Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Request For Proposal (RFP) : SOP Facilitator for PDAM Kab. Rembang, and Kota Surakarta, Central Java

Dear All,

The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a sixty-month program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented under the leadership of IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and other stakeholders to improve access to safe water supply and sanitation in Indonesia’s urban areas. The overall goal of IUWASH is to assist the Government of Indonesia (GOI) in making significant progress in achieving its safe water and sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets by expanding access to these services. The expected results to be achieved are: (a) Two million people in urban areas gain access to improved water supply; (b) 250,000 people in urban areas gain access to improved sanitation facilities; and (c) the per unit water cost paid by the poor in targeted areas decreases by at least 20%.  To achieve the above, technical assistance is divided in three main technical components:
  • Mobilizing demand for water supply and sanitation service delivery; 
  • Improving and expanding capacity for water and sanitation service delivery; and
  • Strengthening policy and the financial enabling environment for improved water supply and sanitation service delivery.
Activity Description:
In promoting better health through improved and expanded access to clean water and sanitation services IUWASH work closely with some PDAM improving their capacities. Presently most of PDAMs performance is not yet satisfying the customers, as well as management and staffs of PDAM itself. One of the reasons of this condition is due to lack of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) or not yet completed. Whereupon from the information and discussions with some PDAMs in Central Java, most of PDAMs in Central Java have no written SOP yet. 

For those mentioned purpose, IUWASH inviting potential bidders to submit proposal, detail Scope of Work (SoW), etc, please see :

Thank you very much for your kind attention

Sincerely yours,
Procurement IUWASH

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