Tuesday, November 21, 2017

USAID BIJAK Vacancy: Land Use Governance and Policy Specialist

USAID BIJAK Project implemented by Chemonics International Inc
Bangun Indonesia untuk Jaga Alam demi Keberlanjutan

Code                     : BIJAK-C1
Position title        : Land Use Governance and Policy Specialist
Expected DoH      : on/about December 18, 2017
Type                      : Fixed-term employment
Duration               : 2 years (with possible extension)
Report to              : Forest and Conservation Area Senior Advisor (TT1 Lead)
Position based     : Jakarta

Project Overview

USAID BIJAK is a five-year (2016 – 2021) project designed to promote enduring changes in individual and organizational behaviors that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and conserve valuable marine and terrestrial biodiversity. To accomplish this, BIJAK will work at the national level, with a range of stakeholders, to improve the management of forests and conservation areas, and strengthen protections for marine and terrestrial wildlife threatened by illegal or unsustainable trade.
As a facilitator and supporter of change, BIJAK will work with Indonesian policymakers, civil society organizations, private sector entities, research institutions, and other stakeholders to contribute to the following goals:
  • National-level policies, laws, regulations, decrees, procedures, or fiscal and budgetary practices reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce wildlife trafficking, and conserve valuable terrestrial and marine biodiversity.
  • National agencies and civil society employ updated legal, policy, regulatory, or procedural frameworks, strengthened and better coordinated networks, and accurate information flows to prevent and interdict wildlife trafficking.
  • Extensive land-use industries, especially major palm oil companies and their suppliers, commit and adhere to sustainability pledges and adopt practices which protect high conservation value and high carbon stock forests across their operations. Green business practices are developed and shared widely in the business.
  • Indonesian social norms and public opinion support targeted terrestrial and marine biodiversity conservation and low carbon development issues.
  • Civil society networks and advocacy campaigns positively influence public opinion.
Beginning in Year 2, BIJAK will integrate its four programmatic technical components – improved low carbon and conservation oriented land use governance (Component 1), improved management of conservation areas and protection of key marine and terrestrial species (Component 2), improved private sector and land-based industry practices (primarily palm oil) (Component 3), and improved constituencies for conservation (Component 4) – to achieve the following:
  • Improved conservation area and forest management (Technical Theme 1: involving Components 1,2,3 and 4); and
  • Increased species protection (Technical Theme 2: involving Component 2 and 4


The Land Use Governance and Policy Specialist (Specialist) is responsible for supporting the successful implementation of BIJAK’s Technical Component 1. Along with project staff from Component 2, 3 and 4, s/he will work under the leadership of the Forest and Conservation Area Management Senior Advisor (TT1 Lead) to integrate and make major contributions to TT1 and the other three technical components as outlined in BIJAK’s contract. The Specialist advises and supports the TT1 Lead in the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy for improving national level land use governance instruments and systems through the policy, legislative, and regulatory frameworks. In planning and executing this strategy, the Specialist must collaborate with and build upon the efforts of a host of other GOI, USG, internationally-assisted and civil society activities. The Specialist will furnish leadership to relevant BIJAK staff, subcontractors and grantees and provide day-to-day direction of BIJAK activities related to the reform of policies, laws, implementing regulations, guidance and practice. Technical Theme 1 (TT1): Improved Conservation Area and Forest Management is designed to achieve the following:

The improvement of the management of conservation areas by:
  • Strengthening management frameworks and systems (implementation of resort based management and conservation forest management units and  developing a management and information system)
  • Reinforcing management capacity, collaboration and coordination to reduce encroachment from palm oil
  • Building and strengthening national park constituencies
And the improvement of the management of forests by:
  • Strengthening forest management units (FMUs) to implement multiple use forest management
  • Expanding the use of innovative and effective funding and financing strategies to incentivize forest conservation and low emissions development
  • Protecting high conservation value (HCV) and high carbon stock (HCS) forest and developing clear national level land suitability criteria guiding palm oil development

Tasks and Responsibilities

The Specialist serves as BIJAK’s technical specialist for successful implementation of improved low-carbon and conservation oriented land use governance activities. In this capacity, the Specialist supports the TT1 Lead in the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy for improving national level land use governance instruments and systems through policy, legislative, and regulatory frameworks, with the ultimate result of improving forest and conservation area management. In planning and executing this strategy, the Specialist must collaborate with and build upon the efforts of a host of other GOI, USG, and forest and conservation area management activities and initiatives.

The Specialist will oversee the Land Use Governance and Policy Associate, and coordinate closely with BIJAK staff, subcontractors, and grantees the implementation of forest and conservation area management activities. Specific tasks will include:
  • Working with the Forest and Conservation Area Management Senior Advisor, design and provide strategic direction for the TT1 work plan.
  • Coordinating the project planning, activity implementation, and reporting for Component 1 activities under TT1; ensuring all plans are well executed
  • Consulting and engaging with various stakeholders to identify new and emerging opportunities for the improvement of forest and conservation area management.    
  • Overseeing and ensuring the successful implementation of grants, letters of collaboration, and subcontracts with program partners.
  • Monitoring and reporting on partners’ performance and providing input into BIJAK’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan and M&E System (DevResults).  Contributing to project efforts to assess and report on impact including but not limited to providing verification records to the M&E team, and contributing to M&E-led evaluations and assessments, and preparing sections of the quarterly, annual, and final reports, preparing presentations, success stories and newsletter articles, and other means of communication.
  • Coordinating with BIJAK’s Communications Team to support the project’s and its partners’ communication and outreach efforts, for example on dealing with media, preparing printed and electronic publications, preparing opinion articles, and visibility materials for events.
  • Providing inputs to TT1 Senior Advisor and other TT1 team members to foster synergies, cross-learning, and collaboration across the BIJAK program portfolio.
  • Supervising the Land Use Governance and Policy Associate, short-term experts, and subcontractors or grantees assisting the assigned portfolio.
  • Contributing technical leadership to enhance BIJAK’s overall performance through participation in regular and occasional meetings, discussions, presentations, and knowledge sharing.


  • University degree(s) in Forestry, Environmental Science, International Development, Public Policy, Public Administration, Political Science, or related development field is required.
  • Must have a minimum of ten years of experience working on forest conservation and forest governance issues, preferably with significant experience working on forest management units and conservation financing, primarily in/with the GOI, or equivalent international development agency. Minimum 5-years’ professional experience in Indonesia.
  • Experience and a deep understanding of the process of policy and legal reform in Indonesia related to forest governance, forest conservation, sustainable forest management and the environment.
  • Existing networks within GOI agencies are a must and ability to liaise with and communicate effectively with senior government officials, donors, and partners is required. The candidate should also have strong private sector and civil society networks in relation to environmental protection, sustainable palm oil, forest governance, and protected area management.
  • Demonstrates synergies between forest carbon- and biodiversity-oriented conservation practices.
  • Strong facilitation, coordination, networking and negotiation skills.
  • Good judgement, ability to work under tight deadlines.
  • Must have strong report writing and presentation skills; strong technical writing skills and excellent communications skills in both English and Indonesian.
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility and integrity.

How to Apply
Please prepare in one PDF file consist of; application letter, CV and minimal three reference contact details and send to BIJAKRecruitment@bijak-indonesia.org by December 3, 2017. Please put the code “BIJAK-C1” on the submission email.  Early submission of qualified CVs will be prioritized that might lead to early hiring process. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

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