Thursday, May 10, 2018

Vacancy Announcement: Consultant to develop guideline of CCA mainstreaming into Village Planning & Budgeting

Developing Guideline  of Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming into Village  Planning & Budgeting

USAID’s five year “Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Ketangguhan” (APIK) Project supports the Government of Indonesia to strengthen climate and disaster resilience, working in an integrated manner from the national level down to the regional and community levels. In support of this overall objective, APIK seeks to:1) mainstream climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into national and sub-national governance frameworks;2) Build the capacity of local communities and the private sector to address climate change and weather-related natural hazards; and , 2) Support the use of information for climate and disaster risk management among key stakeholders.

At the national level, APIK provides technical assistance to national level ministries to strengthen their understanding of climate change (including climate variability) and the impact of climate-related natural disasters, and to mainstream tools and approaches that facilitate the systematic consideration of climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) in their core planning, budgeting, and operations as well as monitoring and evaluation. Given the cross-cutting nature of CCA/DRR, APIK works with economy-wide agencies—such as the Ministry of Planning (Bappenas) and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB)—as well as technical ministries such as Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Public Works and Public Housing (PUPERA), Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR), and Agriculture (Kementan).
At the subnational level, APIK seeks to build the capacity of local governments in East Java, Southeast Sulawesi, and Maluku to address CCA & DRR through planning and operations, public outreach, and the institutionalization of resilience-building practices in day-to-day activities. With a regional office located in the respective provinces, the Project works in targeted landscapes with the communities on the front lines of climate change and disaster resilience in the target districts to implement measures and link those measures to the relevant government processes in a holistic systems approach.
Crosscutting the national and subnational levels,  in order to bring the good practices from village level implementation of CCA/DRR at scale  , APIK further seeks to mainstream CCA/DRR into the village  planning and budgeting. Working closely with  KLHK and Kementerian Desa PDTT, APIK   will provide support  in developing a guideline  for CCA mainstreaming in compliance with  village planning and budgeting mechanism and procedure.  
Purpose  & Objective
Currently there are a number of modules/guideline available prepared by either  ministries and non-government organizations  on  community based CCA/DRR. However, most of the them  focusing more on detailing method of  participatory risk assessment  and  targeting trained facilitators.   APIK involved  in  series of consultation meeting  facilitated by  KLHK including some    with community groups.  The recommendation of the consultation including  the need for developing of a  more comprehensive and practical guidelines for this specific group. The content should cover at least   basic concepts of climate change, utilization of village resources, mainstreaming CCA-DRR into village planning, indication of possible measures and instruments  . There are also good practices demonstrated at village level  to  bring at scale. The guidelines is expected to serve as a tool to  leverage the practices nationwide.    
The objective of the assignment is to provide consultation service  to develop practical guidelines targeting local government   village officials and village  mentor  (pendamping desa) to  mainstreaming CCA/DRR in   village planning and budgeting.    The guideline is  intended to be an instrument to fulfill  gap in term of   knowledge and skill  of  target group.  The consultant will  refer to  different source of literatures indicated by APIK to develop content of guideline. The STTA is expected to compile, rewrite, structuring and deliver a guideline fit the need of target group for mainstreaming purpose.   
The consultation is expected to deliver output in accordance with the  above objective. Content of the     guideline should include topics    as follows:
1.      Introduction to climate change
2.      Responding to climate change  
3.      Climate change adaptation  policies  & Village governance
4.      CCA instruments  for villages
5.      Practices and possible measure  of adaptation at  village level
6.      Planning and implementation of CCA
7.      Mainstreaming of CCA in village planning and budgeting

Scope of Work
Furthermore, the scope of work includes but is not limited to the following components:
1.      Proposing   a  work plan and outline of the   guidelines  
2.      Conducting  literature review and compiling available  source of references  to develop the  content
3.      Conducting in-depth  study  to village  planning and budgeting  procedures and practices
4.      Providing    possible options of adaptation measures      based on  typhology   of  climate risk and villages landscapes
5.      Conducting policy analysis  on  CCA  and local governance
6.      Writing  content of the guideline
7.      Facilitate stakeholder consultation of the guideline  in order to gather  feedback for quality improvement        

Mechanism of Implementation
APIK   will hire a  consultant (STTA) to develop the guideline. The STTA is assigned to work with   APIK national team and under close consultation with KLHK and Kementrian Desa.

The requirements for the STTA are as follows:
1.        Master Degree with strong knowledge and experience in climate change and local governance 
2.      At least 5 years of experience in climate change adaptation practices in Indonesia and or involve in effort to enhance environmental investment of local governance.  
3.        Ability to analyze and develop technical instrument on climate change adaptation or other related environmental issues. 
4.        Advance capability for presentation and facilitation
5.        Strong writing and communication skill
6.        Has experience in developing similar tools/instrument proven with relevant output   of previous work 

This position will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The consultant will report to APIK Community-based Climate Change Adaptation Advisor

Application Send:
Interested applicants are invited to send their CV to Please send application no later than 15 May 2018. Applicants are instructed to write "STTA - Consultant to develop CCA mainstreaming into village planning and budgeting guideline - Name" as the subject line of their email. we regret that we are unable to acknowledge receipt of all applicants and only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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