Thursday, June 21, 2018

Hivos Re-Ads : EOI Consultant for Project Evaluation Gender & Entrepreneurship Analysis for Solar Service in Sumba

Hivos Southeast Asia is an International non-governmental organization guided by humanist values. It aims at structural poverty alleviation with a strong focus on civil society building and sustainable economic development. Hivos Southeast Asia provides financial support for local NGOs, is active in networking, lobbying and exchanging knowledge and expertise.

Title                    :  Consultant for Project Evaluation Gender & Entrepreneurship Analysis for Solar Services in Sumba
Duty Station        :  Jakarta, Indonesia

1.     Background

Hivos started the Sumba Iconic Island initiative in 2010 with aims to provide access to reliable renewable forms of energy to the population of this island, and in doing so, ending their dependency on fossil fuels and support development and economic activities of the local population. With years of experience working with partner organizations to establish access to sustainable energy in developing countries, Hivos is convinced that converting to sustainable energy, and combining this with poverty reduction, is possible on a large scale. The results of the Iconic Island initiative should become an example for other parts of the world. Currently SII is being adopted as a government project under Ministerial Decree NO. 3051 K/30/MEM/2015. It promotes a multi-stakeholder approach where government, private sector and CSOs are working collaboratively under that Decree.

On 24 February 2017  Hivos was awarded EUR 1.4 million by the Dutch’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs which allows Hivos to rapidly scale up renewable energy access and income benefits by replicating the successful approaches and business models developed under the Sumba Iconic Island (SII). The  ‘Solar Services for Sumba Iconic Island’ proposal outlines a 20-month project to develop commercially oriented solar PV services for off-grid users in Sumba Island in Indonesia, with the objective of creating a sustained and commercially oriented renewable energy solutions at affordable prices for Sumbanese inhabitants. The project, which leverages match funding from the Millennium Challenge Account–Indonesia, plays a major role in the strategy for off-grid energy development under the SII program and will also contribute significantly to a gender-inclusive application and to women’s opportunities in renewable energy entrepreneurship.

The outputs and targets as described in the results framework include:
1.         Rural off-grid users, including schools, households and individuals, invest in and apply clean energy technologies with gender-inclusiveness.
2.         Entrepreneurial and business operations are established and strengthened to promote and service clean energy technologies for rural off-grid customers, including women.
3.         Increased capacity and involvement of government, civil society and the private sector in the delivery of market-based clean energy solutions for off-grid customers, including women.

The separate interventions consist of the following five main components:
1.         Dissemination of 50 corn mills to local entrepreneurs
2.         Installation of 25 solar PV school power and lamp charging systems, with 8,000 lanterns
3.         Installation of 20 remote lamp charging kiosks, with 2,000 lanterns
4.        Establishment of 2 service centres (Renewable Energy Service Company = RESCO) for marketing, retributions, spare parts and servicing
5.         Capacity building for R.E. workforce, entrepreneurs, users and local government officers

2.  Objective

The main objectives of this independent evaluation are:
1.        To assess the extent to which the gender-inclusive application has been achieved
2.       To assess the impact of the project particularly on women’s opportunities in energy entrepreneurship.
3.       To provide concrete recommendations for future design and implementation of the project, based on evaluation findings and conclusions
The gender-inclusive project evaluation must provide evidence-based information that is credible, reliable, and useful and should align strongly with the project indicators. The evaluation team is expected to follow a participatory and consultative approach ensuring close engagement with SII project team (Hivos and partners), direct beneficiaries, government counterparts and other key stakeholders..

The scope of project evaluation should be based on the five evaluation criteria from the Development Assistance Committee of the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/DAC) – Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, Sustainability.
Relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and/or sustainability are the evaluation criteria against which the intervention will be assessed.

The evaluator may adapt the evaluation criteria and questions but the changes should be agreed between the evaluation manager and the evaluator and reflected in the inception report.

A specific analysis on gender issues should cover, but not limited to:
a.       How far the project interventions have contributed to addressing social-gender issues through its Project – Social and Gender Inclusion Plan (P-SGIP) including explanation on the overall progress, challenges, and lessons learned
b.       How far women’s involvement in the project has contributed to the achievement of project goals (improvement of rural livelihoods through utilization of renewable energy in rural communities and sustainable business models to create market of off-grid renewable energy technologies adopted)
c.       Is there any specific impact on (1) task-shifting/shared workload in domestic and productive work between women and men, (2) increase in women’s self-confidence, business skills, capacity-strengthening and decision-making at household and community level, as well as (3) increased household income and women’s control over the income? How do the changes affect the overall wellbeing within the household?
d.       Is there any unintended impact of exclusion of a certain vulnerable group in the community? How ownership of input and cultural values play roles in creating such exclusion including description the strategy to address the risk of exclusion for future endeavours.

Evaluator may suggest and make necessary changes on the questions upon approval by the evaluation manager.

For more detailed Term of Reference (ToR) information please click the following link :

3.    Submission date

Interested candidates are requested to submit an electronic copy of their expression of interest/ proposal to not later than 25 June 2018 (COB). 

Please put in email subject: DGIS_Gender_Expert_Name of consulting company

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