Friday, May 18, 2018

USAID CEGAH Program - RFP - Event Logistic and Program Support Service for Rule of Law Component under USAID CEGAH

USAID CEGAH is a USAID-funded project managed by MSI International focusing on strengthening Government of Indonesia (GOI) efforts that reduce corruption vulnerabilities in existing systems, complementing Indonesia’s impressive and ongoing corruption enforcement achievements.

The Asia Foundation Indonesia is MSI’s subcontractor for the rule of law component of the USAID CEGAH project is currently seeking proposals from qualified and experienced service providers with experience in conducting the activities listed in point “Scope of Work” to organize the event logistic and program support service for rule of law component under USAID CEGAH.
Other informations related with the RFP are as follows:
Applicants conference on: 23 May 2018 at 1 PM (Jakarta time). For attending applicants conference, the attendance confirmation should be sent to: with a cc: to: on 22 May 2018 at 1 PM (Jakarta time).
Deadline for questions: 24 May 2018 at 5 PM (Jakarta time). (Questions/clarifications received after this date may not be disseminated to all known applicants.). Questions should be sent via e-mail to with cc to: Answers will be responded via email as well. 
Deadline for Proposal Submission: 11 June 2018 at 5 PM (Jakarta time) via e-mail to with cc to: with the RFP number: 31968.002.02.RFP and title: Event Logistic and Program Support Service for Rule of Law Component under USAID CEGAH in the subject line (emailed documents should be in MSWord and Excel).
USAID CEGAH point of contact: Applications and questions must be submitted via e-mail to with cc to: Phone calls regarding technical content will not be entertained.
Objective: This RFP aims to select 1 (one) professional service of an event organizer company to organize event logistic and program support service for rule of law component under USAID CEGAH such as interpretation, translation, and photography. In general, the selected vendor(s) under this solicitation will be expected to provide a variety of logistics support services.
Geographic focus: The RFP solicits applications for interventions will be implemented in Jakarta as well as other cities such as Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Yogyakarta, Ternate and other cities across Indonesia.
Organizations eligible to apply: private companies with experience in the field of logistic and program support service for rule of law component management systems as basis for company formation and with experience in managing procurements for USAID-funded programs or international donors are encouraged to apply. Civil Society Organization (CSO), individuals and government entities are not eligible to apply under this RFP.
Expected Grant type: Cost Reimbursement
Duration: the selected vendor will be contracted initially up to 12 months in duration.
Interested candidate has to download procurement announcement click here.

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