Friday, September 28, 2012

Community Engagement and Popular Education Facilitator

*Job: LifeMosaic **Community Engagement and Popular Education Facilitator*

LifeMosaic is looking for a facilitator on a two-year contract, with an
initial 3-month trial. This post is based in Jakarta/Bogor or Yogyakarta.

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*About **LifeMosaic* <>

LifeMosaic produces and co-ordinates the distribution of educational
resources for indigenous peoples. Resources are primarily based on
community testimonies; they present complex issues in an accessible and
engaging way; and support indigenous peoples right to free, prior and
informed consent. LifeMosaic facilitates partner-led dissemination across
wide networks to reach thousands of communities. We train practitioners and
partners to use our resources in their movement-building work. These builds
their capacity to facilitate communities to raise their critical awareness,
and organise to protect their lands, cultures and forests.

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*Work to include: *

·       Develop and implement LifeMosaic’s dissemination support strategy
of empowerment films for indigenous peoples, with a particular focus on
industrial tree plantations (HTI) and land rights community films.

·       Work collaboratively with organisations and networks working on
indigenous peoples rights and popular education across Indonesia.

·       Participate in and where appropriate facilitate key dissemination
opportunities at community, district, provincial and national levels.

·       Organise launches of films and other materials.

·       Plan and prepare international dissemination opportunities.

·       Evaluate impacts of dissemination and feed lessons learnt back to
indigenous peoples and NGO networks;

·       Train and mentor organisations on popular education approaches,
including the use of LifeMosaic’s resources.

·       Take an active role in research and logistics for an upcoming land
rights film; and take part in field trips with camera person where

·       Grow LifeMosaic’s online and social media presence in Indonesia.

*Essential experience and skills: *

Good knowledge of issues and networks relating to indigenous peoples
rights, land rights, forests and climate change (5 years minimum

Proven commitment to indigenous peoples rights.

Extensive grass roots experience.

Excellent facilitation skills.

Ability to work from grass roots to international.

Excellent writing and communication skills, in Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Able to travel frequently within Indonesia.

Resourceful and able to work independently.

Education: Minimum S1 in relevant degree.

Excellent computer and social networking skills.

Ability to work with a long-distance team.


Experience using tools such as community radio, film or other media for
community organising.

Creative skills are a plus, such as film-making, design, music or other
creative outlet.


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Describe your experience working on issues relating to indigenous peoples
rights, land rights, forests and climate change (max. 200 words)

Describe your networks within the Indonesian and international indigenous
peoples rights, land rights, forests and climate change movements. (max.
150 words)

Please describe your experience in facilitation (max. 150 words)

What are your reasons for applying for this job: (max. 100 words)

Present employment: (50 words)

Relevant education:

Languages (include level of proficiency):

Computer and social media skills:

Past salary history:

Please provide us with contact details for 2 referees:

How soon would you be available to start working in this post?

If selected, are you available for interview on 31st of October or 1st of
November 2012?

*Please send your completed application together with your CV to: *** <>* Please write ‘job application and
your name’ in subject of e-mail.*

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