Thursday, August 22, 2013

IC/UNDP/DGPRU/101/2013 - National Consultant – Assessment on The Satisfaction Level of Adat Justice Users and on Capacity of Adat Justice Leaders – Central Sulawesi (Baseline Study)

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Consultant – Assessment on The Satisfaction Level of Adat Justice Users and on Capacity
of Adat Justice Leaders – Central Sulawesi(Baseline
Project Name :  Strengthening Access to Justice
in Indonesia
Reports to:SAJI Project Manager
Duty Station:Jakarta
Expected Places
of Travel (if applicable):Center Sulawesi
Duration of Assignment: (3months)
Under the direct supervision of
SAJI’s project manager and in coordination with SAJI Monitoring and Reporting Officer, the consultant is responsible to conduct an assessment on satisfaction level of adat justice users and on
capacity of adat leaders in delivering adat justice.

The objective of this assignment is to provide a baseline information on the levelof satisfaction onthe processes and the outcome of the informal justice services and on capacity of adat leaders in delivering adat justice as well asto assesshow SAJI can
contribute to strenghtening informal justice system in Central Sulawesi.


In detail, the objectives of the
assessment are as follows:
1.       To gain insights on current level of satisfaction of the justice
seekers (disputants) in central
sulawesi (particularly women and disadvantaged people) as the main user
of   the informal justice system. It is
expected that the study willemphasize on, at the very least, the component below:
a.       Accessibility:
whether the informal justice system can easily be accessed
b.       Principle
of human Rights and rule of law: whether the process as well as the decision
taken by the informal justice system has reflected the principle of human
rights as well as rule of law
c.        Gender
empowerment: has the system provide protection of women and a fair remedy in
gender-sensitive cases
d.       Fairness:
has the system provide an equal treatment to parties in dipute and produced an
acceptably fair decision for the parties in dispute?
e.        Effectiveness
and efficiency of the process: do the parties in dispute find the process
resulted in a sustain, fair,  and
acceptable decision? Do the parties indispute find the process is efficient?
f.        Transparancy
of the process: has the system provided a clear information on the process of
the disputed conflict to the disputed parties?
2.       To gather information on the reason behind
the level of satisfaction
3.       To gather information on the level of
awareness of informal justice systems and individual rights
4.       To gather information on howthe informal justice system
is implemented
5.       To identify the strengths and the shortcomingof the Adat leaders in
providing  justice services particularly
in regards to their compliance with the principle of human rights such as the
rights to equality and non-discrimination especially for women.
6.       To provide analysis on how adat justice
system is effective in delivering justice as well as in maintaining peace
within the community as well as between comunities (i.e. between villages or
between districts)
7.       To provide  a practical and
feasible recommendations on how to strengthen current informal justice
practicesin Central Sulawesi
8.       To provide a practical and feasible recommendations for better implementationof
the project and strategic issues as well as initiatives for a potential next
assistance to stregthen the capacity of informal justice

In achieving
the objectives above, the consultant will design a step-by-step workplan that
specifies the methods that the evaluation will use to collect the information
needed to address its purpose and objectives.Before developing the detail instrument, the evaluation team can also consult
UNDP’s Access to Justice Assessment in Asia Pacific: A review of Experiences
and Tools from the Region ( to gain examples of various tools and survey designs
that can be usefull for the consultant in designing their assessment tools.In
developing the workplan and implementing the assessment
strategy, the
consultant must also consult UNDP Handbook on Planning, Monitoring, and
Evaluation for Development Results (, the consultant is also expected tp liaise closely with
UNDP’s partner (provincial government and Research and Development Centre, BPHN
Jakarta) that can provide some assisstance (networks, knowledge on Adat system,
etc) to ensure the smoothness of the assessment.

Survey Targets

It is expected that the survey will reachusers of informal justice
system (the disputants) from June
2012–  May 2013.Based on current information
provided by UNDP and local partner, consultantis
expected to reachadat leaders and adat justice users in:
·         Sigi
·         Donggala
·         Poso
·         1
District as control area (tobe proposed by the consultant)
Indicative sample size for adat
justice users: 350 – 400 adat justice users (the consultant is expected to
consult with adat leaders in Central Sulawesi to gather actual information
about the number of cases settled through adat justice mechanism and the number
of adat justice users in the research periode)

The assessment will involve activities below:
·         Hiring
and managing required field enumerators/assistantto conduct the data collection.
·         Desk
review. Deskreview
will be conducted as an early stage in the data collection phase. The review
will include documents/secondary sources on adat laws and regulations, key
actors’ capacity and the current informal justice practice in Central
Sulawesi.  Therefore, the assessment consultantwill review relevant documents such as local policies, regulations, related
documents issued by local governments, NGOs, Adat/community organizations.    
·         Development
of assessment strategy
and data collection instruments(survey questionnaire and dissemination design)
·         Coordination
meeting with the management team to discuss about the strategy and data
collection instruments and
an inception meeting with key stakeholders at provinciallevel
* Conducttraining for enumeratorsto familiarizewithand to test the data collection instruments. In this training, the selected individualwill work closely with the UNDP and its local partner (provincial government) to ensure that enumerators understand about the objective of the result and understand all the term in the survey questionnaire. Enumeratorselection,training,and field-testing of data collection instruments will be done in Central Sulawesi
·         Data
collection exercise and data analysis
·         Meeting
with management team to present about the finding
·         Verification
workshop in Central Sulawesi to present the data collection finding and to
receive input from the stakeholders
·         Based
on inputs from the above workshop, finalize the assessment report draft and
submit to UNDP for feedback
·         Meeting
with management team to discuss feedback on the report and Finalize assessment
* Meeting with management to discuss arrangement of dissemination on the final report of the assessment
* 1 seminar/workshop in Central Sulawesi to disseminate the final report of the assessment. It is expected that this workshop will inform the stakeholders (Adat leaders, government officials, media and CSOs) at the province and district level about the findings and also will encourage decision makers to take necessarry action as a follow-up of the finding, especially in regards to UNDP plan. It is expected that the workshop will generate ideas and action plans that can be done by the stakeholders in regard to their roles and capacities as well as by UNDP.
* Finalise and submit the workshop report

The data collection is expected to commence in August 2013or immediately after the signing
of the contract.

and Monitoring- To ensure overall cohesiveness of
the data collection process, the selected consultantwill report to the
Project Manager of Strengthening Access to Justice in Indonesiaand SAJI Monitoring and Reporting Officer.  The selected individualwill also need to
communicate regularly with the Project Managerand Monitroring and Reporting Officer of
Strengthening Access to Justice in Indonesia. The work planandactivityreports  describing the detail of the services rendered
and financial should be submitted by the selected individual.
selected individualwill also facilitate monitoring visits done by SAJI project to observe the data
collection process, learn preliminary findings and provide suggestions on the
data collection process.    
II.       Requirement
for experience and qualifications
I. Academic Qualifications:
Master Degree in law or related discipline

II. Years of experience:
1. At least five years of progressive working experiencein development research;
2. Demonstrate excellent knowledge of informal justice system in central sulawesi;
3. Experience in working with governments, donors,and civil societies
4. Demonstrate a good writing  andanalytical skill
III. Other Competencies:
* Ability to prepare and conduct effective presentation
* Experience in the usage of computer and office software packages and SPSS program
* Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English, spoken and written,are required.Closing date to apply for this position as of 27
August 2013

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