Thursday, November 30, 2017

Request For Proposal (RFP) : REQ-JAK-17-0074 - Re advertised: Service Provider to Develop FORKALIM Business Plan

DAI, the implementer of the “The USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 'Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua' (IUWASH PLUS) program invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to supply and deliver “Service Provider to Develop FORKALIM Business Plan”  in support of program implementation.

Description of the Program:

FORKALIM (Forum Kommunikasi Air Limbah) was setup in 2004 under PERPAMSI, to support a small number of (mainly PDAM) Operators of sewerage systems. While FORKALIM has been (legally) independent from PERPAMSI since 2015, they are inactive, because their current membership is only 11 sewerage operators, which at this moment do not see much benefit in FORKALIM. However, with the focus of sanitation access switching to promoting on-site (FSM) systems (and with the addition of several new cities with sewerage systems), every city will now need to establish a Domestic Waste Water Operator, which can be either an UPTD, BLUD, PDAM or PD PAL. This creates a very interesting, new opportunity for an institute like FORKALIM, since according to their by-laws they can accept any Waste Water operator as their member. On the other hand, this also means they will need to drastically restructure their current operations, membership, cost structure, as well as the set of activities and benefits they offer to their members.
Parallel to this development, IUWASH PLUS was requested by Bappenas to support the development and implementation of a National FSM twinning program, for existing and new FSM operators. During a recent meeting with 11 FSM Operators, the initial FSM topics were identified as well as potential mentors and mentees. FORKALIM was present in this event and participants identified a critical role for FORKALIM as future host for FSM twinning, as one of their key activities to new (FSM) members.

All of these programs represents a unique opportunity for FORKALIM to grow its capabilities, gain a new type of customer, increase revenue, and most importantly, fill an important gap that now exists as concerns institutional support for FSM.  However, this also requires institutional and operational strengthening of FORKALIM and the first key program to achieve this is to assist them in developing a sustainable business plan, which covers all key institutional, operational, staffing, membership, financial aspects to address these new areas and ensure both logical organizational growth and sustainability.

For those mentioned subject, USAID IUWASH PLUS inviting you to submit proposal as seen in the Link :

Thank you very much for your kind attention

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