Monday, August 7, 2017

RFP-Req-WJD-17-0017 - Development of Grand Strategy for AMPL DKI Jakarta

IUWASH Plus program (Indonesia's Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene "Penyehatan Lingkungan untuk Semua") is a program of water, sanitation and Hygiene in urban Indonesia over five years funded by United States Agency for international development or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). To support the Government of Indonesia to improve access to drinking water and sanitation and healthy behaviors of low-income and vulnerable community is poor. The program is funded by DAI Global LLC, IUWASH Plus working with government institutions, private sector partners, NGOs, community and others to achieve:

• An increase access to improved water supply service for one million people in urban areas  of which at least 500,000 are from the poorest 40% of the population (also referred to as the “bottom 40%” or “B40”).
• An increase access to safely managed sanitation for 500,000 people in urban areas and all of whom are from Bottom 40.

DKI Jakarta is the economic, political and cultural capital of Indonesia. The Mega-Metropolitan area, “Jabodetabek” (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi), is the 6th largest metropolitan area in the world with a little under 20 million people. Half of that population resides in DKI Jakarta. DKI Jakarta has faced tremendous urban development and changes.  Built up areas in DKI Jakarta has increased through formal businesses and settlements as well as non - formal businesses and settlements. This settlement increase has not been supported by the increases of environmental service capacities to support the consequence or impact of the development. In addition to the rapid development in DKI Jakarta, there are still areas that categorized as slump or Bottom 40 areas of which need attention with environmental problems related to clean water and sanitation provisions. In those slump and density areas piped water are not available. Furthermore, sanitation facilities were not constructed according to standard resulting in high contamination of ground water with E-Coli. The lack of clean water in the majority of the population is suffering from diseases caused by water parasites.

The DKI government plans to provide funding to improve piped water and sanitation facilities to poor and vulnerable population in “hotspot areas” through the development of the RPJMD 2018 – 2022 of which needs program development inputs in clean water and sanitation sectors. DKI Jakarta requested IUWASH PLUS in providing the inputs in order that funding for clean water and sanitation facilities program development and management could be allocated in the upcoming RPJMD 2018 – 2022.

To have a clear picture of the clean water and sanitation condition and areas that need assistance most, the DKI Jakarta local government needs to have an interactive map of DKI Jakarta that shows all information, for instance, regarding areas with the most vulnerable and densely B40 population and condition of sanitation and clean water facilities.   Based on all of the above information, DKI Jakarta requested IUWASH PLUS to assist with the development of a “WASH Grand Design Strategy” to be presented before the DKI Jakarta executives and legislatives to advocate for an increase in the budget allocation for sanitation and clean water sectors in the RPJMD 2018 - 2022.

For those mentioned subject, IUWASH inviting you to submit the proposal, detail Scope of Work & schedule please see this link :

Thank you very much for your kind attention & best cooperation.

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