Monday, February 24, 2014

Re-advertise : TOR Final Evaluation Count Every Child Project- Plan Indonesia

Term of references
Final Evaluation Count Every Child Project
Promoting Universal Birth Registration for Street children in Jakarta
Background of the Universal Birth Registration Project (UBR)
Plan International is a child entered community development international organizations working in 64 countries of the world.  Plan Indonesia is one of the country programs who are actively involved in Plan International global campaign on Count Every Child through which more than 40 million children worldwide have been registered (see at With adopting new focus on street children we will continue our efforts and keep pioneering advocacy in the field of birth registration in order to promote the right to identity and nationality for every child in Indonesia.
In Jakarta, approximately 7,000 street children have been identified. And only 22 % of them have a birth certificate. In Indonesia, the new Population Administration Law (23/2006) makes birth registration free of charge for newborns. However the national legislation has not yet been fully implemented in many regions, including Jakarta. The absence of birth registration limits many children’s access to public services, such as education and health  and be protected from exploitation.
Few studies that assessed the direct impacts of UBR on child protection found that  there is a weak linkage. In Jakarta, there were 926 cases of sexual abuse reported in 2010 and most of the victims were street children.  In addition, 100 street children have been identified as victims of child labor and trafficking (coming from other regions of Indonesia), sent mostly to beg on the street, get involved in Comercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC), etc. The absence of a birth certificate make it easier to manipulate their ages for getting a job  or legal trafficking. It also prevents victims from being repatriated quickly, those who involved in crimes to be  prosecuted and having effective law enforcement. The registration is crucial to prove that a victim is a minor at the time of the exploitation and to help protecting them from abuse. Poor registration and inadequate statistics on street children further contribute to poor planning in public  service deliveries, such as determining coverage of free immunizations for all newborns, outreach services available in shelters, funds available for community health insurance services. Funded by Aviva Insurance of United Kingdom and Forgotten Children Plan International through United Kingdom National Office of Plan International (UKNO), Plan International Indonesia launched this project for the period of May 1st 2012 to April 30th 2014,  in 5 municipalities of Jakarta province in collaboration with Ministry of Social Affairs and the Department of Civil Registration and Population. The following is the objective: to register at least 500 street children and engage with the District Government for the promotion of  Universal Birth Registration for street children in 5 municipalities in Jakarta
Scope of the Project:
To achieve the above objective, in the end of the project there are 3 expected results. First, approximately 3,500 street children and their parents/caregivers in 5 municipalities of Jakarta have an increased awareness on the Right to Identity and Nationality and the UBR functions and registration procedures. Secondly, the Right to Identity and Nationality is ensured for at least 1500 street children and accessible and simplified UBR services are available in the 5 municipalities. Thirdly, adoption of a national decree on registration procedures and mechanisms for street children.
Purpose of Evaluation:
The overall purpose of this evaluation is to assess the outputs, outcomes (where possible), and to identify lessons-learnt of the Project. 
      The general purposes are:
1.    To assess the project achievements in meeting the 3 expected results
2.    To investigate the overall success/failure of the project in meeting the project objective.
3.    To identify lessons-learnt by identifying factors contribute to failure (obstacles) and contribute to success 
4.    To provide recommendations for future interventions in promoting UBR, in particular, and children rights  in general.
 Scope of work:
         It is expected that the work of the consultant shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a.    Obtaining research permit
b.    Submission of an inception report to Plan Indonesia Study on relevant documents, both internally and externally of Plan Indonesia
c.    Field visits to meet the stakeholders (such as project staff, respective municipality authorities and local government functionaries, parliament members, shelter members, communities and children . 
d.    Asses the degree of enhancement of the capacity of the municipalities in coping with the task of birth registration. 
e.    Consultants will also assess the appropriateness of monitoring mechanisms of the project activities.
The methodology should employ a mix method to assess achieved outputs, results, and outcomes (where possible) and to identify lessons-learned. The study should engage the project beneficiaries and stakeholders (such as government officials, Plan staff, the children and families). Methodology adopted for this review shall be agreed by Plan Indonesia Monitoring and Evaluation Team and both the project team.  
a)    Inception Report
b)    Draft Evaluation Instruments
c)    Draft Evaluation Report
d)    Presentation
e)    Final Report (in English and Bahasa Indonesia)
f)     Executive summary
g)    Evaluation materials-filled questionnaires etc
The evaluation should be accomplished by 3rd week of April 2014. 
Estimation Timeline
Kick off meeting (with Plan Indonesia team to finalized tools and evaluation design)
1st Week of March
Recruitment and training schedule of enumerator
2nd Weeks of -March
Field data collection schedule
3rd week of March
Data entry and analysis
4t weeks of March and 1st week of April
Drafting report and initial presentation to Plan Indonesia (UBR team project and PME Department)
2nd weeks of April
Complete final report (based on Plan feedback) and present the final report
3rd of April 2014

Qualification and Experience Required

The consultant team should possess sufficient knowledge and experience in conducting research with track record of practical experience on children rights, gender and local goverment systems. Roles and responsibilities of each team member along with their CVs, a summary of previous research project handled by the consultant  are to be included in the proposal submission.

 Evaluation Support Team in Plan

There will be an Evaluation Support Team from Plan Indonesia which will be responsible for jointly reviewing and approving the technical proposal of the selected consulting firm, the inception report, contents of the survey/evaluation instruments, and draft reports.  The team will also support liaison with the governments and other partners for field work and FGDs. The support team or its members will join the consultant in some of the field activities to ensure quality.  The Support team will also provide any additional information when required.

Procedure for Expression of Interest
First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to HRD Department Plan Indonesia at: on 28 February 2014, enclosing the following required documents:
1.        Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).
2.        A proposal containing two parts:
·         Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, methodology (sampling design, data collection technique), and implementation plan which includes study schedule and timeline for data analysis. The technical proposal should demonstrate understanding of study ethic, qualification of study team members and their CVs, as well as their roles in the study. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey, and financial and technical capacity.
·         Budget Proposal comprising details of budget plan such as consultant and team’s fees, transportation, stationeries and other survey necessities.
·         Human resources describing roles and responsibilities of each member, along with the CVs
Second Phase: Based on received proposals, Plan International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite them to present their proposals. Plan International Indonesia will afterwards proceed with selecting and appointing a consultant, and produce a working contract with the select consultant.
Only shortlisted consultant will be contacted for recruitment.

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