Saturday, January 26, 2019

Website Developer / Designer for SpiceUp Project Website

Website Developer / Designer for SpiceUp Project Website


Pepper is a smallholder estate crop and a labor-intensive commodity that is mainly cultivated in Lampung for black pepper, and Bangka Belitung and Kalimantan for white pepper. Pepper is also cultivated in Sulawesi, Java and other areas in Sumatra. In the past, Indonesia was the leading producer and exporter of black and white pepper in the world; however, in recent years, Indonesia has lost its leading position to Vietnam. Many factors have contributed to the decline in production. For example, instability of price, climate change and pepper farmer’s lack of knowledge on Good Agricultural Practices, resulting in low productivity, plant diseases, lack of quality seeds and difficulties with water supply.
SpiceUp was developed in response to tackling these problems, by providing a platform where pepper farmers can be educated on these issues, so as to ensure they can gain a sustainable income from pepper farming. The SpiceUp project will implement a financially sustainable information service that supports 100,000 pepper farmers in Indonesia to increase their production, income, food security and to optimize their inputs of water, fertilizers and pesticides. The project will be targeting two specific groups: pepper farmers and Business-to-Business (B2B) clients in three locations: Lampung, Bangka Belitung and Kalimantan. Four services will be provided via our channels, including mobile App and SMS, including:
  • Water Management Advice
  • Fertilizer Advice
  • Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
  • Sustainability Tracing System
What makes SpiceUp unique is the combination of its use of satellite data together with data collected from the field. Funded by the Netherlands Space Office, the project is made of a consortium of eight public and private partners including: Verstegen Spices & Sauces BV (lead), ICCO Cooperation, Nelen & Schuurmans (N&S), VanderSat, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Akvo, PT. Cinquer Agro Nusantara (PT CAN), and Balittro.
One of the visibility requirements of this project is to develop an interactive website for the project. This website is targeted towards various stakeholders including the general public, companies and/or organizations working in the pepper and/or spices sector in Indonesia and globally and donors. The website should be at the very least be available in three languages – English, Dutch and Indonesian – if not multi-lingual.
The SpiceUp team, through Verstegen and ICCO Cooperation, is seeking the services of a professional web developer/designer to assist us in creating this website. The company we are looking for should have a track record of success in designing and producing digital solutions, and who will be able to assist us in presenting SpiceUp in an innovative, modern, organized attractive and user-friendly manner.

·         Reputable firm with at least 5 years of prior experience designing visually appealing and navigation friendly websites;
·         Familiarity and relevant experience in using different CMS, particularly WordPress;
·         Have a broad knowledge of current web development technologies and design tools in the field, and new software and other web programming languages and programs including use of HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, Macromedia Flash, Java;
·         Have excellent knowledge of recent trends in graphic design, web sites, including online video publishing, and social media networking;
·         Demonstrate the ability to create innovative and visually appealing design.

1.       Look and Feel
ÿ        The SpiceUp website has a fresh and innovative look and with user-friendly functionalities.
§  The company will develop a graphic concept and the visual language of the design
§  The company will ensure consistent visual language on the website by setting fixed styles in the templates, ensuring consistency in fonts, formatting, icons, images and layout techniques.
§  The website should have the following content: Homepage and sections including: About, News, Resources (including a photo gallery) and Contact.
§  Standard page elements including header, footer, tabs, persistent navigation, contact us and email options should be included.
§  The website will have interactive content such as video, photo gallery, infographics with clean lay out and clear navigation buttons.
§  Approximately 500 new pages will be developed under the News (blog post) and Resources sections.

2.       Functionalities
ÿ        Add feed links
ÿ        Responsive design
ÿ        Social sharing features – including Facebook, Twitter (by text selection and feed by handle and hashtag)
ÿ        Newsletter subscription sign up form linking to an email address
ÿ        Multiple page styles and custom post types that are easily adjustable to fit content needs
ÿ        Language options feature
ÿ        Search function by news, resource, type of resource, and events
ÿ        Interactive map (with CartoDB, OSM, or else)
ÿ        Signup for the latest news (quarterly newsletter)
ÿ        Link the site with other platforms such as Dropbox, Flickr etc.
ÿ        Frequently ask questions about the project. This will give the reader more information about the project and will answer most of the questions that will be asked by a potential lead or a person who is interested.

3.       Knowledge Transfer
ÿ        Develop a user manual for staff or system administrators to perform content upload, system maintenance and administration.

4.       Support and Maintenance
ÿ        Support and maintenance: Administrative and technical support, server location and hosting, and quality control for a period of 6 months.

5.       Source Code Handover
ÿ        Full source code including all developed libraries shall be handed over to SpiceUp.

·         The chosen company will participate in a debriefing session with the SpiceUp team to understand the overall project and expectations.
·         Based on the debriefing session and this TOR, the company will develop a design concept for the site.
·         The company will adjust the concept based on feedback and comments from the SpiceUp team.
·         The company will develop the visual concept and language for the site, including the different components as outlined in the TOR and adjusting it based on feedback/comments.
·         Create responsive CSS and graphic design elements.
·         Integration and final approval by SpiceUp team.
·         Test site before going live.

·         The duration of the contract will be six months with the expected start date as 01 February 2019.
·         The website will be ready within two months from the date of signing the contract.
·         The user manual and maintenance support of the webpage will be done from the third month of the contract.
·         A debriefing call will be scheduled with the company to brief them on the background information to develop the requested deliverables.
·         The company will work in close consultation with the SpiceUp Program Manager(s) and the Project Communication Officer. They will follow up on the design process and answer any questions related to the content/documents. They will also conduct the assessment of the services and outputs of the company.

Interested applicants are required to submit the following documents with their proposal:
·         Letter of interest highlighting qualifications for assignment;
·         Portfolio of previous work; preferably highlighting examples of websites using the same CMS as proposed for the SpiceUp website;
·         CVs of involved team highlighting relevant past experiences, including lump-sum (all inclusive) fee for the proposed work.

Please submit your proposals via email to Fakhrurrazi (, Dini Kamayana (, Marije van der Vorm ( and Evert Jan Verschuren ( with the subject line: Design & Website Development - SpiceUp. Deadline: 19 February 2019. Any applications that are incomplete and/or are received after the deadline will not be considered.


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