Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Program Technical Consultant

The Micronutrient Initiative (MI) is a not-for-profit organization established in 1992 as an international secretariat within Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and incorporated in Canada as a separate entity in 2001. The MI was created directly as a result of commitments made by world leaders at the 1990 United Nations World Summit for Children, to support efforts to control micronutrient deficiencies in developing countries. MI's mission is therefore to stimulate and support national actions to eliminate micronutrient malnutrition assuring universal coverage and sustained impact on the health and well being of people. Since 2006, MI Indonesia office was established and directly intervene in Vitamin A supplementation and micronutrient fortification programs in the country including the promotion of universal salt iodization (USI). MI Indonesia is going to support Iron Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation for pregnant women, and invites applications from qualified Indonesian citizens for the following position:

Iron Folic Acid (IFA) Program Technical Consultant.

The consultant will be based in Jakarta, work closely with the MI Director and national stakeholders. The specific terms of reference include:
· Support in the development of a monitoring system for performance of the consultancy (in consultation with Director)
· Work closely with the government and key stakeholders to get their attention on IFA supplementation program and be responsible for coordination and liaison with key players at national and regional levels (Governments, UNICEF, other UN/NGOS, Universities and relevant tasks forces or committees, etc).
· Support the Government program through initiatives that may include, formation of a task force, policy formulation including development of specific guidelines, act as a resource person for the IFA related program.
· Participate in the Central/Province Government Task force/informal working group on IFA program.
· Support in the recruitment of district level extenders.
· Facilitate the district level extenders to work with the district local government (DOH)
· Provide technical support and guidance to district level extenders and supervise their work.
· Facilitate and support the advocacy meeting/activities and organize technical or programmatic workshops at the district and province levels.
· Monitor all components of IFA supplementation program at the province and district levels and identify gaps and areas of support.
· Consolidate, validate and analyze coverage data and build capacity at the district and provincial levels to analyze and take corrective actions on coverage data.
· Compile and analyse monthly reports and share with MI Director.
· Liaise with the Director and Logistic and Supply Chain Management Project Officer in the Directorate of Nutrition and as serve a link between central provincal and district levels.
· Draft proposals for advocacy or operational activities for budget allocation or to other potential donors to support the program, at the districts, provincial and national levels.
· Travel within the district, province and to attend national level activities as required.


· Academic degree in nutrition/health sciences, public health, food sciences/technology, health management, international development or related fields;
· At least 5 years of working experience with Government Agencies, NGOs, Donor, Industry and /or UN agencies;
· Good knowledge of policies and programs of government and donor agencies;
· Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work as a team member;
· Ability to work independently and innovatively;
· Excellent computer and communication skills (presentation and writing), with fluency in spoken and written English.

Interested and competent applicants are requested to submit i) application letter; ii) recent Curriculum Vitae (CV); iii) photograph; and, iv) address of two referees. Please indicate position applied for in the subject line.
Applications can be submitted through email to miindonesia@micronutrient.org, post or hand delivered to the address: MI Indonesia Office, Gedung Wirausaha,
Lt. 2, Jl. H.R.Rasuna Said, Kav C-5, Jakarta 12920

The last date for receiving applications is 10 November 2011.
Only short listed candidates will be called for further interview.

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