Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Helen Keller International seeks Marketing Technical Officer

Helen Keller International (HKI) - Indonesia
Marketing Technical Officer

Program(s): Nutrition, Agriculture, Food Security
Reports to: HFP Project Coordinator

I.           Program Description

Since the 1970s HKI has been working to establish sustainable evidence-based approaches to enhance health, nutrition, rehabilitation and education in Indonesia. HKI's programs in Indonesia engage all levels of the government health and education structure from national to village level. HKI provides services which are integrated into existing health and education systems by developing its human resources and infrastructure, conducting needs assessments, analyzing local characteristics to inform program design and implementation, training of personnel, providing basic equipment and medicines, delivering services, monitoring program progress and evaluating their impact.

HKI currently implements education, rehabilitation, eye care, health, and nutrition programs in 24 countries worldwide.  Through 90 years of experience, HKI has developed particular expertise in large scale implementation of targeted interventions, development of government service delivery systems and comprehensive monitoring of program outcomes, such as policy developments, educational access, nutritional status, mortality and morbidity.

HKI is currently implementing a homestead food production programme in Nusa Tenggara Timur, one of the most food insecure provinces in Indonesia.  This homestead food production programme combines home gardening of micronutrient-rich vegetables, poultry rearing as a means to provide eggs as a source of protein and micronutrients, aquaculture, and nutrition education in order to improve the nutritional status of key target groups: households with children under the age of five, women of reproductive age, and pregnant and lactating women.  Income generation for participating households is another key aim of this programme, and HKI will implement a collective marketing training module to potentially increase income for selected households.  The links between higher income from home production of nutritional foods and sustainability of homestead food production programmes and the association with the nutritional status of households is not well established.  Helen Keller International-Indonesia intends to investigate the changes in nutritional outcomes and program sustainability that result from the introduction of a collective marketing program that changes income of project beneficiaries.

II.        Position Description

Based in Timor Tengah Selatan District, Nusa Tenggara Timur, the Marketing Technical Officer, will oversee the marketing components of HKI Indonesia’s Homestead Food Production (HFP) program.
The Marketing Technical Officer will report to the HFP Project Coordinator and collaborate closely with the HFP program team in Soe and Jakarta.
This position is local hire.

III.      Essential Job Functions

·         Ensure implementation of marketing activities in the field as per the work plan;
·         Prepare and implement marketing research study;
·         Orient project participants on marketing activities;
·         Design training curriculum for marketing activities and conduct training at different levels;
·         Work closely with the Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Technical Officer and Field Supervisors for the implementation of marketing activities;  
·         Collect information on existing marketing systems for home produce in Indonesia;
·         Develop a marketing channel between farmers and middlemen/buyers;
·         Assist to develop an appropriate market data collection system;
·         Collect market information (like market price, demand and supply information, appropriate or convenient marketing place, etc.) on monthly or regular basis;
·         Develop technical materials and communications materials on marketing component;
·         Provide technical assistance/support to Field Supervisors on the marketing components of HFP activities such as nursery, homestead gardening, chicken farming activities;
·         Assist the monitoring team to collect data and quality control at the field;
·         Collect information through special survey like Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and prepare reports on findings;
·         Liaise with related Offices including Agricultural and Food Security Provincial and District Office for marketing-related activities;
·         Organize meeting, workshop for marketing-related activities;
·         Participate with other technical officers to design, develop and produce BCC/training materials related to HFP as needed;
·         Participate in the development and preparation of annual work plans, draft reports on HFP program, survey report and other documents related HFP;
·         Compile and prepare monthly field activity report and submit to HFP Project Coordinator;
·         Represent HKI in workshops/seminars and technical meetings on marketing;
·         Assist HFP Project Coordinator and Nutrition Program Manager with other duties as needed.

IV.      Qualifications and Experience

·         Bachelor degree in agriculture or social economic studies or commerce or business-related field with strong hands-on experience working in NTT will be considered;
·         At least 5 years of related field experience in marketing for agriculture projects;
·         Strong technical knowledge of marketing for agriculture programs and issues in Indonesia, particularly NTT;
·         Demonstrated ability to effectively interact and communicate with government, academia and other stakeholders in Indonesia;
·         Demonstrated ability to read, analyze and interpret complex documents and to prepare presentations and articles;
·         Excellent oral and written English is highly preferred;
·         Fluent oral and written Bahasa Indonesia;
·         Strong interpersonal skills in dealing with external contacts as well as internal colleagues

People with disabilities or special needs , Living with  HIV/AIDS, and  LGBTS ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender ) individuals are welcome to apply
Send the application and CV to:
with title of email:Marketing Technical Officer -HFP”.

Or to:
HKI Indonesia
Jl. Bougenvile No. 64
Soe, NTT
Telpon/Fax: 0388 21293

Application deadline:  20 February 2015

Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview

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