Sunday, May 13, 2018



The participation of youth in agriculture is decreasing national wide due to irregular and unstable income. Likewise, food crop, in coffee commodity, there is limited number of youth who actively engaged. Indonesia Statistic Board noted that number of farmer has decreased and 5 million households are no longer farmer. The age of farmers is getting older. 60.8 % of farmers are at above 45-year-old with limited education background (basic school only) and lack of new technology adoption. In contrast, regeneration process particularly on food related farming is very slow and youth prefer to work in industry sector instead of farming. Youth viewed agriculture did not provide regular income since the profit will be received only during harvest session instead of monthly basis. Moreover, agriculture did not also give stable income during its harvest due to many factors, such as production failure and market price fluctuation. Consequently, youth preferred to work in the city for different types of job, including daily labor. Combined with selling farming land and convert it to the infrastructure, such as hotel, shops, and tourist facility, this, furthermore, has caused decreased agriculture productivity. There are many variables influence youth’s (within farmer families) passion to be farmers, including sex and main activity/occupation, interest, ambition, and knowledge on farmer regeneration.

Lutheran World Relief (here and after refer as LWR) is starting the project in Detusoko, Ende, Flores to increase youth participation in agriculture by proving that agriculture is promising income source through creating entrepreneurship opportunities and improve on-farm practice. Youth will be engaged not only in farming and cultivating coffee or other crops, but also in building entrepreneurship utilizing value added from their farming product.
There are two youth groups in the area who will implement youth group entrepreneur in Detusoko Barat and Wologai Tengah. In Detusoko Barata, the youth group had established for more than 5 years with solid group members. While Wologai Tengah group is relatively new group, management role and responsibility has not been developed yet. Both groups commit to implement group entrepreneur in café in the location.
To start the business, it is obvious that the group need to improve their capacity in starting up business, including in establishing youth group governance. Therefore, the project will hire consultant to improve their capacity trough series of training and coaching so they will able to start their café.
The objective of this group capacity building are:
1.       Improve group capacity in managing the youth group
2.       Improve group capacity in running group business
At the end of assignment period, the Consultant is expected to deliver:
·       Facilitate one training on group governance so the group understand a group structure and role for each function
·       Finalized group statute 
·       Facilitate training on business plan for two groups
·       Facilitate training on financial management
·       Draft group business plan and financial management procedures in running their café business
Timeframe of the activity
The Consultant is expecting to start immediately. S/he will be based in Detusoko sub-district, Ende. The assignment period is one month (equal to 22 days). To support the consultant training and assistance, LWR will hire local co-facilitator to manage day to day assistance to the group.
Consultant criteria
The minimum requirement for the consultant are:
·       Experience in training group on group governance for more than 3 years
·       Skilful in coaching as follow up to training 
·       Ready to be based on Detusoko sub-district during assignment period
·       Experience in assisting group financial management
·       Experience in business plan
·       Understand local culture
·       Experience with youth activities and/or entrepreneur start up is a plus
The consultant will get a competitive consultation fee, accommodation in Detusoko and during travel, local transport and ticket to and from Ende (for consultant who live outside Ende).
Interested candidate
Interested candidates need to submit their CV, brief training design and curriculum at the latest on May 11th to to

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