Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Wahana Visi Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. Wahana Visi Indonesia has been working for more than 15 years, employing more than 800 staff  in the programs and serving 1,400 of the poorest villages.
Wahana Visi Indonesia is a local humanitarian organization that implements most of World Vision programs in Indonesia.  World Vision is one of the world’s largest international Christian humanitarian aid organizations. It has been working in Indonesia for more than 50 years and  focusing on programming effort on health, education and economic development across transformational development, humanitarian emergency affairs and advocacy ministries.

Background of Keerom ADP
    Keerom ADP serves in 23 villages in four sub districts in Keerom District. Target beneficiaries are the children from infants to adolescents in senior high school. In addition to making the program directly to the child, ADP also makes the program to the parents in order to address household economic issues. Development Program were done by focusing on five sector uch as Education , Nutrition, Economics, HIV and AIDS and Sponsorship Project.
    This is the last fiscal year for Keerom ADP as the program will be ended the commitment. After contributing in the long term development activity, ADP reaches the end of 3rd phase. WVI has take role as a partner for the poor, as an actor of development, and also one of stakeholders that care of and impose in the better life for children.  
The program will be evaluated to find whether the goal objective unlikely or likely achieved. Keerom ADP will be evaluated in 2 methods which are qualitative and quantitative. The combination between those parts of evaluation will be completed in an end of program report showing all achievement through measured indicators and learning from what was done.
    The evaluation will be conducted for all projects in Keerom ADP, consist of Education Project, Economic Project, Nutrition Project, HIV & AIDS Project and Child Sponsorship Management (CSMP) Project.

Evaluation Purpose
1.     To study the lesson learned and information on impact achievements toward Keerom ADP
2.     To provide information on what worked, what did not work and why. This is to include providing information on latest update of indicators that stated in logframe and comparison analysis between the initial values and the latest values. This objective requires baseline and evaluation comparison on indicators value with all affected factors.
3.     To determine efficiency, effectiveness  and relevance of projects/ program,
4.     To identify sustainability the ADP sustainability and transition indicators: Identify  organisational maturity (CBOs, FBOs and Related Stakeholders) to continue ADP program
5.     To provide recommendation for sustainability and transition: Agreed, specific , actionable, and practical recommendations in terms of program transition and sustaining to other related counterpart, especially Government
Evaluation Methodology
    This evaluation will focus on gathering qualitative and quantitative data document. The evaluation of Keerom ADP will assess the current condition of program indicators (goal and outcome project indicators based on M&E Plan) related to the previous Government program such as RPJMD, Respek, Pnpm, BK3, Special Otonomy (OTSUS) and also contribute to  World Vision Indonesia Child Well Being indicators priority.
    Methodology used in data collection in Evaluation survey as follows: Household  Survey; School Survey; Focus Group Discussion (FGD); Observation; Key Information Interview (KII); Document Review.
    WVI proposes to conduct quantitative baseline survey of households in the project area to assess current condition of project goal and outcome indicators using sample size estimating proportion fromula.

Timeframe and Work Plan
The final report from the consultant need to submitted by latest June 12th 2015.

External Consultant Primary Task
-  Planning : Propose technical proposal (evaluation methodology, sampling size, etc) and budget proposal, preparing all instruments needed in the evaluation process
-    Data Collection and Analysis : Make data collection team, Conduct training for enumerator, lead and conduct data gathering in the field with enumerators both quantitative and qualitative, quality assurance data collection process , data entry, cleaning data, analysis and interpretation,
-    Reporting and Follow up: Comparison analysis from baseline and the endline data based on evaluation results, make sure all of report meet the evaluation objectives, write final report that appropriate with feedback from WVI, Arrange draft report and recommendation, disseminate the result of evaluation in internal (WVI Staffs) and eksternal (Stakeholders) workshop
If you are interested being involved as a consultant in this evaluation, please sent the proposal at the latest on February 21st 2015 via mail,, with the following contents:
1. Evaluation Purpose
2. Evaluation Objectives
3. Methodology
4. Detailed Timeframe and Work Plan
5. Evaluation Team
6. Logistics
7. Detailed Budget Plan
8. Appendices (profile of institution or individual consultant, List of pevious report of evaluation and publications, Drafts of questionnaires for focus group or household survey, etc. (can be concept of questionnaire, Complete CV of consultant who involves in the evaluation)

As a child focused organization, WV is committed to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background checks.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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