Thursday, January 24, 2019

[YSTC] Terms of References for Request for Proposal End-line Study Study of School-Based Disaster Preparedness Capacity in West Java 1 February - 20 March 2019


Save the Children (SC) is a leading, private child-focused non-governmental alliance of 30-member organizations that works in 120 countries throughout the world.  Save the Children has worked in Indonesia since 1976 to promote health and nutrition, education, child protection, livelihoods, and emergency preparedness and response.

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better.  We have begun to build a national organisation that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia namely Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (YSTC).  To this end, YSTC has been designated as a “Prospect Member of Save the Children” which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle-income countries. Currently Save the Children’s programs in Indonesia is implement by YSTC. We work in eleven provinces; have staff of approximately 300 local professionals, and programming in Child Protection, Education, Health and Nutrition, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Humanitarian Response.

For further a year, Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik is implementing a program aiming to increase resilience and strengthen preparedness of schools and communities in the most-prone-to-disaster-districts in West Java.  As it’s known, West Java is a province with the highest potential risk of natural disasters in Indonesia, where 98 percent are hydro meteorological disasters (floods, landslides). It also experiences frequent drought, earthquakes and volcanic activities. It is home to 17.2 million children, or 33 % of the total west Java population.. Vulnerability in Java is high due to high poverty, large population, low human development index and a high unemployment rate. These characteristics exacerbate the impact of a disaster on communities since they do not have resilience to deal with disasters and to bounce back. When cross referencing the Disaster Risk Index (National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), 2013) and the level of poverty, there are many districts which have both a high disaster risk threat and a high level of poverty.

The responsibility for disaster management is decentralized to the district, municipal and provincial government levels, with support from BNPB and national government agencies when required. Since the gap in emergency preparedness and response is mainly at provincial and district levels, therefore, it is important to focus preparedness interventions at district level and on the most prone districts where we have existing project.

In Central Indonesia Area Strategy Plan 2016 - 2018 of Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik (YSTC), those are considered to be important for program development. In response to that, YSTC have started a one year piloting school-based project focus on building preparedness and resilience through Education and Child Protection in Emergency in Tasikmalaya, Bandung, and West Bandung districts.

The project aims to increase resilience and strengthen preparedness of primary schools and communities in the most-prone-to-disaster-districts in West Java, namely Tasikmalaya, West Bandung and Bandung districts. The interventions are conducted through strengthening capacity and improving preparedness plans at school as well as in communities and strengthening the capability of key district government actors in Education, Social Affairs, Religious Affairs on Education and Child Protection in emergencies. This project has also focused on strengthening the role of BPBD at the provincial and district levels, and continue to sensitize and roll out the Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Interventions (CPMS) to Academics/University, CSOs and youth groups. Teachers and students are both the main beneficiaries as well as the agents of change.
Two (2) implementing partners have been selected to run the intervention through school-based approach. By this approach,  the project have supported 10 primary schools, 30 peer educators, 1000 students, 2000 parents and community members, 30 school teachers, 10 school principals, 30 government staffs, 30 social workers, 30 youth volunteers.

 purpose of endline study

This endline study will focus on disaster preparedness at school level in three districts (Tasikmalaya, West Bandung, Bandung) whereas 10 piloting school projects has been done. Findings of this endline study and compared with baseline study, is hoped to contribute to the development of safe school model and strategy of its effective implementation the practice based.

objective of endline study

This endline study aims to:
1.   Analyze capacity level of schools, district and provincial governments on Disaster Emergency Preparedness (DEP) program, particularly on supporting inclusivity (gender and disability) and child protection in emergency program, as stated in the Intermediate Result (IR 1, 2, and 3) of the project.
2.   Analyze capacity of vulnerable groups and marginalized people in school (women, men, boys, and girls) on disaster emergency preparedness.  
3.   Analyze learning behavior and method or teaching strategy among the students and teachers in the targeted areas comprehensive safe schools.
4.   Analyze relevance of the project’s strategy and interventions to provide:
4.1. Project’s strategy and intervention for project design on this topic.
4.2. Provide recommendations and strategy that are able to increase meaningful participation of girls, boys, teachers and principals and school committee in terms of disaster emergency preparedness both for internal YSTC’s program and for school and government program.

In addressing the objective of study, several key questions to be answered by the consultant (all data should be disaggregated by sex, age and disability) are derived –but not limited to - as follows:

a.     Have these areas and schools been hit by a disaster event in the last 6 months? What disaster are they?
b.     How does the government (village to district) respond to the impacted condition due to the disaster? If there are any changes since the program started, what are those changes or difference? What works well and what works less well? What are the barrier hampering the process/ result?
c.     At school level, how have the hazards affected the learning and teaching process, well-being and access to services of education boys, and girls? How does the school cope with the situation? If there are any changes since the program started, what are those changes or difference? What works well and what works less well? What are the barrier hampering the process/ result?

II.             Analyze capacity level of schools, district and provincial governments on Disaster Emergency Preparedness (DEP) program, particularly on supporting inclusivity (gender and disability) and child protection in emergency program.
a.     What are the project implementation program at school level, district and provincial government level?
b.     How do school, and district and provincial governments apply it into their program and activities? If any, what are those program, regulation, and activities? 
c.     What changes occurred in the Disaster Emergency Preparedness program and capacity of school, district, and provincial government? If any, changes in infrastructure, tools, and resource (documentation, budgeting, staffing/ expertise)? How these changes affected and improved cross-sectoral institution coordination and behavior of district and provincial government in preparedness (mitigation and risk reduction) and responses program? How these changes occurred?
d.     Who are the potential stakeholders/ actors that can be used as champions in promoting emergency preparedness among students (girls and boys) issues and engaging multi-stakeholders?
e.     What are the barrier hampering the process/ result?

III.            Analyze capacity of vulnerable groups and marginalized people in school (women, men, boys, and girls) on disaster emergency preparedness
a.     What are the existing roles that community, students and parents play in ensuring the emergency preparedness of women, men, girls and boys? What changes occurred, if any, since the program implementation started? Do these groups know that community set a standard operating for their protection to disaster? How do the standard operating procedure able to help them during the disaster, if any?
b.     Are students (girls and boys), students with disability (girls and boys), participated in the emergency preparedness or development activities planning? Are their voices heard and seriously being taken into account in the every activities planning? What changes occurred on disability children participation in the emergency preparedness and development activities planning?
c.     What changes occurred in terms of knowledge, attitudes, behavior and skill students (girls and boys), and students with disability (girls and boys), teachers, and parents about disaster emergency preparedness? ‘How and why these changes occur?
d.     What are the barrier hampering the process/ result?

IV.           Analyze learning behavior and method or teaching strategy among the students and teachers in the targeted areas to develop e-learning tools on comprehensive safe schools.
a.     What are available tools or IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) materials for students and teachers used to teach and learn disaster issues in targeted area? How effective they use the materials/ facilities? Is there any tools or IEC materials created by the students or teachers? Are those tools or IEC materials developed by students and teachers created based on hazards, risks or needs? How they perceive or reflect about the tools, IEC materials or teaching method to increase their capacity? What changes occurred?
b.     How does students and teachers’ behavior and habits in learning general issues?  How does students and teachers learn on disaster and disaster preparedness topic?  
c.     What changes occurred in terms of learning behavior, method, or teaching strategy particularly on disaster and disaster preparedness topic? How and why these changes occurred? Do they have experience in using e-learning tools for teaching and learning?

V.            Identify the government policy and support on gender, inclusivity and child protection aspects in disaster emergency preparedness.
a.     Is there any policies including emergency or evacuation planning that have been developed and have incorporated child protection, gender, and inclusion aspects since the program implementation of this project started? Or is there any child or gender sensitive infrastructures built to support them during disaster since the program implementation of this project started? If yes, how these policies and infrastructures are developed? If no, what are the barriers? And why?
b.     Are there any improvement in involving children/ students (girls and boys) to participate in the risk assessment conducted by the government? If yes, how do they involved? How have students (girls, and boys) participated in risk assessment so far? Is the risk assessment gender-sensitive? How to make sure that their voices are heard and their capacities are institutionalized/ formalized for child friendly decision making process? If no, what are the barriers? And why?

VI.           Provide recommendations on project’s strategy and intervention design that are able to increase meaningful participation of girls, boys, teachers and principals and school committee in terms of disaster emergency preparedness.
a.     What are specific strategy and methods to deliver effective communication to different groups such children groups, children’s with disability, teachers, schools committee, including if any, local and children  friendly media and communication that should be applied to this project?  And How?


This endline study will be measured by employing mixed methodology, qualitative and quantitative methods. Gender-sensitive approach is compulsory in all stage of the study. Capturing the voices of children with disability is also compulsory..

Qualitative method will be done using in-depth interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). For this purpose, a set of interview and FGD guidance will be developed by selected consultant in consultation with YSTC staff. In-depth interview and FGD will be targeted local governments official such as District of Disaster Management Office (BPBD/ Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah), District Education Office, District Social Affairs Office other related government offices, as well school principals, teachers, and school committee. As well as community members such as representatives of CSO (Civil Society Organization) and CBO (Community Based Organization), and DRR forum. The interview and FGD guidance should be able to address the objective of this endline study.

Meanwhile, the quantitative method will be done by conducting survey to students of 10 schools in 3 districts. A set of questionnaires for the survey will be developed by selected consultant in consultation with YSTC staff. The questionnaires should also be able to answer the objective of the study.


The consultant should provide analysis plan showing how each objective of the study will be addressed. It should also reflect the key research questions and plan how the collected data will be treated to answer the objective of the study whether using specific method or not.


The program is implemented in 10 schools in 3 districts, Bandung, Bandung Barat, and Tasikmalaya. Those schools are:
2 primary schools, 1 secondary school, 1 special school in Bandung district
2 primary schools and 1 secondary school in Bandung Barat district
2 primary schools and 1 secondary school in Tasikmalaya district
With estimated total population of those schools is 2000 students, and about 200 teachers, and about the 2000 or same numbers of with students population is parents/ community members.

Scope of Work
The consultant is a research institution/ firm. The consultant is expected to form a team for the endline study and manage the communications with the project team as well as building good communication with YTSC staff. Tasks and responsibilities of the consultants are as follows:
1.     Develop detailed methodology design with clear justification, and detail budget (fee and all operational cost/ all in) required to conduct the endline study.
2..     Develop tools, sampling design, and sample size with clear justification as required by the methodology proposed. 
3.     Recruit, train, and manage endline team including enumerators. The consultant is also responsible for the team including enumerator’s mobilization.
4.     Responsible and supervise field operations including logistics, permissions to conduct the research, inform consent from individual and families taking part in the study
5..     Collect, compile and analyse all data (disaggregated by sex,a ge, and disability), gathered and develop final report (including all findings and statistics)
6.     The consultant is responsible for data management and quality control scheme.
7.     Presentation on findings and recomendations in mini workshop or small group; including discussion with project coordinator for implementations.
8.     Adhere to the commitment to child protection, gender equality and child participation
9.     To keep all informations provided by YSTCS  as well as findings of the endline study confidential

The consultants is expected to produce and submits the following deliverables:
1..     Fixed proposal with study protocol specifying methodology, data analysis plan, and detailed work plan for endline study.
2.     Presentation initial findings to project team and MEAL department team after field activities have been concluded (Narrative and power point version)
3.     Draft reports  in Bahasa and English  which includes data analysis
4.     Submission of comprehensive final report in bahasa and english after reviewed YSTC’s  including submission of an executive summary
5.     Hardcopy and data or some valuable materials such as research instruments/ tools and script or photo as a documentations
6.     Produce position paper for advocacy purposes.


Duration and Timeline
The endline study shall be expected to completed within 1 February - 20 March 2019 beginning immediately upon award of contract. The indicative shedule is:

Feb 19
March 19
Data collection tool development by consultant

Full proposal with fixed methodology submitted to YSTC team

Data collection tool review by YSTC team

Data collection tool finalization by consultant

Enumerator training

Data collection tool field test by consultant

Data collection in the field by consultant team

Submisstion of the Draft report

Draft report review by YSTC team

Finalize report

Dissemination of finding to YSTC and stakeholder

Ethical and Child Protection Statement
The consultant team and YSTCs staff have to adhere to YSTC  Child Protection Policy. The consultant team must follow Ethical Principles for involving human subjects in a research and obtain written/ verbal consent from the human subjects. Permission from elder must be sought if the children under 18 years are involved as subjects. Signed informed consent of each child and his/ her parents need to take after explaining purpose of the study and its usage. Training on this will be part of the training provided for the survey team.

1.     Proven as professional firm on conducting assessment and research and producing research report using qualitative and quantitative method minimum in the past 3 years
2.     Proven as professional firm that able to design qualitative and quantitative study methodology and instruments and has minimum 3 years’ experience (portfolio)
3.     Preferably researcher team in this firm has solid understanding on DRR, education and child protection in emergency issues and experienced working with children would be an advantage.
4.     Proven as professional firm on conducting learning session of organization or project
5.     Experience of working with participatory methodologies.
6.     Possess equal composition of qualified academic background, knowledge, experience and capacity to manage the study. Preferred with background study on sociology, geography, disaster management or relevant.
7.     Personnel in this firm has solid experience on writing documentary, story or event using popular written style.
8.     Has been involved at Save the Children’s project would be an advantage
9.     Available to meet tight deadline and budgeted fund.
10.  Consultant firm located in Bandung is preferable.


Budget code:  36104. 3600002. 82604007. 434494
Budget range: max IDR 110,000,000,- all cost/ gross (include tax)
Payment term :
Payment is paid 30% upon the submission of fixed methodology proposal; 55% upon satisfactory draft of endline report; 15% upon acceptance and satisfactory of final report and all deliverables. All of cost that caused by the implementation of this activities such as transportation and hotel will be covered by the firm.


Period of Validity
The proposal shall be valid for a period of 50 days, starting from the submission date.

Notice of Non-Binding Solicitation
Save the Children reserves the right to reject any and all bids received in response to this solicitation, and is in no way bound to accept any proposal. Additionally, we reserve the right to negotiate the substance of the finalists’ proposals, as well as the option of accepting partial components of a proposal if appropriate. Quantities provided are estimates only at this time and will be subject to change. Save the Children has the right to cut-off the contract when violation on Child Right – based on Save the Children’s Child Safe Guarding Policy - found during the period of consultant’s working contract. Save the Children has also the right to cut-off the contract when consultant do not comply with the agreed points in the signed-off contract.
All information provided as part of this solicitation is considered confidential. In the event that any information is inappropriately released, Save the Children will seek appropriate remedies as allowed. Proposals, discussions, and all information received in response to this solicitation will be held as strictly confidential, except where noted otherwise.
Prior to the expiration of the validity of the proposal, Save the Children shall notify in writing the successful company that submitted the highest-scoring proposal and will invite them for contract negotiations. Save the Children reserves the right to invite the second ranking company for parallel negotiations.
Right to Final Negotiations
Save The Children reserves the option to negotiate final costs and final scope of work, as well as reserves the option to limit or include third parties at Save the Children’s sole and full discretion in such negotiations.  Upon failure to reach agreement on the contents of the contract as stipulated in this document, Save the Children has the right to terminate the negotiations and invite the next best-rated company for negotiations.
All communication regarding this solicitation shall be directed to appropriate parties at Save the Children. Contacting third parties involved in the project, the review panel, or any other party may be considered a conflict of interest, and could result in proposal disqualification.
Award of a proposal does not imply acceptance of its terms and conditions. Save the Children reserves the right to negotiate on the final terms and conditions including on methodology and tools for data collecting after contract signed-off to ensure objective of the project is addressed.

Copyright, Patent and other proprietary right
YTSCs  shall be entitled to all copyrights, patents and other proprietary rights and trademarks with regards to the product or documents and other materials which bear a direct relation to or are produce or prepare or collected in consequences of or in the course of the execution of the contract.. All plans, report, recommendation, estimates, documents and data compiled by the service provider under the contract shall be the property of YSTCs and shall be treated as confidential. All confidential documents shall be delivered to the relevant people within YSTCs  during the project duration and upon completion.


Please submit your proposal and company profile with team member CVs with a Subject: DRR CEF - <your company name> via email  to :  by the latest 30 January 2019 before 5 PM Jakarta time.   

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