Friday, January 25, 2019

Vacancy : Short Term Consultant for Data Protection / Data Privacy Regulation

Terms of Reference
Country Report Indonesia and Regional Organization Report ASEAN regarding Data Protection Regulation


 I.              Background information

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federal enterprise that implements German development policy around the globe. As a provider of international cooperation services for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to building a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy and the environment, and peace and security.

Privacy is a fundamental human right recognized in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in many other international and regional treaties. The right to privacy underpins human dignity, autonomy and is a foundation essential for many other human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of association. This applies offline as well as online. Data protection regulation is thus essential to protect the privacy of GIZ’s target groups and to avoid or reduce unintended consequences stemming from data-driven and digital projects.

As a Federal enterprise with two registered offices in Germany, GIZ adheres to the German and European Data Protection Regulation whenever GIZ is the legally responsible implementing party. In the majority of projects, the implementing partners such as partner ministries are legally responsible though. In these cases, national data privacy law of the partner country applies. These legal frameworks differ greatly from country to country and in many settings, program activities may take place across different jurisdictions.

In order to allow GIZ employees a good start in dealing with data privacy issues during the design and implementing phase of a project, GIZ compiles an overview of national data privacy laws of the countries it is working in. In addition, GIZ developed Responsible Data Guidelines (RDG) in order to provide guidance to its staff and experts on how to deal with data privacy in countries with low or non-existing data protection standards.

This assignment aims at developing in-depths studies of the current data privacy regulation in selected partner countries and regional institutions. The countries selected stand for increasing digital and data-driven country portfolios of GIZ. Among the selected cases is Indonesia and the regional organization Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The in-depth studies shall deepen the understanding and help to come to terms with data privacy regulation against the background of questions like legal liabilities in the respective country/territorial areas of application.  

II.            Assignment

1 study for Indonesia including one chapter on ASEAN is to be conducted and compiled in a report. The following information is to be provided (compiled by desk studies and, if possible, local expert interviews):

·         Presentation of national legal data privacy framework(s) (scope of the framework; when was the law passed etc.)
·         Timeliness of the legal framework: is it applicable to digital data and the digital age (e.g. does it also cover aspects such as personally identifiable information such as cookies, IP-addresses and alike)
·         Formally involved institutions – overview of authorities, their mandate and interaction
·         Law enforcement mechanisms and living practice
·         Precedents of the last 5 years
·         Civil society organizations lobbying for data privacy and digital rights
·         Awareness and public discourse around data privacy issues
·         Any additional information regarding social and political contexts, which is deemed useful
·         Key differences to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with a focus on cross-border flow of data and data localization requirements
·         Role of standards and conformity assessment for demonstrating compliance with respective data protection regulations
·         Key challenges of international industry with regards to data protection, legal data privacy framework, technical market access

Furthermore, the following issues shall be addressed specifically:
·         Implementation and understanding of data privacy with relation to Sharia law / Islamic legal systems
·         Data privacy with relation to the sectors of governance, social assistance, environment, economic growth, technical education and training, energy.

The Indonesia country report shall also contain an executive summary, an additional chapter on ASEAN, and an appendix containing additional technical information, a list of resource persons, and secondary literature.

Structure of the assignment
The assignment requires specific knowledge on data privacy regulation in Indonesia and ASEAN, which is not necessarily to find in one person / one consultant. Therefore, the tender offers flexibility how to compile a team of experts. The study can be conducted by a single expert or a team of individual experts respectively a consortium of consultants covering the regional and technical requirements. In the latter case, one expert/consultant would take on the role as lead consultant towards GIZ. Another possibility is that one institution / one consultant can provide or organize the knowledge required within its own network.

The assignment is a desktop study comprising up to 20 working days. There are no travels planned.
Qualification of requested expertise:
Lead expert / lead consultant:
General qualification: 
·         Expert with a minimum of 7-10 years of experience working on data protection regulations
·         Research experience
·         Project management 
Specific qualification:
·         Special field: Law or politics
·         Extensive experience working with legal frameworks (GDPR etc.) and international data protection standards (FIP etc.)   
Regional experience:
·         Working/research experience in Indonesia and/or ASEAN is an advantage
Language skills:
·         Fluency in spoken and written Bahasa Indonesia and English is mandatory; German is an asset

Team members / if relevant, members in consortium:

General qualification: 
·         expert with a minimum of 5 years’ experience working on data protection regulations
·         Research experience
Specific qualification:
·         Special field: Law or politics
·         Experience working with legal frameworks (GDPR etc.) and international data protection standards (FIP etc.)        
Regional experience:
·         Indonesia and ASEAN context
Language skills:
·         Fluency in spoken and written Bahasa Indonesia and English is mandatory; German is an asset


Estimated Due Date
First draft of report by
Final drafts of report by

III.           Contract Duration
 04.2.2019 – 30.03.2019 

How to Apply:

Please send your recent CV's and Offering Letter to 

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