Thursday, November 24, 2011


These Terms of Reference (hereafter: TOR) are intended to provide guidance and reference to Caritas Germany, Karina KAS and a third party evaluator in arranging the evaluation of the project. Based on the TOR Caritas Germany and Karina KAS invite all interested third parties to inform us of your interest in facilitating this evaluation.

Based on criteria like: effectiveness, costs, timeliness and methodology an evaluator will be selected**

Project: *P416.023.2008 “Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Aid for Disabled People in Central Java, Indonesia”*

Implementing Partner: *Karina KAS*
Project Period: *July 2009 – December 2012*
Project value:* €410.000,-*

1. Background of the organizations

Caritas Germany is a part of the Germany Catholic Church, and as such has received the mandate to implement projects that are in line with the social responsibility of the Church, both in Germany as international. The main focus of our work is towards emergency response, helping the elderly and the ill, children and disabled people. In Indonesia Caritas Germany has been supporting local partners since the tsunami of December 2004. More information can be found on

Karina KAS – the Caritas organization of the Archdiocese of Semarang - was established in May 26th, 2006 to give an Emergency Response of Yogyakarta Earthquake 2006. Since then, KARINAKAS has been mandated by the Archbishop of Semarang to be the institution that represents the social face of the Church. More information can be found on

2. Background of the project

In Indonesia Caritas Germany is supporting projects with a wide variety of partners throughout Indonesia for emergency response, in drugs abuse, HIV&AIDS and working with disabled people. For the support for disabled people given Caritas Germany tries to implement and promote the strategy of Community Based Rehabilitation (hereafter: CBR) using the WHO CBR principles and the CBR-matrix of the World Health Organization (hereafter: WHO).

One of Caritas Germany’s partners for the CBR program is the Caritas organization of the Archdiocese of Semarang (hereafter: Karina KAS) with their office in Yogyakarta. After the earthquake in Yogyakarta and Central Java of the 27th of May 2006 more than 300 people in the districts of Bantul and Klaten were found with a spinal cord injury (SCI), considered to be the most serious type of permanent disability in the area. During the emergency phase, a mobile health team from Karina KAS in Klaten commenced, attending to the medical care of the injured people. A participatory needs assessment of the most vulnerable beneficiaries and their family was conducted and formed the basis for the CBR program. A comprehensive CBR team was formed in January 2007, using the WHO CBR Matrix. The team consisted of a health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment division addressing disability issues. The program was expanded through the Catholic network to Bantul in May 2007. In 2009 the program was duplicated to Sukoharjo, focussing on health, livelihood and empowerment.

As the medical needs of the disabled decreased, the CBR team gradually expanded to the wider community and local stakeholders addressing all types of disability, moving from a more individual base approach to a community based approwach. The local government and the Disabled People Organisations became gradually involved as an important part for the sustainability of the program. The CBR team developed awareness in the community and in the local governmental network regarding disability. Several disabled people were able to work again through their own small businesses or they learntnew skills. At a later stage, cooperatives managed by PWDs were established in Klaten and Bantul and re-established in Sukoharjo. Most beneficiaries became independent in their activities of daily life, and most beneficiaries met regularly during physical exercise class. Modification of several motorcycles or other means of transport made the mobility of those who could afford it easier. Accessible houses including bathrooms have been achieved by working together with surrounding neighbours and community members. The need for a wheelchair workshop to assist with appropriate wheelchairs and transport was identified as another part of sustainability, as disabled people were otherwise not able to go out for work and to be active in their community.

On a structural level, community leaders and local stakeholders werecollaborating with the CBR program. The local government has been involved at community until district level and partly provincial level (Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Territories). The government’s role became more prominent after establishing a CBR board in Klaten and a disability forum in Bantul where limited collaboration took place with the government at district level. Public awareness was raised through media, campaigns and public hearings.

3. Project Objectives

The main objective of Karina KAS’s project is: *“People with disabilities are participating in the community network and included in the government structures and local organizations.”*

The program is implemented at the community level in the regions of Bantul (DI Yogyakarta), Klaten and Sukoharjo (Central Java), integrating a network at district level, provincial and national level.

The main elements of the project are:
- Health issues are addressed through (home visits, group therapy) in the past, peer counseling and transfer of knowledge to the existing health system at community level by training health cadres and midwives linked with the local community health centers.
- Household economy is strengthened through skills training, small business economy and cooperatives managed by PWDs.
- Awareness is raised about disability issues at schools and the local ministries of education. Children with disabilities attend special schools and some are included in mainstream schools. Inclusive reading communities and local or mobile libraries function at community level.
- Awareness is raised about disability issues and inclusion at village level, targeting heads of village and other village elders. Houses and buildings are made accessible by working together with community members. This is also attempted at public buildings and public services. There are accessible motorbikes and wheelchairs are available.
- A CBR board is established and a disabled people forum. Advocating for district disability legislations have resulted in agreements at district level.
- Capacity building of CBR staff of Karina KAS.

*Reason and planning context of the Evaluation*

Currently Caritas Germany and Karina KAS are running towards the end of the three (3) year Phase I running from 2009 – 2012 and are planning for Phase II that should run from 2013 – 2015. For this a new program and proposal should be prepared by mid-2012, based on best practices and lessons learned during the current Phase I. Besides this, Caritas Germany is also hoping to integrate the work already being done by two other partners in Phase II: YRDPI from Banda Aceh and PPRBM from Solo.

In order to be able to do the Phase II planning in a correct way, Caritas Germany is looking for an external evaluator to evaluate the current CBR program implemented in Indonesia through Caritas Germany’s partners. The evaluator should focus on:

4. Objectives of the external evaluation

1. Identifying the achievements and lessons learned of the current CBR program implemented through the project of Karina KAS;

2. Give judgment on the effectiveness of the CBR approach used by Caritas Germany when supporting partners and projects for disabled people in Indonesia;

3. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Karina KAS (and in lesser extent of YRDPI and PPRBM) related to support given to people with a disability and make suggestions related to capacity building of these organizations and how Caritas Germany best can support;

4. Identify the opportunities and threats of CBR approach for Phase II, specifically related to the close cooperation of Karina KAS, YRDPI and PPRBM and how Caritas Germany best can support.

5. Specific evaluation criteria

The evaluator shall analyze the project both at the institutional and technical level of Karina KAS, but will also need to involve the delivery of the project at the community level. Due to the nature of the project and the evaluation, Caritas Germany and Karina KAS would like to request the evaluator to specifically examine the following aspects of the project:
- To assess the CBR activities of Karina KAS including community participation in terms of their relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability in Bantul, Klaten and Sukoharjo.
- To make recommendations to strengthen the various CBR activities and suggest strategies to promote sustainability of the program and replicate the program based on the evaluation findings.
- To evaluate the project achievements and organization under the following criteria and make specific recommendations to improve each criteria.

*A. **The relevance of the objectives and strategy;*

· Is the project still relevant?
· Does it still correspond to priority needs of the target populations?
· Are the data it is built upon sufficient and updated?
· Is the project regularly updating the changes in the policies and stakeholders to maintain its relevance up to the mark? How?

FOCUS of the Recommendation:

· Which areas of the project are more/less relevant to develop? How?
· Is there any need for a reality check or needs reassessment? With what focus?
· Is there a need to obtain more updated sectorial information by a more active networking and information exchange with other stakeholders? Which ones and how?

*B. **External and Internal coherency: *

· Are the solutions proposed adapted to the social, geographical, economical, cultural and administrative constraints of the environment?
· Are they in line with the local and national policies?
· Are the activities conducted in coordination/cooperation with other local actors?
· Do the chosen activities permit to achieve the wanted results?
· Is the program gaining from “lessons learnt” (previous experience,external consultations)?

FOCUS of the Recommendation:

· Is there a need to network more actively/differently? How? With what stakeholders?
· Does the project need to play a stronger role among the local stakeholders (coordination, cooperation)? How?
· Is there a need to review the program management scheme?
· Is it possible to gain in synergies with other Caritas programs? How?

*C. **Efficiency **of results as compared to specific objectives*

· Does the project attain fully all its objectives?
· Is the project management system operational and sufficient with respect to the expected results?
· Is its monitoring system sufficient

FOCUS of the Recommendation:

· Is there any need to reinforce the monitoring & planning system? How?
· Are there possible gains and how could the program get higher results?

*D. **efficiency** of activities as compared to actual results*

· Analyse the ratio achievements/costs, comparing to other actors on the “market”.
· Does the project utilise all possible synergies and cost reduction strategies?

FOCUS of the Recommendation:

· Is there a need to monitor more closely the cost effectiveness of the program? How?
· Main possible “costs reduction”


· What are the main changes in the target group living conditions?
· Is the project responsible of positive changes at policy level?
· Is the impact of the programme recognised among the different stakeholders?
· Is the project equipped and organise to measure its impact?

FOCUS of the Recommendation:

· Is there a possibility of a better measurement of the impact (economical, social and political effects)?
· How could the project gain in impact?
· Suggest impact measurement indicators for phase II.

*F. **sustainability** of the project *

· Are the attained results permanent, long-term gains?
· May the project be replicated? Extended? How and where?
· The Phasing out strategy is it clear and feasible?

FOCUS of the Recommendation:

· The recommendation will focus on examining the possibility and potential mechanisms for sustainability at the community group level
· Is there a need to review the phasing out strategy? What key points should be stressed?
· How could the action be financially and operationally sustainable on the long term?

6. Evaluation Methodology

The eventual methodology depends on the proposal of the external evaluator and will be defined during the preparation of the evaluation.

However Caritas Germany suggests that main focus is given to assess the impact for the beneficiaries of the project in their daily lives. For this it makes sense that as much as possible participatory methods are being used. Other methods that can be used are:

- Conduct interviews with staff of Karina KAS;
- Conduct interviews with the management of Karina KAS, PPRBM and YRDPI;
- Focus Group Discussions with beneficiaries of the project;
- Conduct interviews of relevant local and national stakeholders;
- Conduct desk review of relevant documents necessary, including project proposals and project budgets;
- A SWOT analysis of the project and the partner organizations;
- A Stakeholders analysis of the current project Phase I and an analysis of possible new stakeholders during Phase II of the project;

7. Expected Outputs

- An evaluation report in English with an executive summary in bahasa Indonesia and English. The report should contain the detailed findings per each of the criteria defined, a description of the methodology applied, as well a lessons learnt/recommendations as defined in section 4 of the ToR. This report should be presented in five (5) hard copies, and a soft copy both in MS word and pdf format.
- A presentation for Caritas Germany and our partners working in CBR during a workshop, to take place on 1st of February 2012, in Yogyakarta.

8. Evaluator Profile

The third party evaluator should not in any way be related or dependent on either or both Caritas Germany or Karina KAS, or be involved in any way in the project being evaluated. Besides this the evaluator should have:
- Good knowledge, understanding of and experience in evaluating
external funded projects for at least five (5) years;
- Good knowledge, understanding of and experience in Community Based Rehabilitation;
- Good understanding of oral and written Indonesian and preferably also the ability to communicate orally at a grassroots level in Javanese;
- Good understanding of oral and written English;
- Caritas Germany is actively trying to be an inclusive organization, and thus on equal grounds will give priority to offerings involving people with a disability.

9. Tender and Evaluation Plan

Based on these TOR Caritas Germany and Karina KAS request any party/person(s) who are interested and able to facilitate this evaluation, to submit a tender to facilitate this evaluation. The tender should at least include:

- An offering in EURO to facilitated this evaluation;
- A detailed work plan and methodology proposed for facilitating the evaluation;
- A company profile and/or CV of the evaluator(s) showing the experience in facilitating an external evaluation and knowledge of the subject at hand;

This information should be send via email no later than the 2nd of December2011 to and After selection and approval of the evaluator, the evaluator has to send a signed hard copy of these documents to Caritas Germany.

Regarding the offering please be advised that:

- The offering itself should be made in EURO, but a (more) detailed budget should be attached based on expenditures in IDR. EURO to IDR exchange rate that should be applied in your calculations is EUR 1 = IDR 11.500,00.

- The offering should be an ‘all in’ amount and include all necessary expenditures such as salaries, per diems, travel expenditures, etc.

- The external facilitator is responsible for payment of all necessary income taxes to the Indonesian Government in accordance with Indonesian Law.

- Payment will be done as following:

o 25% of the total sum at the signing of the limited service contract between the evaluator and Caritas Germany;
o 50% of the total sum at receiving the draft evaluation report by the evaluator;
o 25% of the total sum after approval of the final evaluation report by Caritas Germany.

- For each payment the external evaluator need to submit a detailed and signed invoice for the requested payment.

- Payment if preferably done to an EURO account in Indonesia.

The proposed planning is as followed:



17 November 2011

Publication of TOR

17 November – 2 December 2011

Bidding submission

8 December 2011

Selection of the Evaluator

9 December 2011

Limited Service Agreement signed with evaluator, First Payment

16 January 2012 – 29 January 2012


1st of February 2012

Presentation of the preliminary findings by evaluator during workshop in

15 February 2012

Draft Report Submission, Second Payment

29 February 2012

Feedback from Karina KAS and Caritas Germany on the report

15 March 2012

Final Report submission

22 March 2012

Approval of Final Report, Final Payment

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