Tuesday, March 13, 2018

KIAT: Short Term Technical Assistance of ROAD SAFETY ENGAGEMENT STRATEGY

Program Background
Cardno Emerging Markets was awarded a design and implement contract for the Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur (Indonesia Australia Partnership for Infrastructure) (KIAT). The design is now complete and Cardno is currently in negotiations with DFAT for the implementation of the program. KIAT is a 10-year facility with an indicative budget of A$300m.

KIAT’s overarching goal is to support ‘Sustainable and inclusive economic growth through improved access to infrastructure for all people’. To support this goal, KIAT will work with GOI, DFAT, private sector, MDBs and other development partners, and civil society stakeholders to help achieve the following ‘End-of-facility Outcomes’ (EOFOs):
1.     Improved GOI policy and regulatory framework for infrastructure development;
2.     High quality projects prepared and financed by GOI, the private sector and / or MDBs;
3.     High quality infrastructure delivery, management and maintenance by GOI. 

As the managing contractor for KIAT Program, Cardno is looking Consultant for Road Safety Engagement Strategy 
He/She will will be expected to develop this strategy based on stakeholder consultations with relevant GoI ministries and departments including but not limited to Bappenas, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Public Works & Housing especially the Directorate General of Highways, other bilateral donors and multilateral development banks and civil society. The consultant should also seek the views of the Australian Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities along with relevant private sector transport operators with an interest in road safety.. The consultant is expected to do a rapid assessment of Indonesian road safety policies and strategies, private sector initiatives, existing legal, institutional and administrative frameworks, current road safety and crash reporting and management systems, financing and funding for road safety improvements through a mix of literature review, observations and consultations. The engagement strategy will set out key engagement areas to focus on, level of engagement (whether KIAT should engage at policy, planning, design or implementation level), and donor landscape and identify opportunities to make a significant impact. Based on the proposed engagement strategy, the consultant will prepare activity concept note(s) to implement the proposed strategy in the provided format.      
The Details Terms of Reference containing full Selection Criteria can be downloaded from here:   

To apply for this position please click the "apply now" button found on the above link and attach an application letter and a current CV and please upload your CV not more than 4 pages.

Applications close 5.00pm,  Tuesday, 27 March 2018, Indonesian Time.

Cardno is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to Child Protection in all fields.. Any offer of employment will require criminal record checks.

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