Wednesday, January 8, 2014

SCI seeks Consultant for Education in Emergency Program Report

Save the Children International in Indonesia seeks a Consultant with the Scope of Work below:

Scope of Services-EiE Consultant

  • Save the Children in Indonesia with funded from AUSAID has been implementing EiE program since 2010/2011 and the program is closing in February 2014. The major project activities were completed in December 2013 with remaining activities are monitoring and evaluation, preparing final report, coordination and consultation, and maintain networking at national level.    
  • Due date for submission of final report is by the end February 2014 with sequel coordination and consultation with the donor, member, and internal Save the Children in Indonesia.  
  • Save the Children needs a focal person to provide final report of EiE CB and maintain the networking at national level.
 2. Objectives of the Consultancy
  • To provide final report for Education in Emergency Program.
  • To maintain networking with external stakeholders.
  • When necessary, to organize folders of EiE (Education in Emergency) program and to properly hand it over to Humanitarian Manager and IT Coordinator.
In general, deliverable of the consultancy is final report for EiE project, monitoring and evaluation, and maintains networking with external and internal relevant stakeholders, however during this consultancy, several related issues as below should also be responsibility of the consultant.

Oversight and management of Education in Emergency program 
  • Assist Save the Children in Indonesia in the implementation and monitoring of the remaining Education in Emergencies Capacity Building (CB) Program for Asia-Pacific in Indonesia.
  • Ensure ethical and meaningful child participation in all aspects of the Education in Emergencies project.
  • Assist the Humanitarian Manager in establishing and maintaining effective partnerships with the government, NGOs, teachers, community leaders, and other stakeholders with the objective of their participation in reporting Education in Emergency CB program.
  • Facilitate other related departments to fulfill their responsibilities for completion EIE CB programs.
  • Apply SCI standard relates to Education in Emergency programs.
Monitoring and reporting
  • Assist the Humanitarian Manager in collecting data needed in relation to certain thematic areas, overall programmatic, financial management, and preparation of final report.
  • Organize statistical data on project implementation and completion which supports transparent management of project resources.
  • Assist in documenting learning throughout program in written form to be shared with Save the Children colleagues in the region.
  • In cooperation with the Humanitarian Manager and M&E Specialist, support completion the DM&E processes for the Education in Emergency CB project.
  • Assist in the preparation of final narrative progress report and ensure it is timely submission
Representation, communication & relationship building
  • Coordinate and maintain relationship with partners (local NGOs, government,  donors) at national level in general and in Jakarta particularly.
  • Assist the Humanitarian Manager for Education in Emergencies in establishing and maintaining effective partnerships with MoEC, UNICEF, CDE, and other stakeholders for Education in Emergencies activities.
  • Ensure that information is shared among cluster members and between sectors/clusters in order to improve planning, integration and implementation, this includes facilitating meetings, taking and sharing minutes of meetings and taking an active part in OCHA co-ordination meetings.
  • Play an active role in developing partnership in Education Cluster.

3. Deliverable & payments

First payment after :
·         Progress Report 1st month on 6th of February 2014
·         Draft of final report by of 7 February 2014

Final payment after submission of:
·         Progress Report 2nd month on 6th of March 2014
·         Final report by 28 February 2014
·         Consultation report by 15 March 2014.

4.  Time frame:
       Expected to start 15 January 2014 until 15 March 2014

 Updated CV and application letter should be sent to
Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: code of the position <…> - your name <…>.
Closing date for application is up to 12 January 2014  
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

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