Sunday, February 3, 2019

FHI360 Consultancy Opportunity for IDDS Project

Position Title: Indonesia Consultant for IDDS Project
Period of Performance:11 February 2019 – 12 June 2019
Maximum number of days: 15 days/month, 60 days total


Indonesia is an archipelago of 17,744 islands dispersed over an area of 5,000 km from east to west and 3,500 km from north to south, located between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and linking mainland Asia with the Pacific islands. In total land area, Indonesia ranks 14th in the world with 1.8 million km² and hosts an enormous range of natural diversity. However, Indonesia is also one of the hot spots for Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) due to endemicity of key zoonoses, including Avian Influenza (AI), and potential EIDs; growing population and economics; popular tourist destination and high population mobility – migrant workers, pilgrim/hajj; continued land use changes; and complex political and government systems.


Animal health sector’s lab capacity and networks have been significantly improved since the OFFLU program developed during the Avian and Pandemic Influenza Program (2006-2010). IVM Online is recognized as one of the fundamental successes for Indonesia’s ability to monitor circulating Avian Influenza viruses in Indonesia. All DIC labs have adopted internal and external quality control based on international standards for virus detection and discovery (ISO 17025 and ISO 9001). However, a surveillance review conducted by WHO indicated a lack of/limited integration of laboratory data with surveillance systems. A workshop for 4-Way Linking also noted that there is a need for better coordination at sub-national levels, and a need for more data collected and shared particularly regarding isolates, including sequencing.


Recognizing reductions in HPAI outbreaks in poultry and rare AI human cases, attention from government, especially at sub national levels, for prevention and control of AI and other zoonoses as well as EIDs has been limited. Routine surveillance activities have not been prioritized.  Reports from JEE 2017 and others have confirmed the current limited efforts from GOI.


Under SIZE, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, KEMENKO PMK has initiated a system to integrate existing human and animal disease outbreak detection in emergency settings. the initial systems include the EWARS (Early Warning Alert and Response System) or SKDR, under MoH, and the Integrated National Animal Health System or i-SIKHNAS, under the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS) MoA.  The systems were developed and established to better link laboratory submission data with disease reports, maps with movement data or outbreak reports, slaughter data with production and population data.


With diverse data sources on surveillance from human health, animal and wildlife health, intensive communication for building a shared understanding of what level of information is needed and should be shared (involving support by each respective lab system) is critical.


The USAID Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS) project December 2018 scoping visit to Jakarta, in collaboration with EPT 2 Partners and GOI institutions, considered the challenges and formulated project activities which will contribute to improving Indonesia’s detection and surveillance systems and achieve the overall goals of IDDS.

The initial IDDS program objectives are:

·       In collaboration with EPT 2 Partners and other stakeholders, strengthen communication and coordination within and among surveillance and laboratory stakeholders and networks as part of building and establishing a functioning One Health national laboratory and surveillance strategy;

·       In collaboration with EPT 2 Partners and other stakeholders, revisit 4-Way Linking and elevate the acceptance of documents at the decision-maker level (Echelon-1 or higher) and potential extended involvement of wildlife health (6 Way linking) in an effort to strengthen integration of surveillance and lab system of human, animal and wildlife health;

·       In collaboration with EPT 2 Partners and other stakeholders, provide technical guidance and support on the roles and functions and level of involvement of GOI and potential involvement of Non-Govt under the current Integrated Information System for Zoonosis and EIDs, namely SIZE 2.0, as an integral part of linking clinical, epidemiological, and lab data through interoperable electronic systems;

·       In collaboration with the EPT 2 Partners and other stakeholders, strengthen data quality, analysis and use, as part of continuous development of workforce for diagnostic networks and surveillance systems, and strengthen the capacity of decision makers on the formulation of event-based surveillance policies.


IDDS partner FHI 360, which has been working in Indonesia for over ten years with offices in multiple locations including a main office in Jakarta, will be the hiring partner for this activity. While waiting for approval of the IDDS work plan, IDDS will hire a local consultant to begin country activities. The consultant will be based in the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs (subject to approvals) and will need to work closely with several U.S.-based IDDS staff including the project’s Surveillance Lead and Health Informatics Lead. The consultant will coordinate closely with USAID Indonesia and EPT-2 Implementing Partners.


The consultant will be expected to be seconded to the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, and we anticipate the Indonesian government will provide office space and office services (including access to internet network and printer). The consultant will update IDDS through weekly check-in meetings on the following activities:

·       Together with WHO and other EPT 2 partners including USG (CDC and BEP) and DFAT, revitalize and support regular meetings of the lab working group (1. Among external partners, and 2. Among a wider group of stakeholders) with additional involvement of P&R and OHW for identification challenges and opportunities, leading to a more integrated relationship between surveillance, lab internal and cross sectoral institutions (MoH, MoA, MoEF, KEMENKO PMK, and universities).

·       Together with EPT 2 Partners and other stakeholders, initiate and establish surveillance working groups (1. Among external partners, and 2. Among a wider group of stakeholders) with involvement of ministries or institutions directly related to surveillance such MoH, MoA, MoEF, KEMENKO PMK, and universities, or indirectly related with surveillance [budget, instruction and regulation for local government] such as BNPB, MoHA, Ministry of Villages, and State Secretary) for identification strategic understanding of the higher level system of surveillance and integration with the lab systems.

·       Together with WHO, FAO, and other EPT 2 Partners, conduct a rapid assessment of the current position on implementation of 4-Way Linking including official documents equip this effort on integration of information stream involving lab and surveillance of infectious diseases of animal and human health.

·       Together with EPT 2 Partners and GOI institutions, describe, in more detail, the roles, functions, and responsibilities including regulatory aspects of each GOI institution’s role and involvement in SIZE.

·       Clarify uncertain information regarding the current development status of the SIZE 2.0 system through review of associated regulations, technical documents, meetings with stakeholders, and technical support of SIZE working groups.

 Breakdown of activities

Maximum LOE (days)

Support WHO and EPT2 Partners technical laboratory working group coordination, including re-instating the group and supporting regular meetings among 1) external partners, and 2) all stakeholders.

·       Laboratory TWG TOR
·       Meeting minutes with attendee rosters

Support/catalyze stakeholders to initiate and establish a surveillance working group with involvement of ministries and institutions directly related to surveillance and indirectly related to surveillance (budget, instructions and regulations for local government). TWGs for: 1) external partners, and 2) all stakeholders.  

·       Surveillance TWG TOR
·       Meeting minutes with attendee rosters

Support WHO, FAO, and other EPT 2 Partners and stakeholders to conduct a rapid assessment of the current status of 4-Way Linking, including official documents required to implement 4 and/or 6 way linking and the integration of information streams involving lab and surveillance of infectious diseases of animal and human health.

·       Status report and actionable recommendations to advance 4 and/or 6 way linking

Produce a report detailing the technical development, projected roll-out timelines and supporting implementation planning, and associated GOI and donor support frameworks for the SIZE 2.0 system. This report should be informed at least by review of technical and regulatory documents, and meetings with stakeholders and participation in SIZE working groups. Then, provide monthly status reports on the technical development progress and progress towards planning or execution of implementation and roll out. The report should include details for both the pilot program, and the post-pilot development.


·       Document with recommendations on gaps identified and opportunities for IDDS to support SIZE
·       Summary document describing regulations impacting the SIZE systems and recommendations for influencing future regulation or de-regulation to support SIZE
Weekly IDDS team meetings and monthly EPT2 meetings

The consultant will check-in weekly with operational supervisor. During the first weekly check-in meeting, the operational supervisor and the consultant will establish interim milestones and final deadlines for each of the deliverables listed in the breakdown of activities based on the hire date.

Interested candidates please send your CV to by the latest 5th February 2019 with the position title in the e-mail subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. 

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