Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Consultant Training Module and Tools Development - Scaling Up Women Entrepreneurs Empowerment Training (SWEET)

Study shows that most Indonesians still do not have access to banking and other financial services.  Many are unaware of the services, live far from a bank branch and/or are deterred by the burdensome bank fees and requirements.  It is estimated that only 36% of adult Indonesians have access to formal financial institutions[1].. The government of Indonesia initiated the document of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (SNKI) in June 2012, with branchless banking called out as a priority area.  As part of the strategy, Indonesia recently reinforced a new presidential decree in 2016 to promote financial inclusion through branchless banking (LAKU PANDAI)[2] as one of the initiatives to increase access to financial services among its large unbanked population.

Scaling-Up Women Entrepreneurs Empowerment Training (SWEET) will follow up the findings of Mobile Financial Services for Female Entrepreneurs Program (MFS) which was implemented in 2016 to 2018 to test and identify a cost-effective and sustainable approach to promote women entrepreneurs’ uptake of mobile financial services as a way to increase investment in and profit from their businesses. As the first phase intervention, the project was producing tailored training for 2,000 women entrepreneurs randomly selected across three districts of Ngawi, Bojonegoro and Tuban, in East Java province. In this current project, as the second phase, SWEET project’s goal is to expand the financial literacy training to add an additional 1,500 women entrepreneurs located in the similar project areas.

Purpose / Project Description:
The aim of the SWEET project is that women entrepreneurs will have improved knowledge and skills around financial management that applies to their household and business. Additionally, SWEET beneficiaries will understand the different types of branchless banking products and actively use saving products through the digital channel services in order to improve business profits and family welfare.
The beneficiaries will also receive mentoring support to further enable the use of mobile financial services to increase savings, investment, and business profits. The key objectives are 1) To ensure that the targeted 1,500 women entrepreneurs are able to distinguish between and prioritize household and business financial needs; 2) To support 20% of the targeted women entrepreneurs to begin saving practices and link them with branchless banking services.
The project team conducted a needs assessment of women entrepreneurs from 9th to 20th January 2019, involving 193 participants from 18 groups in the three districts. The assessment aimed to gather information about their saving behaviour and financial management behaviour. The findings of the needs assessment include the following:
-          70% of women entrepreneurs are between 26 to 45 years old.
-          68% of them are junior and senior high school graduates.
-          41% of women entrepreneurs run their businesses between 2 to 5 years.
-          87% of women entrepreneurs own savings in formal or informal channels. However, only 49%  own saving accounts at the bank.
-          79% of women entrepreneurs have not divided their financial records between the business and household. Basically, they are still using business money to support household needs.
With regard to access to financial services and mobile phone ownership, the potential participants are:
-          88% of them have a mobile phone, either an android-based phone or a feature phone.
-          However, 79% of them have not yet used their mobile phone for a financial transaction.
-          Regardless the statement that they would like to learn on how to use mobile phone for financial transaction; in fact, only 16% of women entrepreneurs up to 45 years of age and/or those with online business products are familiar with the technology and use their mobile phones for financial transactions.
-          The types of businesses that most of these women run are kiosk (39%), food stall (27%) and producing handicraft (17%).

 Objectives of the consultancy:
In light of the training needs identified as part of the needs assessment, the SWEET Project requires a consultant to develop the training module (including mentoring subjects) and training tools for women entrepreneurs prior to project implementation. This module shall contain the reflection of needs of specific skills and knowledge that are gathered from the needs assessment, related to financial management and business management for women entrepreneurs. The consultant should    also strategically  present  alternative solutions to the current situation of the saving behaviour and financial management behaviour of the women entrepreneurs and recommend ways to improve access to information on the wider saving products and available services. The training of women entrepreneurs will be targeted in the three districts of Ngawi, Bojonegoro and Tuban.

Consultant Activities:
The Consultant will develop the training modules and training tools that will be used for training women entrepreneurs  in three districts of Ngawi, Bojonegoro and Tuban. The consultant shall ensure to:
·         Conduct review of the existing training modules/material available within Mercy Corps Indonesia.
·         Prepare training modules and training tools related to saving mechanisms; savings purpose, saving channels and services, financial literacy, and financial management for both business and household that will be delivered in the training for the 1,500 women entrepreneurs.
·         Prepare training modules and training tools related to saving mechanisms; savings purpose, saving channels and services, financial literacy, and financial management for both business and household and create and elaborate guidelines for the trainer to be used in the training of 1,500 women entrepreneurs.
·         Conduct pilot trainings to test the training modules and training tools prior to the actual training and make revisions as necessary.
Finalize the training modules and training tools for the training of 1,500 women entrepreneurs.

Consultant Deliverables:
The Consultant should complete these main outputs:
1.       Develop the outline of training module and training tools for both Women Entrepreneurs
2.       Develop Trainers’ Guidelines.
3.       Based on the outline of training module and training tools, develop and finalize  training module and training tools to be reviewed by the Training, Mentoring and Monitoring Coordinator, Project Manager and Program Director (if necessary)..
4.       Final training module and training tools.

The consultant should develop a very clear and structured training module and guidelines. The main content of the module should not exceed 50 pages to be used in an average of 2.5 hours of training session over 3 months period. Training tools for exercise should be developed separately, including list of tools for practice required based on assessment needs. The tools should have relevance to the assessment analysis, findings and conclusion. The consultant should provide a clearly articulated work plan, detailing out each work and the number of corresponding days required.

Consultant Qualifications:
We need a consultant with a strong background in training and module development, in particular in Financial Services, Financial Inclusion, or Economic Development sector. The Consultant should have excellent knowledge of training method and session planning, and good understanding in participatory process. It would be beneficial if the Consultant have the following skills and competencies:
1.       Demonstrate experience of producing high quality training module related to financial literacy, financial management, or business management.
2.       Experience working with NGO in rural area would be an advantage.
3.       Ability to write in a simple structure and clear Bahasa Indonesia and translate field information/assessment results into well-defined subjects.
4.       Adequate knowledge of branchless banking, financial services or financial inclusion and business management.
5.       Excellent writing and verbal communication in Bahasa Indonesia, good understanding of English is a plus.

Timeframe / Schedule: 
This consultancy work must be completed within 20 working days started upon the signed date of contract or based on the agreed date of both parties, and not exceeding 30 March 2019.

The Consultant will report to:
Project Manager of SWEET in MCI Jakarta Office

The Consultant will work closely with:
Training, Mentoring and Monitoring Coordinator of SWEET in MCI Jakarta Office

Please send application letter with CV to: at the latest March 9th, 2019

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