Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Vacancy Announcement/USAID-SIAP1/Consultant for BPK Business Process Management

*StrengtHening Integrity and accountability program 1 (SIAP 1)*

*Consultant for BPK Business Process Management *

*Terms of References*

* *

*Position*                                            : Business Process
Management Consultant (International)

*Languages Required*                 : English

*Counterpart (User)                   *: The Supreme Audit Board of the
Republic of Indonesia

*Level of Effort                               *:* *30 days (approximately
20 in-country)**

* *


Indonesia’s Supreme Audit Board (BPK-RI) is the state institutions that has
the authority and responsibility to audit both state finances and the
government’s performance. In fulfilling its mandate, BPK conducts hundreds
of audits every year that hold government accountable, and saves billions
of Rupiah to the state.

One of the bureaucratic reform agenda being implemented by the BPK, as
stated in BPK Strategic Plan (Renstra) for the year 2011 – 2015, is to
"Improve the quality of  [its own] organization and governance." The
Renstra Implementation plan envisions an increasingly streamlined
governance in the organization. To achieve the objective, BPK seeks to
introduce modern public administration techniques into its organizational
management. BPK hopes to reach the goals of its bureaucratic reform
efforts, which is being implemented in several key business proceses
(planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and control by using
information technology (e-government)). As result, BPK hopes to more
effectively implement its core activities: monitoring government finances
and performance.

In line with that, BPK will refine its own business processes (business
process management) to make the institution faster, more agile, improve
internal alignment, and ability to adapt to external and internal changes.
Currently, business process improvements are conducted sporadically,
unsystematically, and in an isolated fashion (at the work unit level).
These activities  are highly dependent upon the individual manager’s
subjective understanding of the term. Once those individuals are
reassigned, reforms typically cease. Current business process reforms are
not always coordinated with Business Process automation efforts conducted
by the Information Technology  Department.

In the early 2013, BPK has completed *”Roadmap Improvement of  BPK Business
Process 2014 - 2018”*  (Executive Summary of the document attached). To
implement this roadmap, BPK requires an experienced consultant to assess
and propose recommendations for enhancing the document and train BPK staff
in the needed skills to implement this roadmap properly. Business process
management is a relatively new management approach in public sector
organizations in Indonesia, making International Consultant relevant.


The objective of the activity are:

1)     to provide recommendations to enhance the document of “Roadmap
Improvement of BPK Business Process” from the BPM (Business Process
Management) expert.

2)     to provide a solid basis in knowledge of Business Process Management
to BPK staff at the Directorate of Research and Development who are
involved technically in Business Process Management (BPM) and Business
Process Improvement (BPI).


The scope of work of consultant are

1)     assess *“**Roadmap Improvement of  BPK Business Process 2014 - 2018**”
*document and propose recommendations to enhance the roadmap,

2)     educate and train 20 (twenty) BPK staff in BPM and BPI which
includes, among others, providing a solid understanding of:

§   Principles of business process refinement by following best practice
concept / model, both implemented in private sector companies and public
institutions such as BPK.

§   Connection between business process and strategic plan as well as
organization structure development.

§   How to design efficient and effective business process improvement.

§   Efficient business process management.

§   The Role of technology in Business Process Reengineering.


Consultant is expected to conduct the following activities:

1.       Consultant will received complete document of  “Roadmap
Improvement of  BPK Business Process 2014 - 2018*”* (english version –
approximately 175 pages) and  shall conduct a detailed review of the
contents of the document;

2.       Consultant shall communicate with R&D staffs of BPK to gain proper
understanding of the document;

3.       Consultant shall assess the documents to conclude whether the
roadmap is in accordance with the BPM basis theories and propose written
recommendations to enhance the roadmap document;

4.       Consultant will develop a training and handouts for trainings on
Business Process Management, adapted to BPK. Consultant is expected to
prepare training materials with reference to theories and knowledge
required to implement the " Roadmap Improvement of  BPK Business Process
2014 - 2018";

The content of the training material is expected to contain:

1)     Business Process management (BPM) Concept

2)     In-depth concept and stages of BPM

3)     Process improvement Implementation

4)     Analysis and To be / Ideal Process Analysis and Design In-depth

5)     Implementation and Monitoring Process Stage In-depth Understanding

5.       Conduct training on materials developed, on BPK Training Centre
for 5 (five) days training. The training are expected to be held on in July


1.       Assessment Report and recommendations on “Roadmap Improvement of
BPK Business Process 2014 - 2018” document,

2.       Training Handouts for participants.

3.       5-days training on Business Process Management and Business
Process Improvement for appr. 20 (twenty) BPK staff.

4.       Short trip report upon completion of training


1.       Learn the documents and, if needed, conduct communication and / or
interview with  BPK Staff

10 days

2.       Asses “Roadmap Improvement of  BPK Business Process 2014 - 2018”
document, and prepare
9 days

3.       Prepare Training and
5 days

4.       Train BPK
5 days

5.       Prepare short report on BPM
1 days


1.       International Consultant.

2.       Having experience in Business Process Management and Business
Process Improvement/Reengineering, both in analysis and training.

Attachment 1



In line with the bureaucracy reform program launched in 2008,  BPK has
developed business process reform for all functions at BPK ie: on the main
business process, secondary business process and business management
process elaborated in BPK’s Business Process Map (current condition)
approved by all Echelon I and II officials. The current business process
will be used as a baseline to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
BPK’s business process.

The Roadmap for BPK Business Process Reform is formulated to serve as a
guide and to ensure that the reform program is implemented in accordance
with the organizational strategy. It also seeks to ensure continuity of the
process within a specific timeframe.

The Roadmap provides general guidance for the implementation of each
initiative by the relevant unit with consideration to the resources that
BPK has.

Finally, this roadmap is expected to provide guidance, policy and
activities which will be used to formulate BPK’s Ideal Business Process Map
for 2014-2018.


One of the bureaucracy reform agenda being implemented by BPK is business
process reform.  This program is manifested in BPK Strategic Plan 2001-2015
through Strategic Target no. 7 (SS 7) i.e. “Improving Institutional and
Business Process Quality”.   The target is then translated into Strategic
Implementation Plan 2011-2015 in the form of Strategic Initiative 7.1 (IS
7.1) “Implementation of a High Quality BPK Organization and Business
Process”. To implement IS 7.1, the R&D Directorate, as the coordinating
work unit, is responsible to map BPK’s business process, refine the
business process and formulate BPK’s ideal business process

In 2012, the results of BPK’s business process mapping in the form of BPK’s
Business Process Map (current condition) was approved by echelon I and II
officials as the process owners.   As a follow up to the activity, the
Business Process Map  needs to be refined into BPK’s Ideal Business Process
Map.  In order to formulate the Ideal Business Process Map, the R&D
Directorate has developed a Roadmap for Business Process Improvement
2014-2018 as a reference to improve the business process in the next five
years and to serve as a tool to improve integration and collaboration among
business processes.  The roadmap will guide the organization in managing
and improving the maturity level of the business process management (BPM),
to achieve an agile organization in line with the strategic goals of BPK.

The roadmap was formulated through the following four stages:

1.    Current state assessment.

Current state assessment is performed by assigning scores to six domains
namely strategic alignment, governance, methods, information technology,
people, and culture. The six domains will serve as a basis to assess
business process maturity at BPK, observing conditions of relevant elements
at BPK.  The maturity level is assessed through a scale of 1 to 5, 1 *Ad hoc
*, 2 *opportunistic*, 3 *systematic*, 4 *managed*, and 5 *optimised*. The
higher the maturity level of the six domains, the more effective and
efficient the process is.  The higher level of maturity also reflects the
success level of the BPM initiative.

2.    BPM Vision Statement Formulation.

The vision statement describes the goals and vision of BPM at BPK during a
specific timeframe.  The vision statement serves as a criteria for
assessing the existing gap, so that a roadmap for improving BPM may be
developed to achieve the vision statement.  The vision statement should at
least contain the goal/vision of BPM at BPK, statement of BPM priority
benefits, principles underlying BPM at BPK and scope of

*3.    *Gap Analysis*.***

This stage analyzes gap between the current state assessment and the vision
statement for each domain.  The results of the gap analysis are used as a
basis to develop improvement programs for each domain in order to improve
the overall BPM maturity level.

4.    Process/Activity Selection and Scheduling of Business Process
Improvement Program.

This stage prioritizes processes/activities which need improvements and
formulates programs (roadmaps) to achieve the desired level of BPM maturity
within a specific timeframe.  The programs include improvements of
domain/capacity and macro and micro processes.   One key factor to the
successful implementation of BPM is to perform process improvement
activities (both macro and micro) and domain/capacity development in

a.       Roadmap of Domain Improvement Program

The roadmap of this domain improvement program contains planned
improvements for each domain, schedule, responsible and relevant parties,
expected outputs, performance indicators, recommendations and exit strategy.

b.       Roadmap of Macro Process Architecture Improvement Program

Process architecture is a tool used by organization to develop a set of
rules, principles, guidelines and model to implement BPM  in the
organization as a whole and to ensure harmony between process, information
technology, business architecture and organizational strategy.  This
roadmap identifies issues in the process architecture and develops the
relevant improvement programs.

c.       Roadmap of Micro Process Improvement Program

This roadmap contains processes which have been selected for improvements.
Those processes are mapped in BPK Business Process Map (current
condition).  The selection of those processes is based on the analysis of
the level of maturity of each process and the existing issues in the
process (hands-offs, relations with stakeholders, risks, binding rules,
cost and human resources involved).  The results of the analysis will group
the processes according to the following priorities of improvement:  (1)
urgent to improve; (2) needs to be improved; and (3) satisfactory. This
does not mean that one process is better than the other, but only to
indicate which process needs to be improved first given the resources
constraint at BPK.  Improvements programs are then developed for processes
categorized as  “urgent to improve” and “needs to be improved”, including
information on schedule for improvement, the relevant work unit, the
expected outputs, performance indicators and the exit strategy.

StrengtHening Integrity and accountability program 1 (SIAP 1)

*CGAP Certification for BPK-RI Auditor*

Terms of References

* *

* *


Supreme Audit Agency (BPK abbreviated) is higher institutions in Indonesia
that has the authority and responsibility to audit the management of state
finances. BPK is a major player in the anti corruption architecture of the
Indonesian state by conducting audit on state finance accountability. In
fulfilling its mandate, BPK conducts hundreds of audits every year that
hold government accountable, and save billions of Rupiah to the state. Kind
of audit performed by BPK, among others are General audit, Performance
audit, and Investigative audit.

To enhance the ability and competency of the auditors, BPK auditors need to
be trained in some specific skills. Many trainings have performed by BPK
each year, some of them were supported by MSI-SIAP 1. In addition to
performing training, BPK engage their auditors to perform certification
exam to grant a professional certifications.

One of the professional certification that support BPK auditor to conduct
audit in public scteor is Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP
abbreviated). The CGAP certification program is designed especially for
auditors working in the public sector at all levels — federal/national,
state/provincial, local, quasi-governmental, or crown authority — and is an
excellent professional credential that prepares auditor for the many
challenges he face in this demanding arena.


The main objective of the activity is preparing 20 (twenty) BPK auditor to
sit on CGAP certification Exam.


The scope of work of the activity is developing questions to select
participants, develop and implementing BPK preparation course for CGAP
certification, register and monitor participants to sit on CGAP exam, and
to report CFE exam results.


1)     Make question test about Government Auditing to assist BPK in the
selection of CGAP  candidates.

2)     Preparation course of CGAP during 5 (five) days for 20 participants
CGAP certification.

Subject to be taught in preparation course have to refer to domain  as
stated in CGAP Exam syllabus, namely:

                    I.   Standards, Governance, Risk/Control Frameworks

                  II.   Government Auditing Practices

               III.   Government Auditing Skills andTechniques

                IV.   Government Auditing Environment

3)     Conducting evaluations of  participants to get feedback for
improving the implementation of preparation course.

4)     Implementing Training Exam (Try Out) CGAP.

5)     Registering as participants CGAP exam.

6)     Provide guidance consultation / discussion to the participant who
needs it before sit on   CGAP exam.

7)     Monitor the exam schedule and ensure participants can take the exam

8)     Monitor the results of the exam for all participants and report it
to MSI-SIAP 1.


Activities for Providing CGAP Certification for BPK Auditors are planned to
be implemented for 150 days.


The deliverables oupput for this activity are:

1)     Questions for participants selection   (75 questions).

2)     CGAP Preparatory Course Kits for participants.

3)     Handout (module) Preparation Course for participants.

4)     Reports on activity and results of exam.


Implementing party of CGAP Certification for BPK Auditor must meet the
following requirements:

1.       Qualification Providers as follows:

a.     Certified business entity or Training Provider

b.    By law has the capacity to sign a contract;

c.     Not in the supervision of the court, not bankrupt, its business
activity is not being discontinued and / or not serving criminal sanctions;

d.    In the event that service providers will implement the partnership,
shall have operating agreements / partnerships that include the percentage
of partnerships and companies / institutions that represent partnerships

e.     Having a good performance, not on the sanctions list or black list
in a government agency/state owned company and proven reference document on
the 3 similar job in the government agency/state owned company.

f.      Having the ability to provide specific ability / capacity  needed
to carry out the work;

g.     Not make incorrect statements about the competence and capabilities
of its business.


Participants of CGAP Certification for BPK Auditor shall submit the
proposal with the following items as follows:

1.       Administrative Documents

2.       Technical Proposal

a.       Background

b.       Understanding The TOR

c.       Methodology to implement the work

d.       Workplan and Time Schedule

3.       Financial Proposal

Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references)
and contact number by 29 April 2013, at the latest. Please put the position
you apply for as the subject of your email.

Please send applications to hong@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates
will be contacted

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