Friday, December 12, 2014

PLAN INDONESIA Urgently Looking for a counsultant for DBR Technical Analysis

Digital Birth Registration in Indonesia: Technical Analysis Study
1.       Background
1.1 About Plan
 Plan Indonesia’s operations commenced in 1969 and the organization currently implements programs in 9 districts in all 4 provinces of Indonesia. These include the districts of Timor Tengah Utara (TTU), Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS), Sikka, Lembata, Nagekeo, in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT); Rembang, Grobogan in Central Java; Surabaya in East Java and in 5 municipalities of Jakarta Province. Plan’s activities have focused on safe motherhood and child survival, children’s access to quality education, water, sanitation and hygiene, disaster risk management, youth economic empowerment, child participation and child protection. Plan works in partnership first and foremost with children, their families and communities but also with government departments, agencies and other developmental organizations in addressing the key issues impacting children in Indonesia. Apart from the district level programs, Plan has national level programs reaching out to children through advocacy with relevant government department and involving other CSOs.
Plan Indonesia strives to reach out to as many children as possible with programs that aim to ensure children’s right to health and health services, right to quality education, right to adequate standard of living, and child centered disaster risk reduction. The activities also include youth economic empowerment to improve living standards and last but not the least, communityi based child protection, birth registration, prevention of child marriage and children’s participation.
1.2. About the Research Topic
Birth registration is done at district population and civil registration office under law number 24/2013. This registration could be decentralized to the sub-district level to address some barriers to reach more people to register.
The Technical Analysis is carried out to provide a detailed picture of the current CRVS landscape and an objective view as to whether digital technology is a feasible and cost-effective means of strengthening CRVS systems and processes.
Where relevant, the analysis also provides a blueprint for a technical solution along with programme components required to ensure that the technology proposed is able to address the current registration barriers and process bottlenecks at scale whilst at the same time providing a sustainable method of strengthening CRVS systems.
2.       Specific Objectives of the study
·         Detail the current CRVS landscape in Indonesia  
·       Determine whether the use of digital technologies to realise the CRVS vision in Indonesia is both feasible and suitable
·         Detail the cost-benefit analysis to confirm whether digital technologies are cost-effective means of realising the CRVS long term vision
·         Detail the DBR technology solution components required to bring about a scalable and sustainable increase in the birth / death registration rate in Pakistan
·         Define the key components of Plan Indonesia’s DBR programme to support the DBR technology solution e.g. change management, behaviour change, legislation change, capacity building
3.       Methodology

See attached DBR Technical Analysis Phase Methodology
 3.1.             Main Research Questions
See attached DBR Technical Analysis Phase Methodology.
3.2.             Some of the variable of interest
Baseline of birth registration, public level of knowledge about birth registration
3.3.             Data Analysis
Secondary data on birt registration, its trends and contours.
4                  Outputs / deliverables

[Some standard documents are enlisted below, however you can add more into it as per requirement.]
The following deliverables are expected:
·         An inception report with a detailed work plan, methodology and data collection instruments/tools.
·         A draft report of  the study
·         A final report after incorporating comments from Plan team  in two versions; Ms word (page size A4) and designed on coral draw (page size 6.5”X9.5”),
·         Logos and pictures (with written consent form the person, duly signed) in report should also be submitted in original form separately along with final report.  
·         All materials produced by the study including hard copy of the report and raw data either in SPSS, excel, FGD and IDI transcripts in soft form.
·         The consultant will be responsible to present most significant findings to the Plan Management and key stakeholders including community, to get their feedback on critical areas.
·         The consultant will also be responsible for sharing key findings of the report in research dissemination events.
5.       Final report format should have as minimum includes:
Standard cover sheet; having data on (title, date, evaluator, programme)
Executive Summary    (Having contents; Objectives, Methods, results & conclusion)
1.       Background [literature review]
2.       Literature review
3.       Methodology (having below mentioned components where relevant)
a.        Objectives of the study
b.       Operational definitions
c.        Study design
d.       Sampling Method and Sample Size
e.        Data Collection Procedure
f.         Data Analysis
g.       Significance / Importance of the study, Human subject protection
4.       CRVS As-Is Assessment
5.       Technical Feasibility Assessment
6.       Business Case for CRVS strengthening using digital technology
7.       Solution Blueprint
8.       High-Level Programme Design
9.       Conclusions
10.    Recommendations           
11.    References
12.    Annexure [TOR, data collection tools, case studies…]   
Following lists must be given at the start;                                                                                         
1.       Table of contents (automatically generated)
2.       List of Figures
3.       List of Tables
4.       Acronyms and abbreviation

6. Content of the Proposal
We invite interested candidates to submit the following application documents:
a) Expression of interest addressing expertise and track record – max 2 pages;
b) Feedback on the proposed methodology with rationale;
c) budget and timeline;
d) CV; and
e) One example of previous similar work.
The financial proposal must be submitted in Indonesian Rupiah with a detailed break up of all activities budgeted for, showing unit, unit cost and duration.
 7. Ethical and Child Protection Considerations

The researcher must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in a research and obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder must be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to taken after explaining purpose of the study and its usage. Individual responses should not be shared to observe confidentiality of data. Plan has to ensure that no risk or harm is involved in this study. Study findings has to provide evidence to implementers and planners in that it will benefit the population overall. The consultant should understand and sign child protection policy of Plan International, Indonesia at time of signing agreement with Plan. In case, the report contains photos; the consultant has to take written consent from the photographed person, on a form will be shared by Plan and should be submitted in original form separately along with final report. Moreover, to protect the children, do not use their family names when providing a quote in the report. The preferred style for giving reference to an individual child is to provide the first name, first initial of last name, age and where he/she is from. For example: “Maria O., 13-years-old, from Chak-480GB”. Consultant shall avoid plagiarism 1of any kind and abide by the principle of intellectual property and joint data ownership in the case of study carried out in collaboration with others.
8.   Submission Procedure:
The technical and financial proposals (both in hard form and soft copy of only technical proposal) should be sent in separate sealed envelopes, marked on the top right hand corner Technical and financial Proposals for “DBR Technical analysis”
Please submit proposals to The Country Director Plan Indonesia, Plan Indonesia Country Office, Menara Duta Building 2nd Floor, Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. B-9 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12910 - Indonesia
Tel:  +62-21-5229566 , ext.845, Fax: +62-21-5221580 by or before close of business by December 22th, 2015. or sent to or
Only short listed applicants will be contacted. Plan reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and is not bound to any legal claim in this regard.  No telephone inquiries will be entertained.

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