Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vacancy Announcement/USAID -SIAP1 /Driver

Scope of Work – Driver

The present Scope of Work describes responsibilities for the MSI - SIAP1
position of Driver. The Driver will be based in Jakarta and report directly
to the Finance, Admin, and HR Manager. The responsibilities of the Driver
include but are not limited to:

Driver tasks:
1. Vehicle maintenance including regular check-ups, cleanings, and fueling.
(Merawat kendaraan, termasuk cek rutin, kebersihan dan bahan bakar)
2. Acquiring  passangers to put the seat belt at all times during the trip.
(Memastikan semua penumpang memakai sabuk pengaman selama perjalanan)
3. Maintaining an accurate vehicle log. (Mencatat kegiatan harian secara
akurat sebagai laporan administrasi)
4. Managing vehicle and trip scheduling as needed. (Mengatur jadual
kendaraan dan agenda perjalanan sesuai kebutuhan)
5. Providing safe transportation to and from locations for project staff.
(Memberikan transportasi yang aman bagi staff project yang melakukan
perjalanan dinas)
6. Ensuring compliance with all MSI and local driving laws and regulations.
(Memastikan untuk mengikuti aturan berkendaraan yang berlaku baik dengan
MSI maupun aturan sebagai pengendara)
7. Performing errands as requested by the Chief of Party or other office
member including trips to the bank, post office, visits to
clients/partners/other project offices, etc.(Melaksanakan tugas lain atas
permintaan pimpinan termasuk, ke bank, kantor pos, mengantar surat ke mitra
project dll.)

Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references)
and contact number by  5 September 2013, at the latest. Please put the
position you apply for as the subject of your email.

Please send applications to Only shortlisted candidates
will be contacted.

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