Friday, December 12, 2014

Save the Children needs a Consultant for Mid-Term Evaluation in Bandung District.

Consulting firm must submit their proposal (including the Expression of Interest form) on proposed document and institution experience form in PDF format and a Power Point Presentation material no later than 18 December 2014, before 4 pm Jakarta time to: with a Subject: MTR- SELARAS - <your company/ name>.

All documents related to this tender shall be in English

Please find the TOR and other documents by clicking:


Mid-Term Evaluation Of SELARAS Project

Mid-Term Evaluation
Of SELARAS Project

1. Background

SELARAS is a project implemented in Bandung district in West Java. The Project Goal is to contribute to  reduction in newborn and infant mortality in four sub-districts, targeting to reduce the mortality rate below 34/1000.[1]  Disease, infection, lack of knowledge on health and hygiene practices, lack of access to health care quality, and poor living environment are among the major causes of mortality. In this term, there is an urgent need for a coordinated, comprehensive and low cost model which can utilise innovative strategies to improve the health and hygiene practices along with the knowledge and skills of parents, caregivers, community members, and government leaders in supporting the intervention efforts.

The strategic objective of SELARAS project consists of four Intermediate Results, as shown on the framework, such as follows: 1)  Improved hygiene and hand washing standards in public health facilities; 2) Improved provision of maternal and newborn care services at community level; 3) Increased demand for practices and services on maternal and newborn health at household level; 4) Improved policy and resource allocation environment to support health, hygiene and hand washing practices and services for newborn survival.

As it’s starting the first semester of third year intervention of Selaras project, the mid-term evaluation shall be done. The mid-term evaluation shall examine the results in order to measure achievement of the on-going project implementation. The achievement will be measured using key indicators which are derived from the Intermediate Results (See List of key indicators in the Annex 2).

This study shall be conducted in SELARAS intervention areas in 46 Villages in four (4) sub-districts in Bandung District. The four sub-district are Ciparay, Majalaya, Pacet and Kertasari (See the List of villages in the Appendix B).  Meanwhile, the focus of  the mid-term evaluation  will be mothers with children under one year old (U1), pregnant women, mothers with Newborns 0-28 days, Village Midwives,  Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), Posyandu Cadres. Health Care Workers ( Head of Community Health Clinics, Community Health Clinics Midwives, Midwives Coordinator), Head and staff of DHO, Local Government Authorieties (Head and staff of Sub-district Government, Head and staff of Village Goverment), Head and staff of BPD/ LMD (village committee). To do so, we need consulting firm to conduct the evaluation.

The consultant of mid-term evaluation will also conduct health facility observation. In those four sub-district, 10 Health Community Clinics (Puskesmas), 17 Community Health Posts (Pustu) and 8 Village Delivery Posts (PONED,Polindes) has benefitted from instalment of hand washing stations and its equipments.

SELARAS Result Framework

2. Purpose

The purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to assess project performance including operational aspects, such as project management and implementation of activities and also the extent to which planned results are being fulfilled. The review will assess project performance and the implementation of planned project activities and planned outputs against actual results. It will focus on corrective actions needed for the project to achieve planned results.

3. Specific Objectives

To conduct the mid-term evaluation of SELARAS program intervention which aim to:
  1. Help country office and stakeholders to identify and understand the achievement of the Intermediate Results and Overall Objectives and underlying factors;
  2. Synthesis  the extent of successes to date and identify key problems and underlying factors that need to be addressed to achieve Intermediate results and Strategic objectives.

  1. Determine to what extent the project is relevant and how effectively it is being managed and implemented, and whether the project is likely to achieve Intermediate results and overall strategic objectives. In this sense, the evaluation will review performance of strategy(s) to achieve Intermediate Results and input delivery mechanisms (i.e. agreement on village midwives-TBA partnership, the use of village facilitators, Posyandu, support for hand washing station, training materials, etc) and assess the need for any refinement of the strategy and implementation arrangements

  1. Understand stakeholders’ views on or perception of project interventions, i.e. what is working and Why. what adjustments need to be made

4. Evaluation criteria

The review will
  • § assess the relevance of  the Selaras in terms of priorities in policy objectives and plans of the implementing partners and the donor as well as in terms of target group needs within exiting context (ownership, alignment)
  • § assess the achievement of results and the progress of the programme in terms of the effectiveness (achieved outputs versus planned outputs and outcomes) and the efficiency of implementation (output/results achieved against implemented strategies and utilisation of inputs and resources)
  • § assess the feasibility of the project  in terms of design, scope, implementation, management, and steering with conclusions on the likelihood that the programme will have the expected effects at the end of the planned project duration given the current project design and implementation experience
  • § assess the sustainability of the programme results beyond the end of the programme by reviewing the planned strategy 
  • § Coherence and coordination within project are also two more dimensions to cover.

Following questions of evaluation criteria is based on the DAC Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance; will be used to undertake the evaluation study.[2]

a) Relevance

R1) To what extent are the objectives of the Selaras Project are valid?
R2) Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the overall goal and the attainment of its objectives?
R3) Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended impacts and effects of the maternal health and newborn survival?
R4) Was the design of the project is most appropriate and relevant to the maternal health and newborn survival strategy?
R5) To what extent Selaras Project supported country programmes to contribute more to global and / or UK advocacy and campaigning and in leveraging targeted funding?

b) Effectiveness

E1) What role Selaras Project support played as a catalyst in the effectiveness of maternal health and newborn survival campaign (more specifically country and partner level)?
E2) To what extent were the Selaras Project supported country programmes to progress on maternal health and newborn survival indicators?
E3) To what extent countrySelaras Project supported programmes achieved planned objectives?
E4) What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives within the supported programmes?
E5) How is the fund perceived and utilised by country offices to contribute to project goal and strategic objectives?
E6) Is the size of the support useful to achieve intended results? 

c) Efficiency

Ei1) were activities are cost-efficient within the programmes supported by Selaras Project?
Ei2) Does the Selaras Project support offered better value for money than other bids in terms of its impact?
Ei2) were objectives achieved on time in the supported programmes?

d) Impact

I1) What are the main changes produced by the program, positive or negative and what are the key factors behind these changes?
I2) What real difference has the Selaras Project made for the direct and indirect stakeholders of maternal health and newborn survival campaign?
I3) In the absence of the Selaras Project what were the gaps and challenges for country programmes?
I4) What are the key lasting changes achieved by Selaras Project particularly in relations to making difference on maternal and newborn survival campaign.

e) Sustainability
S1) To what extent did the benefits of the Selaras Project support to programme or projects continue after the support is ceased?
S2) To what extent Selaras Project supported country programmes to continue projects and mobilised funds locally?    
S3) What were the major factors which influenced the achievement or non-achievement of sustainability of the programmes?

5.1 Methodology

The lead consultant with the other team members will develop the evaluation methodology in consultation with Program Manager of Selaras Project, MEAL (Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning) Officer of SELARAS project, Health and Hygiene Specialist of Selaras Project, and National MEAL Specialist of Save the Children Indonesia.
The lead evaluator or team is expected to write an inception report following review of literature and gaps where they explicitly propose an evaluation methodology. The evaluation should apply both Quantitative and Qualitative research methodology. Such a methodology should define an appropriate sample size and specify mechanisms that will be adopted to avoid selection bias. The evaluation critera mentioned above should be taken into consideration in developing the methodology. The evaluation should employ data triangulation as information or data cross-checking, and this should be appeared in the analysis of the final report. The evaluation should meet the principles of participation and making sure that men and women are representative accordingly in the data collection. As a minimum, the evaluation process will include the following key steps:
1. Review of relevant literature and case studies related to the maternal health and newborn survival.
2. Application of appropriate data collection tools (e.g. questionnaire for survey, interview. guideline for indepth interview, and checklist for facility assessment, etc) for survey, interviews and discussions with stakeholders.

5.2. Indicators

The Mid-term evaluation will be analyzed and measured based on Key Performance Indicators which derived from the Intermediate Results and Strategic Objectives (See the complete list of Key Performance Indicators in the Annex 2).

5.3Evaluation Team

The evaluation shall be conducted by an external evaluator or evaluation team, selected through competitive proposal submission process. The lead evaluator will have as minimum the following core competencies – Public health specialist, possess projects/programme analysis, comprehensive understanding of broad issues that impact on the lives of maternal and children health. The lead evaluator should demonstrate exceptional skills in understanding health systems strengthening, and academic system with extensive experience in conducting similar evaluations both in quantitave and qualitative methodology.  The detail of the competencies shown in the section 5.4 and 5.5 below.

5.4 Core Competencies
  • Knowledge and skills: preferably the lead consultant has competencies and experience in Design Research and Public Health, and comprehensive understanding on broad issues of Maternal and Newborns health.
  • Preferrably the lead consultant have expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods.  

5.5 Technical Competencies
  • People Skills: Ability to work independently and as a team player who demonstrates leadership.
  • Communication Skills: Well developed written and oral communication skills. Able to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Integrity: Works with trustworthiness and integrity and has a clear commitment to Save the Children core values and humanitarian principles.
  • Resilience/Adaptability and flexibility: Ability to operate effectively under extreme circumstances including stress and harsh living conditions. Works and lives with a flexible, adaptable and resilient manner.
  • Awareness and sensitivity of self and others: Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to gender and diversity. Have experience and the ability to live and work in diverse cultural contexts in a culturally appropriate manner.
  • Work style: Is well planned and organized even within a fluid working environment and has a capacity for initiative and decision making with competent analytical and problem solving skills
  • Comfortable interacting with all segments of the targetted population
  • Ability to interact clearly and effectively with government and non-governmental partners and other organizations
  • Ability to write a comprehensible report.

All these competencies and experiences are mandatory to be reflected on research team’s CV.

Time frame for the activities will be:

       29  December 201419 February 2015
6a. Timeframe and activities

The evaluation should be completed over a period of approximately 32 days from end of December 2014 to February 2015. Illustrative activities and timeline are provided below:

Date to start
Date to finish
Preliminary study/ Desk ReviewPhase I Inception Report
Review of background documents and consultation with relevant SC staff.
Design of methodology and tools/ instruments for the evaluation.
(5 days)
29 December 2014
6 January 2015
Presentation of Inception Report
1 day
8 January  2015
8 January 2015
Training of surveyors (delivered by the consultant), and tools/ instruments field try-out/ testing, improvement of the tools/ instruments
(2 days)
12  January 2015
13 January 2015
Field data Collection
Field data collection: survey, FGD, and indepth interviews

(14  days)
16 January 2015
29 January 2015
Data Analysis and Report writing
Draft preliminary report with recommendations

(5 - days)
 2 February 2015
6 February
Finalize report (following review/vetting) and presentation)
(3-5 days)
13 February
February 2015

The duration of the evaluation exercise in the field shall be 32 working days from a mutually agreed date no later than 19 February 2015.

The evaluation will follow the key phases:

Phase I – Preliminary Study/ Desk Study: Review of documentation, methodology and tools/ instruments for the evaluation [8days]
The lead consultant/evaluation team will review relevant documentation from section 5 above (Reference material). Based on this review, they will produce an inception report which will include an elaborate plan, methodology and sampling strategy of the data collection for evaluation study. The evaluation will only proceed to the next stage upon approval of this inception report. An appropriate inception report format will be made available to the team as part of this TOR.
Phase II: Field Data Collection [14 days]
This phase of the evaluation will seek to collect primary data on the key evaluation questions explained under evaluation criteria. The team will use the agreed plan, methodology and sampling strategy from phase 1 to conduct the field work.
Phase III – Data analysis and report writings [8-10 days]
The team will draw out key issues in relation to evaluation questions and produce a comprehensive report. This analysis should draw on the wider issues in the development sector about the realisation of maternal health and newborn survival beyond the focus of Selaras Project. 

The following specific outputs are expected:
(i)            An Inception report, produced by no later than 8 January 2015
(ii)          A draft evaluation report produced by no later than 6 February 2015
(iii)   A Final evaluation report including and recommendations to the Selaras Project Save the Children for future use of unrestricted funds and/or alternative solutions to achieve the same objectives produced by 19 February 2015.
(iv)   Data sets (SPSS, Excel) – for all collected data (quantitative and qualitative). Qualitative data should be transcribed for future use by Save the Children Country Programmes. The data sets should be in an appropriate format (SPSS, Excel, and Word) and will be submitted together with the final evaluation report on 19 February2015
(v)    PowerPoint presentation, summarizing the key findings from the evaluation submitted together with the final evaluation report on 19 February 2015

The evaluation and team is expected to submit an inception report after 3-5 working days of commencing this evaluation, no later than 8 January 2015. The purpose of this report is the appropriateness and robust methodology to be employed. The inception report provides the organization and the evaluators with an opportunity to verify that they share the same understanding about the evaluation and clarify any misunderstanding at the outset. The report should reflect the team’s review of literature and the gaps that the field work will fill. Field work will only commence once this report has been reviewed and agreed with the designated representatives (consortium) of the Stakeholders.

The draft evaluation report must be submitted to the MEAL Officer and Program Manager of Selaras Project no later than 6 February 2015. The report should conform to a reporting format which will be made available to the consultant on signing the contract.

The draft report will be circulated by the designated representatives (consortium) to key stakeholders for comments. Feedback on the draft report will be shared with the consultant no later than 12 February 2015.

The final report of the evaluation, after integration of the various comment made, must be submitted by 19 February 2015. The evaluation report is an exclusive property of the Save the Children should not be released without prior authorization. The final report will be available through Save the Children and will also be circulated to the country Programmes:

The evaluation team will be expected to submit complete data sets (in SPSS/Access/ Excel) of all the quantitative data as well as the original transcribed qualitative data gathered during the exercise. These data sets should be provided at the time of submission of the final report by 19 February 2015.

On submission of the final report, the team is expected to submit a PowerPoint presentation (maximum 12 slides), summarizing the methodology, challenges faced, key findings under each of the evaluation criteria and main recommendations. This should be submitted together with the final report by 19 February 2015.

All documents related to this tender shall be in English. Detailed guidelines on how to structure the evaluation report will be provided to the evaluation team prior to commencement of the activity. The team should conform to this format


9.1 Budget

The lead evaluator should submit to Save the Children forecast of the budget including their consultancy fees. All other costs for the evaluations – android tablet for data collecting, and Garmin-  will be covered by Save the Children. All costs should be expressed in IDR.

Applicants must provide a detailed financial proposal that covers the following items and includes a narrative on the assumptions behind their estimates:
a)    Salaries. Includes personnel for technical assistance, data collection, data entry and analysis (e.g. staff, interviewers, supervisors and drivers).
b)    Daily costs for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses during training and during fieldwork; mode of transportation; vehicle rental; gas (breakdown items)
c)    Printing. Includes survey questionnaires, interview guides, and final reports.
d)    Communications  (e.g. telephone, fax)
e)    Supplies. Includes paper, pens, and other materials for fieldwork.
f)     Training costs


The following payments will be made to the consultant using and agreed mode of payment.
  • Before Commencement after inception report submitted: 30%
  • After First draft: 30%
  • After Final Report: 40%

  1. Terms and Conditions of Solicitation

Period of Validity
The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 days, starting from the submission date.

Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation
Save the Children reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. Additionally, we reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities provided are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change.

All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, Save the Children will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except where noted otherwise.

Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, Save the Children shall notify in writing the successful company that submitted the highest-scoring proposal and will invite them for contract negotiations. Save the Children reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations.

Right to Final Negotiations
Save The Children reserves the option to negotiate final costs and final scope of work, as well as reserves the option to limit or include third parties at Save the Children’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.  Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, Save the Children has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next best-rated company for negotiations.

All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at Save the Children. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest, and could result in proposal disqualification.

Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. Save the Children reserves the option to negotiate on the final terms and conditions


Consulting firm must submit their proposal and the Expression of Interest form (attached) and institution experience form (hard copy) in English in a sealed envelope no later than 18 December 2014, before 4 PM Jakarta Time to below address:

Save the Children International
Attn. Procurement Committee                                                                                 
Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 26 C, Ragunan – Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12550, Phone: 021-781 2336, Fax: 021-781 2325


Send the electronic copy of your proposal and the Expression of Interest form and Power point presentation material to: with a Subject: MTR SELARAS - <your company/ name> with the latest date: 18 December 2014, before 4 PM Jakarta Time. Please do not send after this date.

Please find the TOR and other documents by clicking:

[1] Bandung District Health Office Annual Report 2012 stated the neonatal mortality rate reduced from 34.17/ 1000 in 2011 to 34.05/ 1000.

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