Saturday, October 11, 2014

PLAN INDONESIA - Consultant Baseline Survey , Child-Centered Climate Change Adaptation (4CA) Project, DRM Program

Term of Reference Baseline Survey
October-December 2014
Program  name     : Child-Centered Climate Change Adaptation (4CA) Project, DRM Program
Program Location : Kefamenanu, TTU District, NTT Province
Program Period     : 1st July 2014 – 30th June 2016
  1. Background
Plan is an international humanitarian, child-centered community development organization without religious, political or governmental affiliation.  Plan’s vision is a world in which all children realize their full potential in societies that respect people’s rights and dignity. Plan adopts Child-Centered Community Development (CCCD) approach in promoting  the rights of children and youth. 
Plan Indonesia has been working in five main programs,  i.e. early childhood care and development, water,  sanitation and hygiene, youth economic empowerment, child protection and participation, and disaster risk management.
Plan Indonesia head office is the Country Office in Jakarta and with an  Area Office in Kupang  that supports a total of five Program Units (PUs) in NTT. From 2011 until 2014, Plan Indonesia implemented Child Centred Climate Change Adaptation (4CA) Project in Kefamenanu and Lembata Program Units with funding from AusAID/DFAT through Plan International Australia. Started on July 2014 Plan Indonesia has extended 4CA project in Kefamenanu Program Unit, TTU district.
So far, Plan Indonesia has carried out many activities of CCA/DRR learning events in schools such as trainings, children learning visit, children competitions, outdoor camping, and learning sharing through games and videos, engaging more than 1,663 children in 4CA phase 1. A CCA learning module has been developed for children in schools, which has been facilitated by trained teachers and village facilitators. Plan Indonesia learned that high engagement of children in activities of awareness campaign, advocacy, and implementing adaptation actions can have a big impact to behaviour and perspective changes in children themselves as well as community, due to active sharing learning attitude children possessed.
In phase 2, FY15-16, Plan Indonesia and its partners will ensure clear linkage between activities conducted at schools and surrounding communities in 9 villages in TTU district (Kefamenanu). Through the engagement of village DRR team and youth group with full support of local leaders, Plan will maximize the sharing learning, strengthen capacity and advocacy effort at village level to promote an appropriate climate smart solution that contributes to green and climate change adaptive environments. In addition to this, Plan will  identify   available or potential local resources for  renewable energy.
In Phase 1, 4CA project has conducted a climate change research in collaboration w ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung). The research was in 3 districts, i.e.  Lembata, Sikka, and Kefamenanu. The research had identified the mean and projection of rainfall, temperature, and sea level rise. By the projection, there are some recommendations for adaptation options in climate change for each district.
  1. 4CA Project Objectives
The project goal and objectives are:
Safe and resilient communities in which children and young people contribute to managing and reducing the risks associated with changes in the climate in Kefa by the end of June 2016.
Objective 1: Building Knowledge
To facilitate children’s capacity and contributions to green and climate change adaptive environments, by 2697 children and 203 teachers on targeted area in Kefa, by the end of June 2016.
Objective 2: Local Action
To support schools in developing and implementing locally appropriate climate smart solutions, which 18 targeted schools in Kefa, by the end of June 2016.
Objective 3: Advocacy
To establish coordination and collaboration with district government offices in support of safe and green schools and communities in 9 targeted villages Kefa by the end of June 2016.
2.Baseline Survey Objectives
  1. The baseline study aims to  provide description on safe and resilient communities in which children and young people contribute to managing and reducing the risks associated with changes in  climate in Kefa
Specifically, the objectives of the baseline study are as follows:
  1. Identify children’s capacity and contributions to green and climate change adaptive environments on:
  • Children’s knowledge about the cause of climate change and  the impact of climate change to our life (social, economy, etc)
  • Children's knowledge about the actions we can take to reduce the risks of climate change
  • Children’s contributions on climate change adaptation at school and community levels
  1. Identify locally appropriate climate smart solutions in targeted schools on:
  •  school activities that relate to climate change adaptation and/or sustainable environment
  • participation of the school committees  in supporting school development based on the schools’  needs
  • DRR school team and their roles on CCA at school level
  • Support from (?)  DRR village team, village government, and youth groups
  1. Identify government policies at district level to support safe and green schools and communities on:
  • Review policies that support child-centered climate change adaptation at village, district, provincial and national levels
  • Identification of supporting and barriers factors, especially for increasing access and quality of CCA
  • Identify any existing project/program that relate to child-centered climate change adaptation in assisted area
  • Available CCA services in targetted areas
  1. Identify possibility of renewable energy resources on community level on:
  • Local available/potential resources  to develop renewable energy approach
  • Local needs of renewable energy
  1. Expected Outputs
Based on the above specific objectives, the expected outputs are:
  1. % of children have capacity and contribution on climate change adaptation activity through school and community.
  1. % of schools have climate smart solution at their school activities.
  1. % of government institutions support safe and green school and community.
  1. Recommendation from the community or stakeholders of renewable energy that can be applied in Kefa, based on participatory feasibility research with children.
  1. Proposed Baseline Survey Methodology
The baseline survey methodology is a mix method, applying quantitative and qualitative study. Methods of data collection, among others, are collecting and reviewing secondary data on relevant policies and programs, KAP survey , in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and score card.
KAP survey will be administered for school members in the targeted 12 schools to assesst  the existing knowledge, attitude and practices implemented in that schools related to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)..
  • Existing or potential alternatives for a renewable energy will also be explored
Unit Analysis
Target Group
-    Student
-    Teacher
-    School committee
-    DRR school team
-    School Supervisor Education agency at sub-district level (UPTD)
Survey, FGD, in-depth interview, score card, KAP Survey
Government Institutions
-    Education Agency at district level
-    Environment Agency at district level
-    Disaster Management Agency at district level
In-depth interviews, desk review
-    Government at village level
-    Youth groups
-    DRR village team
-    Household
FGD, in-depth interview, KAP Survey
  1. Location of Baseline Survey
The location of this baseline survey are 9 villages, 17 schools, and 3 sub-districts in Timor Tengah Utara (Kefamenanu) District .
Bikomi Utara
6 schools
(4 elementary schools, 2 secondary schools)
Banain B, Faennake
Bikomi Tengah
2 schools
(elementary schools)
Buk, Sono
Biboki Moenleu
9 schools
(7 elementary schools, 2 secondary schools)
Oepuah, Kaubele, South Oepuah, North Oepuah, Luniup
  1. Scope of Work
Tasks and responsibilities of the consultant are as follows:
  • Proposal that detailing the methodology and budget required to conduct the baseline
  • Recruit, train and manage survey teams including enumerators.
  • Propose a proper methodology and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia.
  • Propose tools to be used in the survey and discuss the suggestion with Plan Indonesia.
  • Test the survey tools and methodology (and other technical particulars prior to the implementation of the survey), afterwards make necessary revision by coordinating with Plan Indonesia.
  • Obtain research permit and follow research ethical procedures (such as inform consent).
  • Develop a data entry system and management.
  • Supervise field survey implementation.
  • Responsible for field operations, including logistics, coordination with local government, and quality control on data collection.
  • Collect, compile, and analyse all data (gender, disablity and age disaggregated) gathered and develop a final report on the survey results (including all findings and statistics). Keep all information provided by Plan Indonesia as well as the findings of the baseline confidential.
  • Finalize and present result of 4CA project evaluation to Plan Indonesia and stakeholders.
  1. Start and End Dates: October-December 2014
Timeframe and specific activity
Period (tentative)
3-12 Oct
Advertise (2 weeks) – proposal submission of consultant
13-24 Oct
Selection of consultant- Agreement signed
25-31 Oct
Draft design and tools for baseline & research
1-14 Nov
Field data collection
Conduct baseline & research (training enumerator, data collection, data entry analysis)
17-28 Nov
Analysis & reporting
1-5 Dec
Review & feedback
8 Dec
Final report submitted
15 Dec 2014
Workshop evaluation result to team and stakeholder in Kefa
  1. External Consultant Requirement, Selection Process and Scope of Work
The baseline survey will be led by an expert and experience consultant and a team of qualified data collectors. The external consultant will form a surveyor team. Minimum requirements for the lead consultant:
  • Master or higher degree in relevant area
  • Experience in leading research, both quantitative and qualitative
  • Demonstrate experience in at least 3 comparable evaluations/baseline surveys, preferably in the area of CCA project intervention and renewable energy or in a relevant area
  • Have strong knowledge background on child-centered community development, DRR & CCA, and renewable energy issues.
  • Good knowledge of monitoring and evaluation system
  • Good in data management system
  • Familiar with the cultural context of the research areas
  • Excellent research management skills
  • Excellent report writing in Bahasa Indonesia and English
  • Have experience in conducting safe and ethical survey with children.
Minimum requirement for data collector:
  • Have experience in collecting data, in particular in regard to child-centered climate change adaptation and renewable energy
  • Good team work
  • Familiar with the research areas, including the cultural context
  1. Baseline Survey Reporting
The external consultant has  to submit draft report to Plan Indonesia that  will be reviewed and approved by Plan Indonesia.
The final report should be produced in English (with a precise translation to Bahasa Indonesia) and should contain and be developed according to the following structure:
  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Study Methodology
  • Findings and Analysis
  • Conclusion and Recommendation (including proposed key messages for advocacy purposes)
  • Annexes
  1. Ethical and Child Protection Statements
Plan Indonesia will provide an overview of child protection policy to the selected consultant, during the kick off meeting with Plan Indonesia. Selected consultant has to follow the procedure of child protection policy during baseline activities.
  1. Proposal Submission Protocol
First Phase: Interested consultant should submit an Expression of Interest to HRD Department Plan Indonesia at: by October 12, 2014, and: cc to the following email address:
Enclosed following documents:
    1. Organizational Profile (for institutional consultant) or a CV (for individual consultant).
    2. A proposal containing two parts:
  • Technical Proposal comprising the description of proposed activities, timeframe, and methodology (sampling design, data collection techniques and analysis). The technical proposal should cover research ethic, qualification of team members and their CVs, as well as their roles. The consultant should also describe her/his experience in conducting similar survey, financial and technical capacity.
  • Budget Proposal comprising details of proposed budget for, among others, consultant and team’s fees, transportation, stationeries and other survey necessities.
Second Phase: Based on received proposals, Plan International Indonesia will shortlist candidates and invite the shortlisted candidates to present their proposals, followed with signing contract with the selected consultant.
Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

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