Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Oxfam - Request for Consultant in Improving EFSVL in Asia Region

Who are we?

Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty.

Asia is experiencing an unprecedented change and is on the path of historical transformation. If it continues to grow on its current trajectory, by 2050 it could, account for more than half of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), trade and investment, and enjoy widespread affluence.   Asia is still home to over two-thirds of the world’s poor. Though Asia’s economic growth has lifted millions of people out of poverty, its benefits have not spread equally.
Oxfam GB in Asia aims to transform power relations by focusing on women’s rights and working with strategic partners to overcome poverty and inequality across Asia.  Three thematic focus of the work is (1) women’s leadership capacity, political participation, and economic opportunities (2) effective and accountable states (3) resilience to vulnerability.  The third thematic focus – resilience to vulnerability will particularly contribute to achieving Oxfam Economic Justice (EJ) and Right in Crisis Change (RIC) goals.
Oxfam GB ASIA Humanitarian Team
The Humanitarian Team aims to support building resilient communities by delivering high quality and gender equitable humanitarian assistance as well as longer term disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.  The team will achieve this by working with communities and governments before, during and after disasters in order to decrease levels of vulnerability and increase resilience to shocks. 
The Emergency Food Security and Vulnerable Livelihood (EFSVL) team in the region is exploring different opportunities to improve its preparedness to emergency and at the same time hold ourselves accountable to continuously contribute to resilience outcome from our EFSVL intervention.  The team observes there have been numbers of Participatory Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment (PCVA) have been conducted by the DRR/CCA team across Asia, e.g. in Indonesia it is predicted more than 30 PCVA analysis and reports have been produced.  Up to date, the PCVA analysis is merely used as baseline information for DRR/CCA projects only, while the unit of analysis uses some common approach as the EFSVL analysis such as the Participatory Rural Appraisal and Livelihood Pentagon Assets.
With the economic downturn experienced by most of INGO, the EFSVL team in Asia aims to find creative and cost effective way in improving our work in preparedness and response.  We want to explore the possibility to use the existing PCVA analysis and reports and synthesize them further into useful information for EFSVL preparedness and response.  Should this initiative successful, Oxfam expects to improve its work in preparedness to response with a comprehensive analysis of capacity and vulnerability of people living in prone to disaster area.

Currently we are looking for a:

Consultant in Improving EFSVL Preparedness to Response and Contribution to Resilience Outcome through Further Synthesis of Existing PCVA Analysis and Reports in Asia Region
1.         To explore opportunities of improving EFSVL preparedness to response through further utilisation of PCVA analysis and reports produced by the DRR/CCA programme team.
2.         To provide a guideline on supplementary analysis of data collected under PCVA that will inform how EFSVL intervention should be designed in order to contribute to resilience outcome
3.          To provide evidence in two case studies of how PCVA analysis and reports in Asia can be useful resources in EFSVL intervention.
This is primarily a desk based assignment with some proposed activities as follow:
·           Develop a quick survey to country team regarding existing PCVA analysis and reports, and how it has been utilised  beyond the use for DRR/CCA programmes
·           Review of PCVA analysis and reports to understand key information exist, follow by comparison of the minimum information required during the first 48 hours after disasters.
·           Identify overlapping and gaps, and suggest on how to use PCVA to ensure an EFSVL response that contribute to resilience outcome.
·           Telephone discussions/ interviews with people involved in the DRR/CCA and humanitarian programme.  Follow up with key staff members on the missing pieces of information
·           Develop a suggestion on how to extract PCVA analysis and reports, transforming the PCVA information towards preparedness to emergency efforts
1.         An overall report of the whole desk review process
2.         Matrix tabulation of existing PCVA analysis and reports across Oxfam GB Asia operation countries, which provide the following information:  geographic coverage with urban rural distinction, anticipated livelihood zones, hazards anticipated, 
3.         A guideline of different information produced in PCVA that will be useful in humanitarian responses, especially for EFSVL intervention with reference to the minimum EFSVL information required during the first 48 hours after a disaster (requirement will be provided later).
4.         Two study cases to demonstrate how PCVA analysis and report can be useful to inform humanitarian preparedness in Asia (urban and rural), identify remaining information gaps, and a recommendation on how to maximize the utilization of PCVA reports in the future to support the Emergency Preparedness and Response Team.
This assignment is expected to take approximately 20 – 25 working days, between the 3rd week of January – 2nd week of February 2014
The assignment holder will report to the Regional EFSL Technical Coordinator, Oxfam GB Asia, based in Jakarta – Indonesia.

If you believe you are the consultant candidate we are looking for please submit your Proposal with cover letter and CV/Resume to: and stated : Consultant in Improving EFSVL Preparedness to Response and Contribution to Resilience Outcome through Further Synthesis of Existing PCVA Analysis and Reports in Asia Region on the subject of your email.

Latest date for application will be on 16 January 2014

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

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