Tuesday, March 26, 2019



Project Profile
Responsible and Sustainable Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation (RESBOUND), is a three years project collaboration between Indonesian Civil Society Organizations and European Union. The project targeting village communities in and around palm oil plantation. The communities consist of labors, youth, women, smallholder farmers, village leaders and village facilitators-that located in 10 villages of Kapuas Hulu District in West Kalimantan Province, and 10 villages of three District (Langkat; Serdang Bedagai; Deli Serdang) in North Sumatera Province. RESBOUND project implementation is involving PENABULU Foundation, PKPA, and lead by ICCO Cooperation. 

Aim of this project is to strengthen available multi-stakeholder partnership dialogues to contribute in realizing decent rural living of smallholder farmers and workers on large palm oil plantation through the formulation of Community and Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR), as means to better use government village funds and companies’ CSR. CCSR would also serve as means to better use UNGPs in the palm oil sector at grassroots level.
RESBOUND started on 1st March 2019 and will be ended on 28 February 2022.
Human rights is the cornerstone of RESBOUND project, along with participatory approach through all of the planned activities. Therefore ICCO Cooperation encourages all partners to use inclusion approach to ensure that everyone has the same opportunity to access the benefit of the project and that nobody left behind during the implementation process.
The project areas are including villages in and around plantation in two provinces (North Sumatera and West Kalimantan), where information based on experiences could easily understood and easily collected-among beneficiaries-rather than outcomes based on indicators.   
Therefore, based on the project approaches- that in nature are not easily quantified- and based on the situation in the target areas, ICCO Cooperation and partners agreed to use Most Significant Change (MSC) as Monitoring and Evaluation methodology. MSC would be better use throughout the program cycle, to provide monitoring information that can help project team to improve the program. Further, using MSC throughout the project cycle will allow project team to contribute to the evaluation by providing information about the impact and outcomes of the project, that later can be used to assess how well the project as a whole is working.
In order to ensure the effective use MSC as monitoring and evaluation methodology, throughout the project cycle, capacity strengthening for RESBOUND implementing partners is crucial. Therefore RESBOUND project team, led by ICCO Cooperation will organize a two days workshop on Most Significant Change. Further than that, a customized toolkit for monitoring and evaluation will be produced to ease RESBOUND project team to carry out the monitoring and evaluation process.  
An additional material related with Result Oriented Monitoring (ROM) would be delivered to ensure that ROM applies within the project cycle as required by the donor. 
Objective of the Assignment/Deliverables
1.      To provide materials on multi-phases and multi-methodologies to the RESBOUND project team, including project manager and partners using MSC-including story of change- and RACER (Relevant, Acceptable, Credible, Easy, Robust, and including Result Oriented Measurement).
2.      To facilitate the process of mapping the domain of change (based on TOC/and LFA of RESBOUND) and setting the monitoring process and set of indicator
3.      To provide a set of understanding/introduction to MSC, Story of Change and its phases including to decide the domain of change within the story of change
4.      To facilitate agreement on set of specific information, timeline, and provides examples on how to effectively collect, document, and select MSC stories.
5.      To produce a draft of customized toolkit for RESBOUND M7E using MSC methodology-mixed with RACER
6.      To finalize customized toolkit for RESBOUND M&E using MSC methodology and to train how to use the toolkit
Scope of Work and Key Tasks.
  1. Facilitating two days’ workshop
The consultant is responsible for the planning, development of material and draft toolkit to be tested during the workshop, and conduct three days’ workshop for RESBOUND project team. The workshop materials should be practical and relevant with the project.
  1. Producing a customized toolkit for RESBOUND M&E
The consultant responsible for the development of customized toolkit for RESBOUND M&E that explains stages of MSC; domain of change; and selection of MSC stories.
  1. Finalizing a customized toolkit for RESBOUND M&E
The consultant responsible for finalizing the customized toolkit for RESBOUND M&E that later would be used by project team to monitor and evaluate the project. Whereas, a process of reviewing the toolkit would take place in the second year of the project, after testing in the first year of implementation.

Deliverables and Timeline


Number of Days

Tentative Date

Conduct a meeting with project team (virtual or face to face) in order to develop a tailored training package

1 day

Develop and submit a workshop plan, toolkit M&E RESBOUND draft and other materials
3 days

Training-Workshop Setting Up M&E Plan
2 days

Finalizing toolkit M&E RESBOUND
3 days

Total Working Days
9 days

Fees and Expenses
Travel expenses, per-diem, and accommodation will be borne by ICCO Cooperation. ICCO Cooperation will pay the fees resulted from consultancy services provided as agreed between both parties. First payment would be made after signing contract (30%), second payment would be made after the submission of workshop plan, toolkit M&E RESBOUND draft, and other material (30%), and third payment would be made after the finalization of toolkit M&E RESBOUND submitted.
  1. The consultant should have at least 5 years’ experience in Monitoring and Evaluation with MSC methods.
  2. Knowledge to use gender and human rights based approaches to M&E
  3. Understanding of business and human rights, children rights, village governance and CSR is desirable.
  4. Strong commitment to delivering timely and high quality result
  5. Excellent writing and oral communication.

Please send detailed CV and salary expectation along with application letter to n.aeni@icco.nl, no longer than 5 April 2019


Week 4
Publication of TOR for consultancy service

Selection of Consultant


Meeting with project team


Submission of workshop plan and materials and draft toolkit


Workshop Implementation

Finalization of toolkit M&E
May 1-10

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