Sunday, May 5, 2013

Save the Children International: Request for Proposals (RFP) to Conduct a Endline Survey (institution) for EDUCATION PROJECT

Request for Proposals (RFP) to Conduct a Endline Survey (institution) for EDUCATION PROJECT *

Save the Children is a leading, private child-focused non-governmental alliance of 29 member organizations that works in 120 countries throughout the world.  Save the Children has worked in Indonesia since 1976 to promote health and nutrition, education, child protection, livelihoods, and emergency preparedness and response. Save the Children has grown enormously in the country and today we operate in 13 provinces across Indonesia.

Save the Children through Belu office have started 2 education projects to improve the quality of basic education in Belu district namely Safe and Positive Education for Children in Indonesia with Active Learning (SPECIAL 3) and Building Strong Foundations for Early Childhood Education (ANCP).  Both projects are designed based on the following key concepts. Entering this end year of the project, we will conduct endline evaluation survey to Identify major achievement against intended project objectives, document any constrains and gaps of the projects; so that could be used as comparable tool against midterm and baseline results. It also could be used as a source of decision making for future project implementation.  Therefore, we will recruit technical person/expert as soon to support as well as assisting the District Coordinator Education and the Project Team; to conduct the whole endline evaluation survey process.

Background of Consultancy

Pre-school in Indonesia is not mandatory but in some elementary schools require children to show an early childhood development certificate pre enrolment.  Unfortunately, most early childhood programs are private and fee-based, so they primarily benefit children from wealthier families.  Children in poor rural areas without access to these services begin school at a disadvantage and are more likely to fail within the formal education system.  In Belu, there are preschools and kindergarten classes either run by the district education offices as part of the basic education or privately run and/or community/church managed schools.  However, the quality of teaching and learning, especially in the remote areas is weak and children are deprived of the opportunity to accelerate their learning.  There is a lack of qualified teachers for preschool centre and little opportunity for teachers to be trained in ECD related methodologies.  There are limited educational, interactive and developmental toys and materials in many of those centre.  Children could benefit much from being exposed to and manipulating educational materials that not only encourage the development of social skills but also help to develop their cognitive and motor skills as well as promote joyful learning.

Goal & Purpose:

ANCP year 2
To improve access and quality of early childhood education by;

1.      Upgrades to the ECE infrastructure and learning environment.

2.      Capacity building for teachers and classroom facilitators.

3.      Promotion of community and government support in children's education.

To develop children for their full potential and to provide a positive learning experience and protective learning environment for preschool, and during the transition period to grades 1, 2 and 3 for students that have been affected by conflict

The RFP contains the following sections:

1.     Introduction
ANCP year 2 & SPECIAL 3 is calling for proposals for a partner to conduct a endline survey from May to June 2013.

The main objective of the requested proposal is to implement a endline survey that meets international standards and to document the process by providing accurate information that will serve as a foundation for the project’s monitoring and evaluation.

2.     Deadlines
Proposals must be received by Save the Children International by email the latest at 5 pm on May 9th, 2013.

3.     Proposal Requirements
Proposal contains of;

•        Background

•        Objective

•        Activities

•        Deliverables

•        Schedule

•        Term of Payment

•        Cost Estimate

a.       Language: All documents related to this tender shall be in English and all costs shall be expressed in IDR.

b.      Format : Proposals may be submitted electronically. All pieces to the proposal must be clearly labeled. Acceptable formats include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF.

The applicant may fax the signed cover page.

c.       Page Setup : The document should be on A4, single-spaced with one-inch margins, and 12-point font with times new roman.

d.      Length : The proposal should not exceed 20 pages. The technical section may not exceed 10 pages. The suggested breakdown is as follows: cover page (1pg.); organizational profile, institutional capacity (4pgs.); Technical Section (10pgs.); and, Cost Narrative (5pgs.). There is no limit on the length of spreadsheets associated with the cost estimates or on any annexes.

e.      Annex Material : Appropriate annex material may include: Curriculum Vitae of key personnel, organizational profile (or other supplemental material to the information in the body of the proposal), copies of reports, and letters of support.

4.     Other
Applicants should address the following areas in their proposals:
a)    Institutional Capacity
Applicants must present in narrative format a description of their:
(i) company profile (supplemental material may be placed in the annex);
(ii) organizational capacity to conduct the scope of work;
(iii) previous experience conducting similar work;
(iv) training capacity; and
(v) letters of support (attached in the annex).

b)   Technical Proposal
In the technical section, applicants should describe their approach to the following:
(i) questionnaire design and implementation;
(ii) sample size calculations and sampling design;
(iii)  enumerator and supervisor training;
(iv) fieldwork;
(v) data processing;
(vi) data analysis.

5.     Cost estimates
Applicants must provide a detailed financial proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the assumptions behind their estimates:
a) Salaries. Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry and analysis (e.g. staff, interviewers, supervisors and drivers).
b) Daily costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses during training and during fieldwork; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gas (breakdown items)
c) Printing. Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, and final reports.
d) Communications  (e.g. telephone, fax)
e) Supplies. Includes paper, pens, and other materials for fieldwork.
f) Training costs.

6.     Evaluation
a) Review Team: A Save the Children International-Indonesia team will review and evaluate proposals received on their technical merit and cost estimates.
b) Review Criteria: Save the Children will evaluate proposals based on the following general criteria: institutional capacity/institutional credentials (30%); technical proposal (30%); comprehensiveness – demonstrating a complete understanding of the SOW and all aspects of the technical design (10%); and cost estimates (30%) – assessing cost estimates against the implementation plan.

7.     Terms and Conditions of Solicitation
Period of Validity
        The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 days, starting from the submission date.

Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation
Save the Children reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. Additionally, we reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities provided are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change.

All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, Save the Children will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except where noted otherwise.

Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, Save the Children shall notify in writing the successful company that submitted the highest-scoring proposal and will invite them for contract negotiations. Save the Children reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations.

Right to Final Negotiations
Save The Children reserves the option to negotiate final costs and final scope of work, as well as reserves the option to limit or include third parties at Save the Children’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.  Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, Save the Children has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next best-rated company for negotiations.

All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at Save the Children. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest, and could result in proposal disqualification.

Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. Save the Children reserves the option to negotiate on the final terms and conditions.

Location:              Belu, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Period:                 May - June 2013

Proposal need to be submitted electronically to:<>
Please fill the “subject” with : RFP - your institution complete name (eq: RFP – PT. Selaras Daya)
Closing date for application is 5 (five) working days after this advertisement or up to 9th  May 2013
(Only short-listed institution will be notified)

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect SC’s commitment to protecting children from abuse.

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