Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Vacancy - Best Practices & Lessons Learned (BPLL) Consultant

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for  Best Practices & Lessons Learned (BPLL) Consultant, according to the terms of reference below:
I. Position Information
Reference No:
Position title:
Duty station:
Type & duration of Contract:
Best Practices & Lessons Learned (BPLL) Consultant
Consultancy Contract, 6-7 weeks
Organizational unit:
Preferred starting date:
DRR Project – West Java.
25 March 2014
II. Nature of the consultancy
Under the support of Australia Indonesia Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction (AIFDR), International Organization for Migration (IOM) is in partnership with the Government of Indonesia to implement the project of Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Capacity and Promoting Community Resilience in West Java, Indonesia. The overall goal of this project is to contribute to Indonesia's efforts in reducing the vulnerability and enhancing the resilience of communities to natural disasters through building a replicable model at the local level where effective partnership will be forged between local government, communities, civil society and the private sector to drive the DRR agenda.
Under the overall supervision of the Program Manager and direct supervision of the Project and Partnership Coordinator, the Consultant will be developing the content, designing lay out, and writing the reading materials of Best Practices and Lessons Learned (BPLL) Report of this project. The BPLL Report might be utilized by related stakeholders in Indonesia to replicate the model of this project in other disaster-prone area in Indonesia.
III.   IOM Project to which the Consultancy is contributing
The Consultant will contribute to the content development and lay out design of Best Practices and Lessons Learned Report, as well as to the writing process, as part of capacity building of DRR and community resilience promotion for the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Sub-National Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) at provincial and district level, communities, and private sectors in West Java. IOM is currently working in 7 districts, namely Bandung, Bogor, Ciamis, Cianjur, Garut, Sukabumi, and Tasikmalaya.
IV.   Tasks to be performed under this contract:
1.       Work closely with the Program and Partnership Coordinator in developing the content, designing the lay out, and composing materials of BPLL Report.
2.       Work closely with the DRR Coordinator, Government Liaison Coordinator, and GIS/IM Coordinator to identify the best practiced and lessons learned that can be generated from the already conducted activities (i.e. workshop, training, etc.).
3.       Work closely with all Project Assistants to prepare the strong outline of BPLL Report and to gather significantly important information from resource persons of local government agencies, communities, and private sectors at provincial and district level.
4.       Work closely with the Public Information Assistant and Gender and Social Inclusion Specialist to generate best practices and lessons learned in already conducted awareness raising activities and in the inclusion of gender and people with disabilities in DRR efforts
5.       Work closely with the Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator to make sure all of the project’s achievements have been reflected in the developed publication
6.       Apply effective and efficient approaches in gathering information through conducting interview, field visit, and other research to support the content of BPLL report.
7.       Summarize the raw and basic information into brief and attractive reading materials, as well as into charts and graphics form, with considering the humanity values, norms, and etiquettes.
8.       Provide regular progress report to the Program and Partnership Coordinator
V. Tangible and measurable output of the work assignment
Indicatively, this assignment will cover the following activities, objectives and outputs:
Content Development
To draft the topics and issues which will be included in the BPLL Report based on the importance and relevancy to the project.
Outline of BPLL Report, supported with detail of description and information needed on each section.
Lay Out Design
To concept the colors usage, graphics, patterns, pictures, and other necessary elements that will be able to support the message out to readers, as well as to represent IOM’s identity.
Fixed design and lay out on cover and back cover pages, inside pages, and annexes which include the font selection, margin arrangement, header and footer arrangement, tables, charts, and other relevant info-graphics form.
Writing Process
To write the BPLL Report in good and formal English.
BPLL Report
VI.   Delivery dates of work
The Consultant is expected to commence the assignment in on March 17, 2014 and finishes on May 09, 2014
VII.      Performance indicators for evaluation of results (value of services rendered in relation to their cost).
The following performance indicators will be utilized by IOM to measure the value of services rendered in relation to their cost and to evaluate overall performance of the Consultant, as well as the effectiveness of technical assistance:
1.       Proposed outline that accommodate all important and relevant issues, topics, and aspects to this project and cover both IOM’s side and the beneficiaries’ side equally.
2.       Draft of each completed section of BPLL Report that meet the required basic information as stated on the proposed outline. The draft is delivered in timely manner according to the fixed timeline which should be discussed on initial phase of working.
3.       Report on lay out design progress which can be proposed three times at the maximum. Each new report must accommodate the feedback and revision given at previous submission.
VIII.    Remuneration and Term of Payment.
The BPLL Consultant will receive an attractive consultancy fee which will be paid to the bank account indicated by the BPLL Consultant in the following installments:
-          First installment : 10% after submission of proposed outline of BPLL Report which indicated all important and relevant issues, topics, and aspects of the project to be reading materials, and details on how to gather the required basic information.
-          Second installment : 20% after submission of final proposed lay out design which includes the cover and back cover pages, inside pages, and annexes. The expected details include the font selection, margin arrangement, header and footer arrangement, tables, charts, and other relevant info-graphics form. The lay out design proposal can be submitted three times at maximum and must accommodate the feedback and revision given at previous submission.
-          Third installment : 50% after submission of all drafts of BPLL Report as determined on the proposed outline.
-          Final payment : 20% after submission of final draft of BPLL Report.
IX.   Qualifications or Specialized knowledge/experiences required
·         Have a minimum Master degree (or equivalent advanced university degree) in related field or an equivalent combination of training and experience.
·         Have extensive experience in developing the written project report in English
·         Have extensive experience in developing training tools.
·         Have a thorough understanding of issues pertaining to  Disaster Risk Reduction/Disaster Management
·        Be familiar with the DRR context in Indonesia.  
·        Have strong analytical, verbal, and report writing skills in English. Advanced level of Indonesian language is preferable.
·        Proven ability to write the BPLL Report in good and formal English
·        Be willing to undertake in-country travel related to the assignment
·        Have a credential to conduct business in Indonesia
·        Ability to work under pressure and in tight timeline in order to meet the determined deadline, as well as to submit the sufficient result in timely manner.
·        Experience in working with relevant governmental institutions and senior representatives in charge of DRR policy and implementation in Indonesia would be a distinct advantage as well as previous experience working in an international organization.
Interested applicants must submit:
a)      A letter of interest (1 page max.), clearly specify suitability and availability date
b)     Curriculum vitae.  Applicants should clearly indicate information on previous work and/or experience in developing Best Practices and Lessons Learned Report/documents, including historical consultancy fee and minimum three referees (preferably former direct supervisors)
c)      Samples of previous reports or Best Practices and Lessons Learned Report/documents
Application shall be submitted by e-mail to, indicating the reference code above (SVN/ID10/2014/034)  as subject, The deadline for applications is 12 March 2014.
Only applicant who meet the above qualification will be short-listed

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