Saturday, October 11, 2014

SCI seeks Consultancy Institution for CRBP Pilot Activity for JUARA Project

Save the Children is a leading, private child-focused non-governmental alliance of 29 member organizations that works in 120 countries throughout the world.  Save the Children has worked in Indonesia since 1976 to promote health and nutrition, education, child protection, livelihoods, and emergency preparedness and response.

Save the Children needs Consultancy institution for JUARA Project for the position of:
  • Consultancy Work on Development of Toolkits, Manual and Training Module for Hotel, Restaurant and Retail Bussiness in Bandung, Code: <CRBP_JUARA>

In conjuction to initiative on The Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP), Save the Children, the UN Global Compact and UNICEF, provide a framework for understanding and addressing the impact of business on the rights and well-being of children. CRBP is translated into ten principles on promoting children’s rights at business field covering integrating of children’s rights, eliminating child labor, providing decent work to children, parents and care givers, ensuring protection and safety of product, services and marketing for children, supporting children’s rights on land use and environment, addressing security and emergency that put priority to children well-being and reinforcing community and government to protect and support childrens’ rights. The 10 principles above serve to inspire and guide business in their interactions with children.

Under the umbrella of the Children Rights and Business Principles (CRBP), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the General Comment through this project will develop toolkits, trainings, workshops and multi-stakeholder dialogues to build the capacity of the hospitality and retail industries in West Java and beyond to take action to respect and support child rights. As these programs to a large extent involve collaboration with the private sectors there are potential synergies to be reaped with strategic and key private partners as such the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneur Association (APRINDO), the Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI), The Employers’ Association on Indonesia (APINDO) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) in national and West Java region. Additionally, business managers have been consulted, involved and provided input on establishment of these principles​.

for the complete scope of work, you may open here:
Dropbox - SoW-CRBP Pilot Activity-JUARA.pdf
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!

If you are interested, kindly send your proposal to : mentioning the code of the position in the subject of your e-mail by the latest 20 October 2014 before 12.00 PM.
Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability
All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse

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