Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Request for Tender - Market Systems Development Preparatory Studies

About AIP-Rural
The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Rural Economic Development (AIP-Rural) is a suite of programs implemented by Palladium on behalf of the Government of Indonesia and the Government of Australia. The program aims to achieve a 30%, or more, increase in net incomes for 300,000 smallholder farming households by December 2018. It works in a range of agricultural sub-sectors in collaboration with farmers, businesses, and government to increase the competitiveness of farm businesses using an M4P approach. The program works in NTB, NTT, East Java, Papua and West Papua.

AIP-Rural is in its final year of implementation for Phase I and is inviting suitably qualified Tenderers to submit proposals for the design and implementation of up to seven preparatory studies that can inform the design of interventions or sectors for the second phase of the program. The purpose of these studies is to gather information and consolidate knowledge to provide a spring board for further work in Phase II.

Qualifications Required
The submitting Tenderer must fulfil the following criteria:
  • Be a registered entity within Indonesia, or recognized by the Government of Indonesia
  • Must have proven experience in M4P or market development approach
  •  Must have the management capacity to undertake the studies in the time required
  • Must provide the technical consultants with relevant M4P experience to undertake the studies within the timeline
  • Must have previous experience working in the target provinces (or equivalent)
All studies must be completed by October 2018.

Tender Submission
 For those organisations who match the qualifications, AIP-Rural invites you to submit a proposal in accordance with the RFT that can be found here

Please note: closing date for this Tender is 26th March 2018. Non-conforming Tenders may be rejected.

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