Monday, November 20, 2017

Swisscontact Vacancy Announcement: External Evaluation Consultant for Project Outcome Achievement

Program Overview

The overall goal of the Green Prosperity Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (GP-SCPP) is “Reduction of Poverty and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Indonesian Cocoa Sector”. The program will work towards this goal by addressing the factors that directly result in suboptimal yields as well as underlying issues (such as access to finance). The Program aims at enabling farmers to increase their productivity, thus their income, and improve household livelihoods, with common goals for reduction of poverty and greenhouse gas emissions in the Indonesian cocoa sector. The program outcome is increased competitiveness of an environmentally responsible and inclusive cocoa value chain. Intermediate outcomes are related to changes in behaviour of the cocoa sector related to production practices, environmental practices and their support to local communities.
GP-SCPP design builds on the rich experience of the consortium members both within Indonesia and globally. The consortium, led by Swisscontact with support fund by Millennium Challenge Account Indonesia (MCA-I) and Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), brings together eight private sector companies (Barry Callebaut, BT Cocoa, Cargill, Ecom, Nestlé, Mars Inc., Mondelēz, and Olam), the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF – a global industry organization focused on cocoa sustainability), and VECO Indonesia, and aligns its activities with the Cocoa Sustainability Partnership (CSP – the Indonesia multi-stakeholder forum). The consortium is working with Indonesian government institutions (at national, provincial and district levels) to scale up on-going consortium member program activities in line with the Ministry of Agriculture cocoa rehabilitation program (“Gernas 2” starting in parallel with this program), research institutes (Indonesian Cocoa and Coffee Research Institute ICCRI), and local NGOs in implementation of activities and dissemination of results.

GP-SCPP includes in 23 districts in 6 provinces namely Sumatera Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Barat, Gorontalo and Nusa Tenggara Timur. GP-SCPP started in April 2015 and now enter the closing period up to March 2018, targeting 79,500 smallholder farmers trained trough Farmer Field School approach. At the end of the program, an end line evaluation will be conducted. It will replicate the methodology applied during the baseline for comparison purposes. This will allow the program to document changes in outcome and impact indicators per the program goals. On top of this, the program will assess & document the wider systemic impact on the cocoa sector.
This evaluation is planned for the last two quarters of the project and will have two (2) parts, i.e. (1) Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement and (2) Systemic Impact Assessment. The research design of the first part will use Quasi Experiment method combine with field qualitative analysis. For the second part, an elaborate research design will need to be developed.


The objectives of the evaluation assignment are:
1.       to ensure the credibility, objectivity, impartiality and transparency of the study Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement that is conducted by internal GP-SCPP team by providing external critical reviews throughout the research process (from sampling, to data collection, to data analysis). By embedding the review function into the evaluation process, GP-SCPP team will be able to take immediate remedial action or perform adjustments to improve the quality of the study.
2.       to synthesize and analyse the final results of the Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement study in form of final report.
3.       to determine, describe, and quantify, where possible, the extent of wider systemic impacts in the cocoa sector in Indonesia attributed to SCPP program interventions by investigating changes among Private Sector Partners, Development Sector Partners, Government Partners, Cocoa Sector Platforms (Cocoa Sustainability Partnership and PISAgro), Farmers & Farmer Organizations, and others.

Methodology and Scope of Work

Desk Study - Literature Review

The purpose of the literature review is to identify the broader context to complement & ensure the consistency of the narrative of the outcome evaluation. It also provides early indications for the wider systemic changes in Indonesia’s cocoa sector.
GP-SCPP has produced studies either internally within R&D unit or in collaboration with academics and research institutes. These will be the main source for literature review. The literature will include the following titles and documents:
  1. Access to Finance for Cocoa Farmer in Indonesia, SCPP, May 2015.
  2. Landscape and Lifescape Analysis, GP-SCPP, December 2015.
  3. Report on the needs assessment conducted in the cocoa producing communities in Indonesia targeted by the Cocoa Life program. Care International and Hasanuddin University. December 2015.
  4. An analysis of certification mechanisms as implemented in the working area of SCPP, Romina Jermann (NADEL), Jan 2016.
  5. Carbon Stock and Carbon Footprint in the Indonesian Cocoa Sector, SCPP, June 2016.
  6. GNP Impact Study, SCPP, July 2016.
  7. Indonesia Cocoa Planting Material Mapping, CSP, August 2016.
  8. Analysis of cocoa beans processing and quality in post-harvest in South East Sulawesi in Indonesia, Master Thesis by Noémie Schaad, School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Bern University of Applied Sciences, April 2017.
  9. Studi Keterlibatan Generasi Muda pada Pertanian Kakao di Indonesia: Tantangan dan Prospek. CocoaLife Mondelez, UGM and SurveyMeter, July 2017.
  10. Saving Intervention Report, SCPP, August 2017.
  11. How Microsaving Could Ease Extreme Poverty, A study of Cocoa Farmers in Indonesia, Master Thesis by Niklaus Konig, Copenhagen Business School, September 2017.
  12. Landscape and Lifescape study in West Sumatera and Gorontalo, GP-SCPP, October 2017.
  13. Job Creation Study, SCPP, October 2017.
  14. Baseline and Endline study of Good Social Practice, Migunani, GP-SCPP, On-going.
  15. NextGen - Youth Engagement in Cocoa Sector Baseline Study using non-randomized design
with comparison group, Institute for Development Impact and Mars Foods Inc in collaboration with Swisscontact, On-going.
In addition, literature review will be conducted through important articles, books, and other sources pertaining to this topic including GP-SCPP M&E Plan and Logframe, and WCF CocoaAction M&E Guide.

Quantitative Analysis

The evaluation will primarily use quantitative approach using household survey as the main instrument, complemented by farmers FGD & GIS analysis. GP-SCPP has a database called CocoaTrace as management tool to collect baseline data from every cocoa farmer household participating in project activities (census), and post-line data after 1-2 years by taking a representative sample. Baseline data includes farmer demographics, cocoa farm management practices and yields, workforce in farmer’s cocoa farm, land use and diversification practices, post-harvest practices, IDDS and PPI scorecards, nutrition practices, environmental practices and financial practices. The form has been developed through consultations with R&D team and private partners, and has been used in android apps format as Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). The baseline is structured in a way to enable annual post-line surveys providing comparison to measure progress towards achieving the program’s desired results and for ongoing improvement of activities. This database can be utilized to analyse the program’s achievement in various dimensions.
For sampling, the Program selects groups of farms participating in the intervention that are as representative as possible of the overall target population of farms. This will be called treatment group. The treatment group consists of farmers who were trained in the Q1 (first quarter, April-June 2015). Farmers who are about to join Farmer Field School (FFS) will serve as good counterfactuals. Counterfactuals need to be as similar as possible to target groups in agro-ecological and socio-demographic factors so that any differences in performance between the groups are more likely to stem from the intervention than from other influences.

Conceptual Framework for Systemic Impact Assessment

The assessment will use the Adapt, Adopt, Expand and Respond framework for systemic change and using guidance from Fowler, B. (2014). Systemic Change and the DCED Standard. Market Share Associates.

Field Works

The consultant will join selective workshops & meetings on the outcome evaluation studies and participate in the FGDs. For the systemic impact study, the consultant, in close consultation with Swisscontact, will establish a travel plan to meet selected stakeholders in Indonesia.

Qualifications & Requirements

Considering the topics that will be covered by the study, the consultant needs to be proficient in some specific areas, such as:
·       Advanced university degree in business, agribusiness, economic development, sustainable agriculture development or another relevant field;
·       Understand the M4P concept and DCED standards on systemic change;
·       Strong experience in impact evaluations, especially in agriculture development;
·       Statistical analysis – profound understanding of robust data analysis using Stata
·       Working experience in the cocoa context is desirable;
·       Excellent analytical skills and familiarity with quantitative and qualitative research methods; Strong computer skills in the areas of spreadsheets, word processing, database management, and statistical analysis software (preferably Stata);
·       Good English proficiency (written and spoken).

Reporting Line

The consultant will report to Sr. MRM Manager for deliverables. Regular communication will be done through MRM and Evaluation Manager. The work will require coordination with MRM GIS Manager, Sr. Community Development Manager, Gender Specialist, Environmental Specialist, and Nutrition Specialist.


The completion of the assignment will require a close & intensive coordination between the consultant and GP-SCPP team, particularly for the Objective 1. GP-SCPP team will produce the followings key outputs for consultant review:
  1. November 2017: Research design
  2. November 2017: Sampling and matching design
  3. November 2017: Survey tools (questionnaires) and FGD questions
  4. December 2017: Data analysis
The consultant will submit the following deliverables:
  1. November 2018: Review on research and sampling design, and survey/GFD tools
  2. November 2018: Notes on literature review and report outline on Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement
  3. December 2018: First draft report on Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement
  4. December 2018: Research design on Systemic Change
  5. February 2018: First draft report on Systemic Change
  6. February 2018: Final report on Systemic Change

Duration of the Assignment

The total working days estimated for the assignment is 28 working days:
·       Review on GP-SCPP internal team deliverables on Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement: 3 working days
·       Literature review: 2 working days
·       Field work, interview and FGD in Sulawesi: 7 working days
·       Synthesize and analyse in terms of Report on Monitoring on the Progress of Project Outcome Achievement: 4 days
Design, implementation, and report on Systemic Change: 12 working days

For those who match the qualifications, Swisscontact inviting you to submit a short proposal including timeline and budget.
Please submit your proposal addressing the qualifications and experiences  until November 26th, 2017 at the latest with on Email subject to

Thank you very much for your kind attention & best cooperation.

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