Tuesday, March 13, 2018

UN Women - National Consultant to Develop Operational Guideline for Village Government


National Consultant to Develop Operational Guideline for Village Government
2 April –  31 October 2018
Home based and regular meeting with BAPPENAS and related stakeholders in Jakarta (national) and sub-national as assigned by Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS).
National Programme Officer for Governance
Language required:
Indonesia and English


UN Women grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the centre of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors. 
Indonesia government as member states of the UN has been committed to support the UN Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women through ratification of the Convention and adopted into the National Law No. 7 of 1984. The commitment further strengthens through the issuance of Presidential Instruction No.9 of 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in the National Development, National Long-Term Development Plan 2005-2025 (RPJP), and National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).
The commitment is continued in the policy framework through the issuance of the Ministry of Finance Regulation PMK No 119 of 2009 concerning Guideline of Submission and Review of Annual Ministries Work Plan and Budget. The policy has laid out the foundation of incorporating gender analysis into the national planning of the budgeting system in the seven piloted ministries. The seven piloted ministries consist of three coordinating ministries, namely; Ministry of National Planning, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, Ministry of Finance. The other four ministries are; Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Public Works. Priority areas for the sectoral piloted ministries are given to the program and activities on service delivery and for the driver ministries, the priority is given to strengthen the structure.
After two years of implementation, in 2011 the government of Indonesia conducted evaluation of the Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (GRPB) piloted both in the national and sub-national level. The result of the evaluation is positive and it was recommended with further continuation of GRPB into other ministries and state institutions. The evaluation also found that the GRPB works well through the engagement of gender focal points in each ministry. In the sub-national level, GRPB has been implemented since 2010 in four provinces, namely; Banten, Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. The commitment of the governor and the driver's institution from the respected province contributed significantly to the success of GRPB implementation in the provincial level.
Further in 2012 Indonesia government endorsed the National Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Strategy (Strategi Nasional Perencanaan dan Penganggaran Responsive Gender / Stranas PPRG) covering period 2012-2014 through ministerial circular from the four coordinating ministries of gender mainstreaming, namely; Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection.
The National Strategy of GRPB 2012-2014 has been completed in 2014 and the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) is now leading the development of the new National Strategy of GRPB covering period 2019-2030. With reference to the evaluation of the previous national strategy, the new national strategy will consider these points; the dynamic implementation of GRPB within national and sub-national government in the context of regional autonomy and village autonomy, institutional restructuring in the ministries and state institutions, and supporting the goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The objective of the National Strategy of GRPB is to mainstream gender into government development cycles as follows; 1). Providing guideline to accelerate implementation of gender mainstreaming from the national level to sub-national level, to achieve the goal of RPJP, RPJMN and SDGs, 2). Institutionalizing the commitment of ministries and state institutions on gender mainstreaming in the national and sub-national level, 3). Providing systematic coordination among ministries and state institutions from national to sub-national level, 4). Strengthening ministries and state institutions in formulating gender responsive planning and budgeting, and implementation of GRPB in the national and sub-national level.

The national strategy will be equipped with operational guideline for ministries, state institutions, sub-national government, and villages government.

Based on the above, UN Women in partnership with BAPPENAS seek the support from two qualified national consultants to develop, namely; 1). Operational guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting specifically for ministries/state institutions, sub-national government (province, city and district), 2). Operational guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting specifically for government in the village level.  The two consultants are expected to work as a team.

The consultants are expected to submit high quality result of work under close consultation with BAPPENAS, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Women Empowerment, Ministry of Villages, NGOs, UN Women, and related individuals as assigned by BAPPENAS. The consultant will conduct a series of consultations with respected ministries/state institutions/ NGOs as agreed upon with BAPPENAS.

This Term of Reference is provision for national consultant who will develop Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting specifically for Village Government covering period 2019-2030.

The objective of this consultancy is to provide technical assistance to Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) to develop Operational Guideline of National Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting specifically for Village Government covering period 2019-2030.

Under direct supervision of National Programme Officer for Governance, the consultant will perform the following tasks:

·       Develop Operational Guideline of National Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Strategy 2019-2030 for Village Government,
·       Facilitate and actively participate in the series consultations seminar/workshop/ meetings in the national and sub-national level,
·       Conduct close consultation with Ministry of Village, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection,
·       Provide regular update report to BAPPENAS and UN Women as agreed by both parties,
·       Conduct close consultation with the core team who is involved in the development of National Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Strategy 2019-2030,
·       Conduct close consultation with the consultant who develop Operational Guideline of National Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Strategy specifically for Ministries/ State Institution and Sub-National Government (Province/ Districts/ City).


Expected Deliverables
·       Develop Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government
·       Facilitate series of consultation with related stakeholders as assigned by BAPPENAS
·       Outline of the Operational Guideline
·       Proposing working methodology to develop the draft.
3rd week of April 2018
First draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government

1st week June 2018
Second draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government

4th week of July 2018
·       Facilitate final Seminar
·       Finalize the report based on input from final seminar

Final Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government

English summary report to UN Women
4th week of August 2018

The total duration of the contract assignment will be between 2 April – 31 October 2018, with tentative schedule of potential mission for series of consultation with government, NGOs, academia in the sub-national level.

The consultant will work closely with Ministry of National Development and Planning (BAPPENAS) and UN Women. The consultant will be under direct supervision of the UN Women National Programme Officer for Governance.

Tentative contractual period is from  2 April – 31 October 2018.
1st week of May 2018
(25 % of consultancy fee)
·       Outline draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government
·       Proposing working methodology to develop the draft.
3rd week of June 2018
(25% of consultancy fee)
First draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government
2nd week of August 2018
(25% of consultancy fee)
Second draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government
4th week of September 2018
(25% of consultancy fee)
Final Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for ministries/state institutions and sub-national government (deliver in Bahasa Indonesia).
Summary report comprising of key deliverables during the consultancy including lessons learnt and recommendation (deliver in English and expected not more than four pages)..

·       UN Women and BAPPENAS will provide the Consultant with necessary background materials for the desk review;
·       The consultant is expected to work remotely using his/her own computer, but may access the UN Women office printing or relevant documents or should he/she be required to work on-site at any point during the assignment.

The consultant must submit deliverables as follows;
·       Report on the review of the implementation of Operational Guidelines of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2012-2014 for ministers/state institutions and sub-national government (the report will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
·       First draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for   Village Government (the report will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
·       Second draft of Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government (the report will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
·       Final Operational Guideline of National Strategy of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting 2019-2030 for Village Government (the report will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia)
·       Summary report comprising of key deliverables during the consultancy period including lessons learnt and recommendation (the report will be delivered in English and expected not more than four pages).

Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to the payment of the instalment the deliverables related reports and documents will be reviewed and approved by BAPPENAS and UN Women. The period of the review is two weeks after receipt.

Contractor’s performance will be evaluated based on: timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered.

The consultants should fulfill the following requirements:

1. Education
·       Minimal master’s degree in economics, public policy, gender studies, or other related fields

2. Experience and skills
·       At least 5 years of experience directly with gender mainstreaming implementation and or gender responsive planning and budgeting preferably in the ministries/state institutions.
·       Proven experience working in the field of gender responsive planning and budgeting preferably with one of the coordinating ministries of GRPB namely; Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, and Ministry of Home Affairs
·       Proven experience in designing Gender Responsive Budgeting Plan and Implementation in the sub-national level by providing sample of applicant's work,
·       Strong knowledge with the National Strategy of GRPB 2012-2014 is advantageous.
3. Language and other skills
·       Excellent verbal and written English skill.
·       Computer literacy and ability to effectively use office technology equipment, IT tools, ability to use Internet and email.

The applicant will be evaluated based on technical capacities (70%) and financial proposal (30%). Technical evaluation will be based on the following criteria stated as below.

Minimal master’s degree in economics, public policy, gender studies, or other related fields, and at least 5 years of experience directly with gender mainstreaming implementation and or gender responsive planning and budgeting preferably in the ministries/state institutions.
10 points
Proven experience working in the field of gender responsive planning and budgeting preferably with one of the coordinating ministries of GRPB namely; Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, and Ministry of Home Affairs,
25 points
Proven experience in designing Gender Responsive Budgeting Plan and Implementation in the sub-national level by providing sample of applicant's work,
25 points
Strong knowledge with the National Strategy of GRPB 2012-2014 is advantageous
10 points
Financial Proposal
30 points

100 points

Interested candidates are requested to submit electronic application to: hr.bangkok@unwomen.org with copy to: dian.heryasih@unwomen.org  not later than, Tuesday, 20 March at 05.00 pm, Jakarta time.

Submission Package
·       CV;
·       Letter of Interest specifying Consultant 02 - Operational Guideline for Village Government, containing the statement on candidate’s experience in the field of recruitment;
·        Financial proposal. The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount based on each deliverable breaking down a daily professional fee, number of working days, and any cost required.
·       Assessment breakdown:
70% review of CV
30% proposed rate/fee

All applications must include (as an attachment) the CV and the financial proposal. Applications without financial proposal will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.

Please note that only the selected candidate will be contacted.

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