Friday, December 8, 2017

Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) - Consultant for Public Relations and Event Management TERANG Learning

Hivos Southeast Asia is an International non-governmental organization guided by humanist values. It aims at structural poverty alleviation with a strong focus on civil society building and sustainable economic development. Hivos Southeast Asia provides financial support for local NGOs, is active in networking, lobbying and exchanging knowledge and expertise. For its Hivos Southeast Asia seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of:

Title                        :  Consultant for Public Relations and Event Management TERANG Learning Event
Duty Station        :  Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration               :  2 (two ) months ( Mid December 2017 to Mid February 2018)
Report to              :  Project Coordinator Sumba Iconic Islands

1.        Background
Access to energy is a driving force for development. Without electricity, children cannot do their homework at night, families cannot run competitive business, and countries cannot power their economies. More than 1.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to energy. In Indonesia, only 65% of the total population has access to electricity or modern forms of energy, and the electrification ratio is considerably less in rural regions, as low as 30% in some provinces. Some 24.5 million or 40% of the population living in rural and remote parts including small islands have no access to modern cooking fuels, and are therefore dependent on traditional forest-based biomass with corresponding negative impacts on forests, indoor air quality, and prospects for improved livelihood and resulting also in negative health impacts. 
Investing in Renewable Energy (RE) for Rural, Remote Communities (also called the TERANG) project is a combination of two of Hivos’ most important projects in Indonesia: Indonesia Domestic Biogas Project (IDBP) and Sumba Iconic Island (SII). Hivos has been implementing the IDBP, more popularly known as Biogas Rumah (BIRU)  since 2009. BIRU is a semi-market based biogas sector development project aimed at developing a sustainable and self-reliant biogas sector, while contributing to the national energy supply and providing a solution for sustainable energy based on local potential. Carbon emission reduction is an added important goal of this project. By mid 2017 more than 21,000 digesters have been built in 10 provinces in Indonesia.
Hivos started the Iconic Island initiative in 2010. The Indonesian Island of Sumba was chosen as the ‘Iconic Island’. Hivos aims to provide access to reliable renewable forms of energy to the population of this island, and in doing so, ending their dependency on fossil fuels and support development and economic activities of the local population. With years of experience working with partner organizations to establish access to sustainable energy in developing countries, Hivos is convinced that converting to sustainable energy, and combining this with poverty reduction, is possible on a large scale. The results of the Iconic Island initiative should become an example for other parts of the world.
On 18 December 2015 Hivos signed a partnership agreement with the Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia (MCA-I) which allows Hivos to rapidly scale up renewable energy access and income benefits by replicating the successful approaches and business models developed under the BIRU Project and Sumba Iconic Island (SII) as one big project named ‘Investing in RenewableEnergy for Rural, Remote Communities’ (TERANG). The TERANG project is implemented by a Consortium under leadership of Hivos Southeast Asia, together with Village Infrastructure Angel (VIA) and Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE).
Strengthening the energy sector is one of the Government’s top priorities as it views the sector as a key constraint to economic growth. Through TERANG, it is expected the project can contribute to the increase of access to sustainable energy for livelihood improvement and contributed to Green-House-Gas (GHG) emission reduction in Indonesia. The contribution can be achieved through:
1.     Sustainable utilization of renewable energy in rural communities that will improve the rural livelihood; and
2.     Adopting sustainable business models to create market including off-grid renewable energy market and renewable energy appliances market.
Background of The Learning Event
TERANG is being implemented in 17 districts in 3 provinces in Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and South Sulawesi). In order to support sharing of knowledge and best practice from this project, Hivos will organize a Learning Event, to be held in Jakarta. This learning event will aim primarily at gathering and sharing good practices as well as learning based on this project, which will focus on:
1.       Increased stakeholder awareness and knowledge on the implementation of decentralized RE in rural areas through workshops and sharing sessions;
2.       Supported the establishment and/or strengthened coordination processes through workshops and facilitating dialogue amongst key stakeholders;
3.       Showcased variety the use of small scale of Renewable Energy (RE) technologies to broader actors;
4.      Increased strategic alignment between actors and development partners on addressing key challenges of decentralized Renewable Energy (RE) implementation.

Through this Learning Event it is intended that participants will have a better understanding of both the opportunities and challenges of investing and implementing small scale Renewable Energy in rural areas, including strategy on how to effectively build capacity to increase social gender inclusivity in this sector. Moreover, the Learning Event will also aim to identify other relevant aspects that have not yet been touched upon and explore the next steps.

2.       Objective
This Learning Event, aims to document lessons learnt and best practices emanating from the engagement of TERANG project with the involvement of multi stakeholders. These aspects includes energy access in rural areas, capacity development for local people, development of sustainable off-grid business model, and increase the implementation of gender inclusivity.

For more detailed Term of Reference (ToR) information please click the following link :

How to apply?
The interested Service Provider should submit a technical proposal and financial quotation no later than 15 December 2017 COB by email to with the following subject in the email: ‘Expression of Interest in Public Relations Learning Event TERANG’.

As a result of this Call for Expression of Interest, selected Service Providers will be invited for preliminary discussion/interview.

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