Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Re-advertised IFRC DRR Consultant

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Indonesian delegation is looking for a national Consultant to identify, compile, analyse and document PMI’s contribution to the HFA and AADMER (see ToR below).
Please send your curriculum vitae (CV) on 18 December 2014 at the latest to :
Human Resources Department, email: Indonesia.hrd@ifrc.org
Candidates who applied earlier do not need to apply again to this re-advertisement.

Documentation of PMI contribution to HFA / ASEAN ADMER Work Plan
Terms of reference for consultancy
Since its inception, the IFRC Southeast Asia Regional Delegation has been working with the SEA National Societies to strengthen their capacities for effective disaster response and development programming, along with raising their profile in their national context.
In November 2013, the IFRC launched the “Building Regional Capacity and Collaboration for Community Resilience in Southeast Asia” (C3R) project, which is 3,5-year initiative funded by the Canadian Government and the Canadian Red Cross. This project is supporting the 11 National Societies of the region with the overarching goal of reducing the impact of natural disasters on vulnerable communities in SEA.
The project will strengthen the capacity of the SEA National Societies and regional structures to represent and communicate the needs of vulnerable groups, particularly women, boys and girls. A concerted effort will be made to target national authorities including positioning and increased visibility of National Societies vis-à-vis their governments. The National Societies, supported by the IFRC SEA Regional Delegation (SEARD) will work with national governments and regional organizations to advocate for disaster risk reduction (DRR) laws and policies that incorporate and consider issues related to vulnerable communities, gender equality, and the environment. The project will build cooperation among the SEA National Societies and regional DRR mechanisms, such as those of the Association of SEA Nations (ASEAN), to improve DRR at the regional level.  
This terms of reference relates to the Work Package 1210 of the project, which builds regional collaborations among National Societies and produces evidenced-based reports to strengthen their regional engagements, which will ultimately increase the credibility and reputation of National Societies furthering their integration into regional decision-making bodies, where they can further represent and advance the concerns of vulnerable communities.
Regionally, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat is the key driver of DRR[1] and regional approaches to environment and climate change adaptation (CCA).[2] The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community is responsible for building disaster-resilient nations and safer communities within the region under the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) sub-committee and comprised of national-level Disaster Management Agencies. The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER), adopted in 2005, and the AADMER Work Programme 2010-2015 represents ASEANS commitment to HFA (as recently reported in the 2013 ASEAN HFA review report). 
PMI’s mandate in disaster risk reduction is to assist and cooperate with the government, particularly in the humanitarian assistance aspect to vulnerable people. Additional to the main task of providing emergency assistance in times of disaster, as much as possible PMI also carries out Red Cross tasks before and after disaster occurs. 
In carrying out its mandate, PMI has two main advantages: first, PMI has been acknowledged by the Government of Indonesia and other policy makers to have the duty and responsibility of assisting, advising and advocating on disaster management, as an implementation of its auxiliary role to the government. PMI was established by the government and is recognized as the only Red Cross organization in Indonesia, based on the Presidential Decree number 25 of 1950 and Presidential Decree number 246 of 1963. By upholding the Red Cross principle of independence, PMI provides support to the government in forming a national platform involving representation of national and local level in supporting disaster risk reduction and decentralize responsibilities and resources. Second, PMI has a network of grassroots volunteers originating from the community and living with the community. The mobilization of volunteer power supports an important contribution to gather community’s input in the decision making process which would affect the disaster risk reduction programmes in the community.
In the Disaster Management Law number 24 of 2007, PMI’s position in disaster management is not explicitly stated. In practice, this does not change PMI’s participation in carrying out disaster management activities in coordination with the government and other institutions. Taking into account this condition, a memorandum of understanding was signed on 23 March 2009 between PMI and BNPB which stipulates both parties’ agreement to establish a partnership in carrying out disaster management activities before, during and after disaster occurrences, in accordance with each party’s roles. Through this MOU, PMI also committed to assist BNPB in the implementation and achievements of national, regional and international policy objectives on disaster risk reduction.
PMI has been actively involved in various disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation forum at the national and local level such as National Council for Climate Change (Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim/DNPI), National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (Platform National Pengurangan Risiko Bencana/Planas), PRB, CDE, etc. as member, resource person and participant.
Under the coordination of the national development planning agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas), PMI has been actively involved in a working group to formulate the national action plan of disaster risk reduction (NAP DRR) for 2004-2009 and 2010-2012 in achieving 5 HFA 2005 – 2015 priorities. To effectively achieve the HFA objectives, PMI has developed a close partnership with government ministries and institutions such as the ministry of health, ministry of national education, ministry of environmental affairs, BNPB, etc. PMI was also involved as facilitator during the mid-term review of Indonesian achievement toward Hyogo Framework for Action in 2011 and 2013.
The consultancy will represent the first step towards supporting SEA National Societies to utilize existing cooperation mechanisms and tools to build greater collective responsibility and trust, nationally and regionally. Through the review and mapping of the PMI initiatives in DRR as well as the identification of existing partnerships and coordination mechanisms, it will bring evidence about the concrete contribution of the PMI to both national and regional DRR priorities.    
That is why the IFRC is seeking the services of a national consultant to undertake this documentation. It is expected that the consultant will bring excellent analytical and writing skills as well as a strong experience in DRR, institutional planning and reporting. 
Consultancy expected outcomes
PMI existing cooperation mechanisms, activities and tools in the field of DRR in Indonesia are identified, compiled, analysed and documented in order to promote its role and overall contribution to the HFA and AADMER work plan 2010-2015, thus raising PMI profile in the country and in the region.
This consultancy will then contribute to the higher project’s objective which is to increase the DRR cooperation between the RCRC Movement in Southeast Asia and regional organizations, among which the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management. 
Finally, it is to be noted that similar documentation is being conducted in 6-7 countries throughout Southeast Asia and a regional report integrating all the national-level documents will be launched in early 2015 to support advocacy and partnerships enhancement with regional stakeholders.
Consultancy outputs
1/ Produce a technical report depicting the concrete contributions of PMI to the HFA implementation from 2005 to 2014.
2/ Produce a technical report depicting the concrete contributions of PMI to the ASEAN AADMER programme implementation from 2010 to 2014.
3/ For each of the two reports, produce a one-page executive report presenting the key figures and messages of the report.
Format for both reports[7] will be provided by the IFRC and will be linked to the HFA as well as the AADMER Work Programme 2010-2015[8]), including gender and environment components.
All outputs listed above should be produced both in local language and in English.
Method of delivery and reasons for selecting that method
(Is the service being delivered in the optimal way? (i.e.: workshop vs. publication)
Hereunder in a proposed timeframe for the consultancy. 
Indicative timeframe
Meeting with key stakeholders within the PMI and IFRC regional / country delegation in order to:
a)  Agree on specific consultancy outputs, methodology and agenda
b)  Agree on the report format (to be proposed by IFRC[9])
c)  Validate the list of documents to be reviewed[10] as well as the key persons to be interviewed
2-3 days
Review annual and other reports produced within the last 4-5 years by the PMI.
This step includes interviews with key informants, gathering of data available from multiple sources, as well as  translation and extraction of narrative / financial information.
15 working days
Conduct a mid-term meeting with key informants in the PMI and IFRC country delegation in order to:
a)    Present and validate preliminary findings
b)    Identify any missing information to be collected and potential other key persons to be interviewed / reports to be gathered
Produce a precise meeting report including the preliminary findings, to be submitted as a mid-term report of the consultancy.
3 days
Continue reviewing the reports and conduct interviews with key informants
15 days
Submit a first draft of the reports to the PMI - and IFRC and organize meetings with focal points at national and regional levels to gather their feedback.
This step includes the interaction with a consultant hired at regional level who will be tasked to integrate all national-level reports.
10 days
Produce the final reports of the consultancy, both in the country national language and in English
15 days
TOTAL timeframe
60 days max over 4 months
Time Allocation, for budget purposes
Expected starting date in December 2014, for a duration of maximum 4 months.

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