Tuesday, January 29, 2019


The Global Fund recognizes that globally key populations are at substantially higher risk of acquiring HIV than the general population. However, KPs do not benefit equally from the scale-up of national programs as many of the priority countries, particularly those grouped in ECT II and III, have been employing generalized epidemic control strategies. In addition, many countries have only recently begun to use Global Fund grants to support targeted programs for key populations. While these countries have the potential to scale-up their KP programs, many are struggling to design and implement effective evidenced based programs due to the lack of capacity for data analysis and use.  Given the extensive experience and successes of LINKAGES in building capacity for KP data analysis to achieve program expansion and optimization, USAID provided funding for LINKAGES to provide TA in strategic information to selected GF countries to support progress towards sustainable epidemic control.

Through this funding, LINKAGES will support Global Fund Principal and Sub-Recipients (government stakeholders and civil society partners) in the selected countries to build their capacity in analyzing, interpreting and using data from different sources to develop programs for epidemic control. Potentially, support will be provided in areas that include mapping and size estimates, microplanning and other techniques, analyzing data for rapid case identification and linkages to care along the continuum, visualization and interpretation of data for performance improvement, and improving monitoring of programs for key populations and those within their networks. The LINKAGES Team worked with USAID and GF colleagues both in Geneva and in the selected countries to identify the priorities for each country.
The Linkages Across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations (LINKAGES) program aims to accelerate the ability of the Government of Indonesia and targeted civil society organizations to more effectively plan, deliver and optimize comprehensive, scaled HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services that reduce HIV transmission among key and priority populations, and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.  LINKAGES prioritize programming that has the highest return for the achievement of AIDS epidemic control goals. 
In Indonesia, the project contributes directly to the targets identified in the Ministry of Health (MOH) HIV National Action Plan.  Our success is intricately tied to the efforts of the national program, which is led by the Ministry of Health (MOH), and largely funded by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund).  
LINKAGES closely collaborates with Global Fund principal recipients (the MOH, Spritia, and the Indonesia AIDS Coalition) to support the national program to advance 90-90-90 programming that demonstrates movement towards epidemic control aims, and strengthens systems that improve the evidence base, enhance coordination structures, increase domestic funding levels, confront structural barriers for CoPTC service access and uptake, and increase organizational capacity and technical leadership.
In FY19/COP18 implementation plan, LINKAGES Indonesia is still doing expansion of “outreach Databank” application system to another district and province. As part of the agreement between Global fund and Linkages, in Indonesia TA for PR and SR capacity building will be focused on Information communications technology (ICT) innovation and solutions, to support this goal, LINKAGES Indonesia plans to hire a new software/application IT Programing Company Consultant for Customize Outreach Databank software for participating districts/provinces.
The consultant will work with LINKAGES Indonesia team, particularly with ICT4D and or CBS and M&E team to further customize and deployment an ICT application in support of the selected participating district and province. The consultant team shall work under the overall supervision of the ICT4D Advisor, will input from the LINKAGES Country Representative, CBS team, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Advisor and/or another LINKAGES Team. The consultant will be a skilled and experienced software developer responsible for the detailed design, implementation, and testing of subsystems and system components in complex, multivendor, multi-platform environments. Detail SOW, but not limited to the following:
1..     Taking lead on coding and programing web base application system to Customize Outreach Databank software for participating districts/provinces. Selected Consultant will do software customization base on document that provided by LINKAGES team. For PAC (provincial level) only online version, but for DAC (districts level) should prepare for 2 version both online and offline version
2..    Support ICT4D team on Deploy Outreach Databank in participating districts/provinces. Consultant shall have a software testing could be conducted parallel with development process prior to deploy into government server/hosting system. Consultant can inform LINKAGES team to do software testing when they ready finalize an customizing application coding and programing web base application system to provide technical support and ICT tools for each outreach databank in each district.
3..     Support ICT4D team to Conduct ToT for Outreach Databank master trainers in each province. 
4..  Provide virtual TA for Outreach Databank troubleshooting and implementation minimum 3 months after software/application deployment.
A consultant shall work under the overall supervision of the LINKAGES Country Representative, ICT4D Advisor, CBS team, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Unit and or another LINKAGES Team. Furthermore, the incumbent will work in close collaboration with the ICT Advisor and CBS team, with the following detail responsibilities:
A.    Specific responsibilities for Customize Outreach Databank software will include:
1.     Upgrade and/or expand Geological/Maps/GPS data visualization.
2.     Upgrade and/or expand front end application base on requested and make it relevant with selected participating districts/provinces.
3.     Upgrade and or expand for Reporting Table, data view, export form (xls or PDF) base on requested by participating districts/provinces
4.     Develop and additional menu/feature and/or module for participating districts/provinces base on requirement by LINKAGES Technical team (if any).
5.     Develop, create and Synchronize API (Application Programing Interface) for data interoperability among district/DAC, provincial/PAC and National Level outreach databank application system
6.     Synchronization of Mobile Data Collection using ODK platform into outreach databank at DAC/District level and integrated into data interoperability system.
7.     Expected output/deliverable for this activity is customize outreach databank application for:
-        11 Outreach Databank application for DAC (districts level) for online version and 11 offline version.
-        3 Outreach Databank application for PAC (provincial level
-        1 Outreach Databank application for National Level
 B.    Specific responsibilities for Deploy Outreach Databank will include:
1.     Testing and refining (5 iteration) for each modules/menus/feature that have been developed prior to present to government server
2.     Present the Final version of the application to LINKAGES team for approval prior to installed into government server.
3.     Conduct quality and performance tests and fixes with ICT technical advisor.
4.     Prepare for domain, link, server backup and database migration to permanent link URL into government DAC/DHO or PAC/PHO and or DISKOMINFO server.
5.     Server installation using Linux Operating system and its supported software application (ex. FTP, Server load monitoring, etc)
6.     Application and database configuration
7.     Pointing IP address into a DNS domain/sub domain configuration name.
8.     Synchronization database among DACs and PAC and ensure it can communicate each other
9.     Conduct quality and performance tests and fixes with ICT technical advisor.
10.  Inhouse training for IT persons/PIC in provincial Level.
8.     Expected output/deliverable for this activity is deployment outreach databank application for:
-        11 URL Online access of Outreach Databank application system at districts level
-        3 URL Online access of Outreach Databank application at provincial level
-        1 URL Online access of Outreach Databank application for National Level
-        Configuration and synchronization among those application to communicate each other and doing auto data interoperability periodically 
C.    Specific responsibilities for Databank software interaperobility will include:
1.     Develop an API’s (Application Programing Interface) among the application
2.  Synchronization of multi database platform into outreach databank at DAC/District level and integrated into data interoperability system at provincial and national level as following scheme 
3.     Expected output/deliverable for this activity is data synchronization amongs outreach databank application for:
-        11 Outreach Databank application for DAC (districts level) for online version and 11 offline version.
-        3 Outreach Databank application for PAC (provincial level
-        1 Outreach Databank application for National Level 
D.    Specific responsibilities for Conduct Training of Trainer will include:
1.     Conduct needs assessment with ICT technical advisor, CBS M&E team and or other stakeholder to design a TOT Modules for training.
2.     Develop a final TOT training modules base on feedback from ICT technical advisor, CBS and M&E team.
3.     Take lead for TOT training in each province and national level
4.     Prepare team for Co-trainer assistance during the TOT in each district.
5.     Prepare infrastructure for the TOT training (Linkages will provide a meeting package, arrange a venue, participant and accommodation, the consultant will provide training material, trainer and method, internet connection, Wi-Fi access point).
6.     Training for user (How to use databank) conducted in each district, led by PAC, Co-lead by DAC. Close coordination with the Consultant, Linkages team as observer only.
7.     Expected output/deliverable for this activity is final reporting and lesson learn and documentation for TOT training. 
E.    Provide virtual TA for Outreach Databank troubleshooting
Consultant will do several activities to support after sell service as following:
1.    Provide special fix line, or phone/mobile number or WhatsApp group
2.    Dedicated room for service center
3.    Dedicated one or two people to standby for online respond service daily working hour (8:00 AM to 5 PM) every working day
4.     Programmer/IT infrastructure specialist standby every day for trouble shooting technical assistances.
5.     Expected output/deliverable for this activity is:
-        Availability of Tool for communicate with participating district/province
-        Availability room/office for service center including minimum 2 person of inline costumer service (CS) and minimum one person of IT programmer/ infrastructure specialist. CS and technical team should standby for online respond service every working day starting at 8:00 AM to 5 PM. 
The consultancy will be based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Traveling to outside Jakarta may be required
March 1st 2019 to April 30th 2019. Consultant can claim invoice per deliverable has had approved by ICT4D team. Payment will be made maximum 2 weeks after the successful deliverable completion and approval of tasks/deliverable signed by LINKAGES program manager.
All of the expenses for software development, testing, and deployment will be included into consultant budget proposal. But, during the training event (TOT and training databank for user), LINKAGES Indonesia will provide a local transport, periderm, hotel/accommodation and airplane/train ticket for master trainer and or co-trainers. LINKAGES not provide a Resources persons fee anymore (it has including in consultant budget proposal)
The candidate should submit the proposal to ProcurementIndo@fhi360.org not later than February 5th 2019. Only shortlist candidate will be invited for next step procurement process.
You can download the complete documents trough the links given bellow : 

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