Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Resend -Consultant for Participatory Action Research : Young Women's Economic Empowerment and Gender Eguality

Term of Reference

Participatory Action
Strengthen the policy and economic
environment in Indonesia in favour of Young Women’s Economic Empowerment and
Gender Equality

1.      Background
Plan Indonesia is an international organization
working in the area of community development and humanitarian aid with a focus
on the promotion of children’s rights. Plan’s Child Sponsorship Program is the
cornerstone of the organization which marks the beginning of Plan’s work in
Indonesia in 1969. At present, Plan works in four provinces (DKI Jakarta,
Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tengara) providing support to
55,000 children and over 400 communities. Plan Indonesia’s Programs cover:
·         Child Protection and
Participation (CPP)
·         Disaster Risk
Management (DRM)
·         Early Childhood and
Care Development (ECCD)
·         Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene (WASH)
·         Youth Economic
Empowerment (YEE)
The Youth
Economic Empowerment Program integrates life skills, financial education,
vocational capacity development, as well as micro business development and
microfinance access. It is expected that by the end of this program, young
women would have a heightened sense of self-confidence, increased their
financial literacy and have more access to decent employment. The YEE Program firstly launched in five villages of Kalimaro, Jumo, Sendangharjo, Padas and Brabo of Grobogan District in 2011 and will continue up
to 2014.

Indonesia has the world’s fourth largest youth
population with 38 million persons aged 15-24, and faces huge challenges in securing
jobs for them. The youth unemployment rate is at a crisis level (53% of the
total unemployed) and additionally, 500,000 youth become unemployed annually.
The 2010 Gender Gap Report identifies economic participation as the greatest
area of inequality in Indonesia. Women face gender pay gaps and occupational
segregation. (CEDAW report 2010). The employment rate is at 53.3% for women and
86.2 % for men (UNDP, 2010), and men dominate self-employment and
entrepreneurial activities. In TTS and TTU, gender roles are deeply ingrained
in the culture. 21.23% of girls have never been to school resulting in girls
having fewer job opportunities.  Women
often work in agriculture and trade, areas that are informal and poorly paid.

The average wage of women is 58% that of men in West
Timor and, moreover in TTU 70% of women are unpaid workers (National Labor
Force Survey TTU, 2008). A lack of work opportunities often results in early
marriage: in TTS and TTU, 28% of girls marry before the age of 18. These
challenges often lead to youth migrating to earn an income (70% of migrants are
women), putting them at risk of exploitation: in TTU and TTS, 7,770 girls have
recently been identified as victims of child labor and trafficking.  Young women also face high levels of violence
(i.e. physical violence: 17%; economic violence: 52% of cases reported;
Commission on Violence against Women).

Analysis of the
problems are, weak national political and economic
environment supportive of women’s economic empowerment, especially for youth.
Decision makers lack awareness
of gender and age specific issues. Budgetary resources for these tasks are
scarce. The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment does not prioritize the economic
empowerment of women. IYEN does not address gender specific issues like women’s
issues in employability, entrepreneurship and access to government funded
vocational training programs. Gender sensitive labour laws exist but there are
no policies
or procedures in place promoting women’s employment in companies. Government’s programs have not been successful in supporting the empowerment of
women, as they have not used an integrated approach combining training, access
to micro-credit and campaigning on gender equality. At the national level, the project promotes gender sensitive law
enforcement and the adoption of innovative training methods supportive of young
women’s access to vocational education.

Indonesia  through “ Young Women’s Economic
Empowerment”  program that  funded by European Union  seeks to enhance young women’s economic
empowerment and fulfilment of their rights in Indonesia. The  program that starting Feb 1st 2013 – January
31, 2016 has  specific Objectives  i.) To strengthen the policy and economic
environment in Indonesia  in favour of
young women’s economic empowerment and equality, and ii.) To develop and pilot
an integrated approach to training, related services which support gender
equality and youth access to decent employment. The project will be  implemented in Jakarta for makro & messo
sepecific  objective  ,and in  TTU & TTS  District, NTT  for micro level  with target :
* 3000  female youth aged 15-29 years,
* 6000 community members,
* 20 members of the ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection,
* 50 members of gender working groups from the ministries of education, industry,Manpower and cooperative, small and Medium Sized Enterprises, and Social Affairs, 5. ) 2000 employers from the Employer’s Association of Indonesia ( APINDO) through awareness raising,advocacy and capacity building exercises,
* The Indonesia Youth Employment Network  / IYEN led by National Development Planning Agency

To strengthen  the youth especially 80%  young women in TTU & TTS District, some
capacity building will provide  to
improve   their ability    to access   decent work / business related with market demand and also access to
TTU and TTS District are areas  where  the majority of population engaged in agriculture sectors. To determine
the activities for the youth in developing business, Value Chain analysis
will  be conducted to find the potential
product/commodities that can be developed  for the youth to enhance the   living standards.

At National level, the EC-YEE
project working together with Gender Working Groups which consist of 6 relevant
misnistires (Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Social Affairs ) , APINDO and IYEN.  It is an urgency to maintain and strengthen
the supporting environment for youth female economic empowerment, in both of national
policy capacity and socio-economic environment to be more gender sensitive.
Participatory action research is one of recommended tools which is expected
able to provide recommendation of actions for project facilitating the fulfillment
of strategic and practical needs , especially for young women.  The subject of the research are KPPA, APINDO,
IYEN and Plan itself. It is recommended also to involve beneficiaries to
formulate action plan of initiatives as a part of participatory project cycle .

This study
usesParticipatory Action Research (PAR). Participatory Action Research is a research method that
involves subject of research itself (KPPA, APINDO and IYEN). The goal for this research involves
the subject of research to join a study researcher from the
planning stage to the reporting of research results. So that all partner in this project can involve, the informant can also contribute to research within the period determined by this studyss.

2.      Gender Frame Work

In this research action participatory using theframework of Gender analysis link with child rights analysis , as Plan International called it as  ‘house- model analysis’ by referring to the 4 elements , which are as follow :
1. Social relation of Gender
2. Gender and Power (Roles, Resources, Value, Participantion, Agent of Change)
3. Accountability
4. Gender-Based Child rigths Violation

The four elements should be taken as foundation to
analyse the policy and economic empowerment which influences young women’s
access and control over economic resources. The research must consider not only
sex disaggregated data, but also age disaggregated data to have the integrated link
between gender and child rights analysis in terms of economic empowerment.

In order to measure the four elements, the research
should assess some variables, such as:
1. Indentified social relation of men and women, and in their relation with duty bearers (government, corporate,  family, community)  that contribute to favour, obstacle and challenging young women’s economic empowerment
2. Gender and Power :
Gender inequality turns relations between women/girls and men/boys into
power relations. genderanalysis link
withchild rights
analysis examines these relations to reveal how unequal power leads to unequal
rights, that contribute to young women’s economic empowerment
-          Roles
Gender and child rights analysis explores
gender gaps in the roles that young women and young men are expected to
fulfill, and in the power associated with these roles. This analysis
shows the differences in what young women and young men are expected to do, and
why it is important to address the gaps in gender roles. Scope : domestic/care,
productive, community, rest/leisure
-          Resources
Gender and child rights analysis looks at gender gaps in access to and
control over resources. Gender analysis helps us
to understand how differences in access and control over resources have
significant consequences, especially on the lives of women.

-                      Value
Differences in value are at the heart of gender inequality.Gender
analysis looks at how young women and young men are valued differently. This
helps us understand how differences in value are at the root of gender
inequality and discrimination.

-          Participation
and child rights analysis lets us distinguishing who participates from who
makes decisions, and who is excluded from participation. Identifying
gender gaps in participation  allows us
to identify how gender inequality affects young women meaningful participation
and prevents us from mistaking mere presence for full participation.

-          Agents of
the actions of those who challenge gender inequality adds depth to the analysis
of gender and power. Their stories provide insights into challenging deeply
rooted gender stereotypes and inspire others to create change. At the same
time, we must minimise the negative consequences these agents of change may

1. Accountability
Gender analysis looks at
what duty bearers do to reinforce gender inequality or to promote gender
justice.This provides us with a better understanding of the challenges may face
in supporting primary and moral duty bearers and in holding them to account

1. Gender-Based Child rigths Violation
Gender analysis of child
rights examines gender-based child rights violations. This helps us
determine: the rights situation of young women compared to young men; the
effect of gender inequality over other forms of exclusion; and the effect of
violations to women’s rights over young women and young men.

3.               Research Objectives

This research aims to provide recommendation
of action in terms of strengthening conducive policies and working environment
for young women. The research is expected can provide a valid and reliable qualitative
and quantitative data analysis to support advocacy and other young women’s
empowerment project activities. It includes to review policy legal
framework,  to strengthen gender institution
of existing gender working group, IYEN and APINDO .
As a participatory action
research, it also aims to facilitate young women meaningful participation to
voice their rights in terms of economic resources.

4.      Expected research

Provide recommendation as
evaluation results :
* GWG recommended gender perspective national law to ensure that inequalities in employment are removed and  revitalisation IYEN to favour young women’s economic empowerment.
* APINDO addressed a gender perspective into their policies to influence their members
* IYEN (Indonesia Youth Employ Network)addressed a gender transformative into policies and have training program to favour young women’s economic empowerment

5.      Research Methodology

The consultant is required to
propose a suitable research methodology as specified by this ToR. The research
will be conducted together with Young Women’s Economic Empowerment Program
partners related to this research object , GWG which consist of members of  7 relevants ministries (ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child protection, ministry of Industry, ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the ministry
of Labor, ministry of National Education, ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Social Affairs),
During the research,
the consultant is expected to perform:
·           Field
Studyon existing relevant documents Plan, YEE Document, involving
·           Briefing
sessionwith YEE Program Team and Plan Indonesia PME
·           Developing Research Tools with 7 relevant ministries, APINDO and IYEN/Bappenas with gender
·           Facilitating Focus Group Discussionswith 7 relavant ministries and IYEN/Bappenas with
gender equality
·           Key Informant Interviews particularlyin-depth interview with other stakeholders selected to participate in the research with gender
·           Study literature and Document Reviewto
government, APINDO and IYEN Policies
·           Debriefingwith YEE Program staff and Plan Indonesia PME
·           Reporting result in bilingual (Indonesia and English)
·           Doing Advocacy (modul and tool monitoring)
·           IEC Material for media campaign (books or jurnal)

6.      Aspect
and Variables

Focus of this  research is expected to generate information
from several variables such as availability of legal framework for women’s
economic empowerment exists, recommendation for actions that enhance young
women’s employment possibilities, IYEN action plan, tools monitoring for IYEN, survey of APINDO member company to
adopting the code of conduct including gender aspect,  modules of training gender awarenesshe variables needed to be collected to understand the
effectiveness of Gender Working Groups, IYEN and APINDO to enhance the policies
of gender sensitive on their company members. It will guide the consultant to develop the tools
that will be applied to study.

Aspects Variables Source of Data / Data Collection Method (Participatory Action Research)
social relation of gender Government :
·   Which ministryhas an important power  in promoting young women’s economic empowerment policy
·   Acces young women to the program offered by 7 ministries and Bappenas/IYEN
·   Perception7 ministries and Bappenas/IYEN for issue of Young Women Economic Empowerment
·   Analyzing situation in company at APINDO members related to young women access
  Ministries of Women Empowerment,  Ministries of Education, Industry, Manpower and Transmigration, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Cooperatives; and Social Affairs, Bappenas/IYEN)  that support the economic women empowerment.  Methods; study literature/Document
Review,  Key Informant Interview
Key informants for the interview must be gender equalitys
Study literature/Document Reviewto government, APINDO and IYEN Policies

Key question for each variables
Gender and Power (Roles, Resources, Value, Participation, Agent of Change) Government :
·   Mainstreaming gender strategic in 7 ministries and Bappenas
·   Obstacle and support factor to implementing gender equality
·   Obstacle and support  actor to implementing gender equality
Corporate :
·   Mainstream gender strategic in APINDO members
·   Obstacle and support factor to implementing gender equality
Obstacle and support  actor to implementing gender equality Ministries of Women Empowerment,  Ministries of Education, Industry, Manpower and Transmigration, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Cooperatives; and Social Affairs, Bappenas/IYEN)  that support the economic women empowerment.  Methods; study literature/Document
Review,  Key Informant Interview
Key informants for the interview must be gender equality
Study literature/Document Reviewto government, APINDO and IYEN Policies

Key question for each variables
Accountability Government
·   Availability of legal framework for women’s economic empowerment exists on 7 ministries
·   Programme on 7 ministries and Bappenas /IYEN to favour young women’s economic empowerment
·   Focal point in each ministries to promote gender equality
·   Regulation and code of conduct in APINDO members which aware and unaware gender.
·   Focal point in each APINDO members to promote gender equality Ministries of Women Empowerment,  Ministries of Education, Industry, Manpower and Transmigration, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Cooperatives; and Social Affairs, Bappenas/IYEN)  that support the economic women empowerment.  Methods; study literature/Document
Review,  Key Informant Interview
Key informants for the interview must be gender equality
Study literature/Document Reviewto government, APINDO and IYEN Policies

Key question for each variables
Gender-Based Child rights Violation
·   Attempts related to eliminate gender based violence in 7 ministries
·   Forms gender based violence in APINDO members
·   Rights based listed in company regulation to fulfil young women’s rights
·   Implementing regulation about rights based in APINDO members Ministries of Women Empowerment,  Ministries of Education, Industry, Manpower and Transmigration, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Cooperatives; and Social Affairs, Bappenas/IYEN)  that support the economic women empowerment.  Methods; study literature/Document
Review,  Key Informant Interview
Key informants for the interview must be gender equality
Study literature/Document Reviewto government, APINDO and IYEN Policies

Key question for each variables

7.      Scope of Work

The consultant is expected to form a research
team for the evaluation and manage coordination and communication with Plan
Indonesia. Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
·         Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct
policies analysis
·         Recrut, train and manage research teams including the
·         Propose a proper methodology and discuss the suggestion
with Plan Indonesia
·         Propose tools to be used in the research and discuss
the suggestion with Plan Indonesia
·         Test the research tool and methodology (and other
technical particulars prior to the implementation of the research), afterwards
make necessary revision by coordinating with Plan Indonesia
·         Develop a data entry system and management
·         Assesment and observise object of research
·         Coordinate with Plan country office during the
research implementation
·         Collect, compile and analyse all data gathered and
develop a final report on the research results (including all finding and
documents of policies)
·         Research result will be a guideline for tools
monitoring and moduls gender sensitive and discuss the suggestion with Plan

put and Deliverebles

The consultant is expected to produce and submit the
following deliverables:
1)         Research protocol
specifying a detailed research work plan and proposed research tools that will
be discussed and agreed upon prior to research activity.
2)         Research result will be a guideline for tools
monitoring and modules gender sensitive Presentation of initial findings to YEE Program Team and PME, after
research activities have been concluded.
3)         Draft report in English in
two weeks’ time after research activities have been concluded.
4)         Presentation of draft
report to Plan Indonesia for discussion and feedback.
5)         Submission of a
comprehensive final report in English (with one copy of the report in Bahasa)
one week after receiving feedback from Plan Indonesia.
6)         Executive Summary (max.
five pages) in English describing the research results.
7)         Hardcopies of filled-in
questionnaires (if available), interview transcripts and attendance lists,
photos and other valuable research materials.

The Responsibility of Plan Indonesia
Within the study, Plan Indonesia will responsible
·             Provide
a working contract
·             Provide
data and related documents as per consultant’s request
·             Arrange
meetings, discussions and research for the research team
·             Provide
timely feedback and response on consultant’s research report
·             Settle
payment for the consultant service

Research Time Frame
Duration and indicative of implementation action
plan will be 22months, started from September2013 to July 2015. This
researchis also part of monitoring the government, APINDO and IYEN. Report results will be conducted within 6 months and 1 year. This research doing with paralel and involving resource persons
in doing this research as a researcher.

Ethical Clearance
Allresearch results are owned by Plan
Indonesia, for publication must be authorized by Plan Indonesia. Must include the source of Plan Indonesia

Procedure for Expression of
First Phase:Interested consultant should submit an Expression of
Interest to Hery Nahampun – PME
Department Plan Indonesia at: HRD.Indonesia@plan-international.orgbefore 5 pm on Sept 13th 2013, enclosing
the following required documents:
1.             Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for
individual consultant).
2.             A proposal containing two parts:
·         Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology (sampling
design, data collection technique), implementation plan which includes research
schedule and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal should demonstrate
understanding of research ethic, qualification of research team members and
their CVs, as well as their roles in the research. The consultant should also
describe her/his experience in conducting similar research, and financial and
technical capacity.
·         Budget Proposal comprising details of budget plan such as consultant and team’s fees,
transportation, stationeries and other research necessities. Selama 3 tahun
Second Phase:Based on received proposals, Plan International
Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite them to present their proposals.
Plan International Indonesia will afterwards proceed with selecting and
appointing a consultant, and produce a working contract with the select
Only shortlisted consultant
will be contacted for recruitment

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