Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Final Evaluation Consultant - READI Program

Project/Consultancy Title:
Project Location(s):         
READI Program Final Evaluation Consultant
Bengkulu, Padang, Meulaboh, Nias, and Mentawai districts - Indonesia
Purpose / Project Description:
The final evaluation is intended to assess the entire program performance during two years and the evaluation report  should be broadly accessible not only to USAID as donor, but also to various to stakeholders  including BNPB, BPBD, radio stations, local NGOs and the concerned private sector. The evaluation findings will contribute an evidence base relevant to build DRR capacity and enhance resilience of vulnerable urban coastal populations in Sumatra.   The external evaluator will include among the respondents: BNPB, BPBDs, radio stations, local NGOs, private sectors, USAID, and other donors, when conducting the evaluation and writing the report.

Consultant Objectives:
The consultant provides the final evaluation based on the indicators and targets in the proposal. The evaluator consultant will record the program accomplishments to date by engaging the beneficiaries to READI program at all levels, including community members, schools, opinion leaders, disaster preparedness groups, radio station partners, local NGO partners, BNPB staff, BPBD staff, private sectors, other organizations, and donors. The evaluation report will provide a sound reference to BNPB, BPBDs, radio stations, local NGOs, private sectors, USAID, and other donors and inform them to support their decisions to support their decisions regarding future program designs and policies.
 Consultant Activities:
The Consultant will:
Ø      Review project design and reports (e.g. detailed implementation plan; quarterly reports; baseline surveys and mid-line evaluation reports; and any other monitoring reports) to assess the quality of quantitative and qualitative data and make assessments of project results in relation to the project design and set targets.
Ø      Review key U.S. Government and USAID strategic documents at the global and national levels relevant to the content of READI Program.
Ø      Use and reference all relevant policy and strategy documents at the province and national levels (from BNPB and BPBD) as well as national tsunami master plan and DRR related study and surveys report.
Ø      Design the evaluation methodology (e.g., the framework, questionnaire, number of key informant interviews, focus groups discussions, observations, and locations) and share with Mercy Corps program management for approval and with key program stakeholders and implementing partners for comment before the actual evaluation commence.
Ø      Site visits to Bengkulu, Padang, Meulaboh, Nias and Mentawai districts.
Ø      In-depth qualitative interviews, focus group discussions, and/or workshop will be conducted with stakeholders, including project staff, BNPB staff, BPBD staff, local NGOs, radio station staff, private sector, teacher and children from elementary school accompanied by their parents and/or teacher as appropriate), disaster preparedness group (KSB), community members, and community leaders.
Consultant Deliverables:
Consultant Report includes:
Ø      An inception plan with a detailed outline of the overall strategies, methodologies, actions, and timeline of the evaluation.
Ø      The evaluation methodology consisting of a mixed-methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative data. The approach comprises both a desk review of secondary data sources and the collection of qualitative data to complement existing data.
Ø      The evaluation outcome based on the program indicators and targets.
Ø      A succinct executive summary
Ø      The conclusion should answer, but not limited to questions
a.      To what extent did the program accomplish and contribute to the results (goals/objectives) of the program?
b.      What were the key strategies and factors, including management issues, that contributed to what worked or did not work well?
c.       Which elements of the project have been or are likely to be sustained or expanded (e.g., through institutionalization of DRR policies and practices)?
d.      What are stakeholder (community members, local NGOs, government staff, and private sectors) perspectives on the program implementation, and how did the program impact capacity, practices, and policy?
Ø      Lesson learned and success stories.
Ø      Recommendations.
Timeframe / Schedule:
Ø      NovemberDecember 2014
The Consultant will report to:
Ø      Program Manager, READI Program (direct)
Ø      DRR & CCA Program Director
The Consultant will work closely with:
Ø      Team Leader
Ø      Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Government Liaison Officer, Social Media Officer, EWS Supervisor, Program Assistant
Ø      Project Officers in Bengkulu, Padang, Meulaboh, Nias and Mentawai districts.
The Requirements:
Ø      Experience with design, collection, and analysis using applied research methods in a program implementation context.
Ø      Knowledge of USAID programming and evaluation methods and tools.
Ø      Familiarity with disaster risk reduction context in Indonesia.
Ø      Excellent data collection and analytical skills
Ø      Excellent report writing skills (English).
How to apply:
If you believe you are the consultant candidate, we are looking for please submit your proposal with cover letter & CV / resume to: supriyanto@id.mercycorps.org and “READI Program – Final Evaluation Consultant” on the subject of your email.
Latest date for proposals will be on October 17th 2014.

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