights, gender and competency and capacity development.

3.2. Geographic area

The RFA solicits applications for interventions that will be implemented in DKI Jakarta

3.3. Intended impact

LINKAGES Indonesia supports HIV programming for key populations in DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Utara, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Barat and Jakarta Utara).  Currently LINKAGES is partnering with 6 Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in Jakarta to conduct outreach to key populations, new HIV case management and PLHIV assistances.  The organization or Agency that is selected for this award must be able to provide quality services for key population clients in these particular service delivery areas:

I.            Case finding among highest needs KP and KP partners with unknown or HIV negative status, with primary focus on index testing and risk network referrals among case-managed KP PLHIV.

II.          Differentiated case management assistance for case-managed KP (and sexual partner) PLHIV at 0-6 months of ART, 7 – 12 months on ART, and over 12 months on ART.

III.         Re-engagement of known HIV positive KP and KP partners who are not enrolled in care, have missed health service appointments or are lost to follow up.

To support PLHIV on ART, organization(s) will prioritize the following key activities in this sub-award:


•             Offer 100% of case-managed KP people living with HIV (PLHIV) index testing and/or risk network referral services;

•             Ensure that 95% of newly diagnosed HIV positive KP and/or their sexual partners are successfully enrolled in HIV treatment services; 

•             Deliver differentiated case management support to KP (and/or partner) PLHIV at 0 – 6 months, 7 – 12 months, and over 12 months on treatment, ensuring that at least 90% of these individuals are retained on ART;

•             Provide navigation assistance (as needed) for case-managed PLHIV to utilize health services and engage in the HIV service system;

•             Actively promote the benefits of immediate ART (e.g. same day – 7 days of diagnosis); viral load testing at every 12 months of treatment; and multi-month dispensing (e.g. 3 months of ART) for stable PLHIV; and

•             Work closely with partner health facilities to rapidly identify missed appointment and/or loss to follow up PLHIV and re-engage these persons in HIV treatment.  

·        Provide regular and timely report on progress and performance

3.4. Intended target audience

The target audience of the program is the key populations – fmen who have sex with men and people living with HIV (PLHIV)

3.5. Expected role of sub-awardee in the program

In a context of increasing HIV prevalence, decreasing external resources for HIV programming, ambitious Fast Track targets, and new evidence demonstrating the importance of early testing and treatment to achieve reductions in HIV incidence at the community levels, it is critical that community-based models produce demonstrable improvements in the HIV cascade by:
•             Increasing the numbers of new people reached
•             Testing high risk (or “focus”) individuals
•             Supporting treatment initiation among those who are HIV positive
•             Assisting HIV positive people to adhere to treatment and to be retained in the HIV service system
·        Encouraging KP PLHIV who has not started the treatment and or lost contact with the health services to start ARV treatment and re-engage with the health services

3.6. Program indicators and data reporting for partners

LINKAGES has identified several program monitoring indicators to inform achievement of the program results. Applicants should design programs that demonstrate how they will support the program’s capacity and activities.
Below is the list of program indicators to which sub-awardees under this RFA will contribute. A proposed project may address some or most of the indicators.

Technical Performance Indicator
# of KP reached through individual or small-group level HIV prevention/case finding interventions
% HIV yield for tested HIV negative or unknown status individuals/quarter
% newly positive PLHIV registered in HIV care and treatment services/quarter
# of HIV positive KP and/or KP partners receiving case management support
% case-managed PLHIV clients on ART in 0 – 6 months ART cohort /quarter
% total case managed PLHIV clients accepting index testing services/quarter (listing index clients)
% HIV yield for index testing individuals/quarter
% newly positive PLHIV registered in HIV care and treatment services/quarter
% total case managed PLHIV clients retained in HIV service system/quarter
% eligible PLHIV receiving viral load testing services/quarter
% identified, out-of-care PLHIV re-engaged in HIV care and treatment services/quarter
*Performance pathway scores (technical, programmatic, organizational, financial)/quarter

4. Application Submission

4.1. Grantee eligibility

This competition is open to any non-governmental organization that is either a non-profit, not-for-profit, or for-profit entity that is not established in the United States. To be minimally eligible for funding, applicants must provide full, accurate, and complete information and comply with the following conditions. Organizations must:
·        Be legally registered or otherwise authorized to conduct business in their country or countries of operation
·        Have a DUNS number (a nine-digit identification number required for all procurement-related activities). A DUNS number is not required for application, but will be required for receipt of award
·        Be able to complete implementation within the stated timeframe of May 1 or June 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020.  The subaward has possibility of extension in FY21 or beyond September 2020.
·        Have previous experience of not less than 2 years working on HIV issues or on segmented social marketing
·        Have current geographic coverage where program activities will take place or prior experience in that area with the ability to quickly start up implementation

4.2. Funding

Pact anticipates these awards will be cost-reimbursable, fixed amount award, or in-kind grants. Grant type will be based on the program description and the results of the partner’s pre-award risk assessment, which Pact will conduct prior to issuance of the award. Subject to the availability of funds, Pact intends to award to maximum $150,000 in total funding for 1 year activities. Pact anticipates awarding 1 or more awards to successful applicants. Negotiations will be conducted with successful applicants only. Pact reserves the right to award any or none of the applications submitted.

4.3. Application submission deadline

Applications must be submitted by March 26, 2020 at 11:59pm Jakarta time.

4.4. Late submissions, modifications, and withdrawals of application

At Pact’s discretion, any application received after the exact date and time specified for receipt may be considered ineligible for consideration. Applications may be withdrawn by written notice via email or in person by an organization or the authorized representative.

4.5. Conflict of interest clause

Applicants must provide disclosure of any past, present, or future relationships with any parties associated with the issuance, review or management of this solicitation and anticipated award. Failure to provide full and open disclosure may result in Pact having to re-evaluate selection of a potential applicant.

4.6. Submission method for questions

Submit questions electronically to Jeilan Hamrianto (jhamrianto@pactworld.org), with copies to Lucyan Umboh (LUmboh@fhi360.org). The deadline for questions is March 8, 2020 at 23:59 Jakarta time.
The email subject line should read “Questions – LINKAGES RFA – name of organization submitting application.”
All questions and answers will be shared with all interested applicants.

4.7. Submission method for final application

Application can only be submitted through email to Jeilan Hamrianto (jhamrianto@pactworld.org) with writing “Application Submission – Name_of_organization” in the email subject, e.g: Application Submission – Yayasan Cinta Sesama.
Technical applications and attachments must be submitted in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF. Budgets must be submitted in Microsoft Excel.

5. Application Format

5.1. Overall requirements

Applicants will develop their applications based on their understanding of needs, their prior institutional experience, and their determination of the approaches that would be feasible and successful. In all cases, applicants shall clearly explain the rationale for the proposed approaches chosen. To facilitate the competitive review of the applications, Pact only will consider applications conforming to the following.
·        The application narrative should be clear, concise, and properly organized.
·        The document should be in 12 point Times New Roman font, single spaced, with 1 inch/2.5 cm margins.
·        Full applications should not exceed 11 pages; page maximums for specific parts are provided in sections 5.2 and 5.3.
·        Applications should be written in Bahasa or English.
·        Paper copies of the applications will not be accepted.
·        Please note that technical and cost applications should be separate files.
All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed for responsiveness to the specifications outlined in these guidelines and the application format. Applications should take into account the evaluation criteria.

5.2. Technical application

Applicants should submit:
Sub-Awardee Risk and Responsibility Assessment Cover Page (one page)

Proposal Template I. Technical Approach and Feasibility of Program Design (ten pages maximum)

5.3. Cost application

Please use the templates in attachment for a detailed and summary budget. The summary budget should include all costs anticipated within the following line items:
·        Salaries: all costs associated with employees’ base salary working under the proposed activities
·        Fringe benefits: all costs associated with employees’ allowance for medical insurance or BPJS, social security and or THR.
·        Office Operation: rent, communications, electricity, telephone, and office supplies; LINKAGES will not fund office start-up costs or proposal development costs.
·        Travel: travel costs of the team needed to implement the project, including local transport
·        Other Direct Cost/Activities: all costs related to the implementation of the project in the field, such as local transport for outreach staffs, meetings costs in health facilities or in hot spots, communication costs for outreach staffs, etc.
·        Cost Share or Matching (If any): IF ANY, Grantees will show its contribution of resources from their own, private or local sources for the implementation of this project. Cost sharing refers to the resources a recipient contributes to the total cost of an agreement. Cost-sharing may be cash or in-kind contributions but, by definition, may not include USG funds or USG-funded in-kind contributions. Cost-sharing must be used for the accomplishment of program objectives and must consist of allowable costs under the applicable USG cost principles (see 2 CFR 200.306 for more).

5.4. Relevant documents

Applicants are required to provide registration or other relevant legal documents from local governments/authorities. These documents do not count toward the technical and cost application page limits.

6. Evaluation of Applications

6.1. Review process

LINKAGES will establish a technical review committee that includes representatives from various company departments and external staff. All technical reviewers will be subjected to a screening process to eliminate any conflict of interest. Evaluation will be based on the criteria set forth in sections 6.2 and 6.3. The process will be completed within approximately 5-10 business days. The review panel, using the criteria detailed below, will rate applications and make funding recommendations to the program’s grants management unit.
Pact reserves the right to make any number of awards or none at all. Pact is not responsible for any costs associated with the development of applications.
To facilitate the review of applications, applicants must organize the narrative sections of their applications with the same headings and in the same order as the selection criteria.

6.2. Evaluation criteria for the application

LINKAGES will formally evaluate and rank all applications based on the following criteria and points, 100 as the maximum points allowed.
1. Technical approach: 50 points
a)     Ability to provide innovation and strategies to reach the MSM community, including the unreached and hidden MSM.
b)     Creatively design implementation plan to increase the HIV testing among MSM and their partners
c)   Ability to establish strong working relationships with community-based services provided by key population civil society organizations.
d)   Ability to record, track and report on client uptake, retention, transfer and loss to follow up.
e)  Ability – or interest in – trialing innovations designed to improve service quality and/or client access, uptake and retention.

2. Organizational capabilities: 30 points
a)   Relevance of staff skills to the proposed program.
b)   Past performance on similar projects.

3. Cost effectiveness, including cost share: 20 points
Costs will be evaluated in terms of their feasibility, cost realism, reasonableness, completeness, allocability, cost-effectiveness and cost share for undertaking activities outlined in the application.

6.3. Supporting documentation for Pre-Award Assessment/site visits

After the application evaluation process, any selected firm will be required to complete a Financial Pre-Award Assessment in order for Pact to determine if the organization has the capacity to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed grant. As part of the Pre-Award Assessment process, Applicants may be asked to submit additional documentation to illustrate that the organization has the capability to implement the grant. Site visits may be conducted by Pact staff to evaluate the organization in these areas.

7. Terms and Conditions

7.1. Standard provisions

The Standard Provisions for Non-U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations as applicable will apply to these grants. Applicants can find the provisions at https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1868/303mab.pdf. Printed versions of these provisions are available upon request.

7.2. Permission for use and disclosure

By submitting an application under this RFA, the applicant consents to the disclosure of the documents submitted by the applicant to the reviewers involved in the selection process. Please note that all reviewers are bound by non-disclosure agreements. 

7.3. Disclaimers

·     Pact may cancel the solicitation and not award any funds.
·     Pact may reject any or all applications received.
·     Issuance of solicitation does not constitute award commitment by Pact.
·     Pact reserves the right to disqualify any application based on applicant’s failure to follow solicitation instructions.
·     Pact will not compensate applicants for their response to the solicitation.
·     Pact reserves the right to issue an award based on initial evaluation of applications without further discussion.
·     Pact may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation or to issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities.
·     Pact reserves the right to waive minor application deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
·     Pact may contact applicants to confirm contact person, address, and that the application was submitted for this solicitation.
·     Pact may contact listed past performance references without notice to the applicant. Pact also reserves the right to contact other past performance information sources that the applicant did not list in the application.
·     By submitting an application, the applicants confirm they understand the terms and conditions.

8. Attachments

The following documents are considered part of this RFA:
A.     Sub-awardee Risk and Responsibility Assessment (cover page)
B.     Budget template
C.     Proposal template

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