Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Plan International Indonesia need consultant for SAYA SIAP project

Plan International IndonesiaTerm of ReferenceEndline Survey -SAYA SIAP! ProjectMay 2018  

- Background
Plan Internationalis an independent child rights and humanitarian organisation committed tochildren living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice. We activelyunite children, communities and other people who share our mission to makepositive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives  Ministry of Health Department and National DisasterManagement Agency (BNPB) data show that 25 large-scale climate-relateddisasters have occurred in NTT province since 2006. In 2016 BNBP and People’s WelfareBureau showed that NTT was affected by 3 floods and 1 eruption, and 39 villagesin Nagekeo District were affected by drought caused by El Niño. Drought alsoimpacts water sources, hygiene behaviour, and nutrition, and even without thecurrent El Nino, this is one of the anticipated impacts of climate change inNagekeo district. After conducting short term El Niño response in 2016, PlanInternational Indonesia funded by DFAT and Plan International Australia implementeda project focused on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptationnamely "I'M READY!". The project has been implemented since July 2016to June 2018 (appx 24 months). Project goal is that childrenand their community are more resilient to the impacts of climate change. Theproject is implemented in 5 villages in Nagekeo District in NTT in partnershipwith local NGO (SANRES) who have extensive experiences in disaster and climatechange.  TheObjective of the Study The overall goal is to obtain understanding on the conditionsafter project implementation. Specifically, the endline is aiming to Identify demographictarget of the beneficiaries which is disaggregated by age, gender, anddisability, identify level of current capacity and vulnerability of women, men,girls, boys related to water sanitation and hygiene, agricultural resilience,DRR/CCA and sort of influencing factor, identify best practice and lessonlearned related to water sanitation and hygiene, agricultural resilience,DRR/CCA which came out from project implementation. This can be at all levelincluding individual, communities, groups, and government and identify current policyat local government related to WASH, agriculture, DRR/CCA, including theimplementation, challenges, and opportunities.Methodology
- The survey will apply combined qualitative andquantitative approach through secondary and primary data collection.Gender-sensitive and child protection approach is compulsory in all stage ofdata collection.
Survey Team
- The consultant is expected to form a qualifiedsurvey/study team and manage coordination and communication with Plan InternationalIndonesia. The consultant have to follow Plan International’s survey standardand Child Protection Policy
- Deliverables

- Study design, framework, and detailed work plan on howthe study  will be carried out
- Data collection tools as per target groups (elaboratedfrom tools used in baseline)
- Executive summary with English
- Research report covering the following parts:

- Standardcover sheet and executive summary (English and Indonesia)
- Backgroundand description of objectives, survey methodology, limitations of the study,description of survey, and program description where available
- Qualitativeand quantitative data analysis and findings
- Conclusions
- Programmaticrecommendations
- Annexes:TOR, list of people met (if can be disclosed), list of documents reviewed, etc.

- Presentationon finding and recommendations
- Consultationworkshop to review the key findings and recommendations involving internal andexternal key stakeholders including those directly involved in the survey.
- Adissemination workshop with green skills materials, involving the stakeholderas resource person.
Study PlanningFollowing is the detail schedule; 
| Milestone | Broad timeframe |
| Consultant selection | 21-23 May 2018 |
| Preparation meeting including agreeing tools and workplan, study design, and sampling method. | 24-25 May 2018 |
| Training for enumerator | 28 May 2018 |
| Data collection & analysis | 29 May – 8 June 2018 |
| Draft report  | 15 June 2018 |
| Consultation meeting | 11 June 2018 |
| Final report | 19 June 2018 |
| Dissemination workshop (will be done in closing project workshop) | 25      June 2018 |

- Child Protection StatementThe consultant team and Plan staff have to adhere toPlan Child Protection Policy and training on this will be part of the trainingprovided for the survey team.
- Qualificationof Consultant
- Thesurvey has to be led by an expert and experience ofexternal consultant with qualified data collectors. A panel will review theapplication on the basis of compliance with the requirements listed below andon quality of the proposal and will organize interviews with short listedcandidates.
Minimumrequirements for the consultant team:

- Demonstratesexperience in at least 3 comparable studies, preferably in the area of disasterrisk reduction, climate change adaptation, WASH, agriculture, environment
- Hasstrong background on disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, WASH,agriculture, and gender issues.
- Goodknowledge and strong experience in conducting survey, monitoring and evaluation
- Goodknowledge of the areas targeted by the survey
- Excellentin report writing, both in Indonesian and English
- Hasstrong experience in disseminating survey findings
 Documents tosupport applicants
- CV ofthe lead-consultant and team members
- Aproposal for conducting the study, including the budget 
- Sampleof previous survey report

- Submission ProtocolFirststep: Consultant send application to: Herlina Bolling (email:herlina.bolling@plan-international.org ) and cc to Alam Setyabakti ( Alam.Bakti@plan-international.org) not later than 19 May 2018 with attached documents asfollow:

- Institution Profile orconsultant profile
- Applications which consist ofbackground, methodology, proposed method, timeframe, and budget ( excel )

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