Sunday, March 10, 2019

Invitation to submit proposal for Independent Evaluator

Terms of Reference
Provision of Independent Evaluator for WLF’s
RISE Project

WLF is an Indonesian-based philanthropic foundation established in 2009 as an outgrowth of the philanthropic legacy of William and Lily Soeryadjaya. As an active grant-making foundation, WLF works closely with implementation partners on three focus areas: education, healthcare and economic empowerment. WLF is committed to impactful and responsible interventions in its efforts to empower underprivileged communities across Indonesia. Although the scope of WLF philanthropic endeavors is countrywide, its current geographical focus centers on eastern Indonesia, particularly on the island of Sumba.

In 2016, WLF formed a partnership with the World Vision Indonesia (Wahana Visi Indonesia / WVI), in implementing a two-year program entitled, Rural Integrated Sector Empowerment Project   (RISE) in Sumba Barat Daya. The project aims to deliver two different components: (i) to increase income of local farmers to fulfill family daily needs, with hope that an increase in income would benefit their child’s health and education; (ii) to rehabilitate malnourished children through Positive Deviance/Hearth session (Pos Gizi) and sustain it through Posyandu and Kebun Gizi (Home Gardening) activities.
As this project is nearing completion, WLF plans to conduct a comprehensive final evaluation of the RISE project. This evaluation will provide a 360 degree outlook on not only the impact of the project towards its intended beneficiaries, but will also evaluate the effectiveness of the management and implementation process of the project, the appropriateness of chosen interventions,  as well as to observe whether this project has applied the value for money principal.
The objective of this independent evaluator is to provide a comprehensive evaluation on the project management and implementation process performed by the partner, in this case WVI; particularly on how the project was able to meet the agreed upon project objectives, outcomes and outputs, as well as to evaluate whether the project has been carried out in a cost-efficient manner.  This evaluation is also aimed at observing the challenges faced and document lessons learned and best practices produced. Furthermore, this evaluation will be conducted to understand whether the support that WLF provided has contributed in addressing the issues facing farmers and undernourished children in Sumba Barat Daya (SBD), and whether the implementation strategy or interventions have addressed the needs of relevant stakeholders.  Lastly, this evaluation will also provide insights on the effectiveness of WLF as grants managers and in the provision of technical support to the partners. To summarize, the assessment should consist of:
    1. Relevance and value to organization strategy and mission statement,
    2. Validity and relevance of design,
    3. Project progress and effectiveness,
    4. Efficiency of resource use,
    5. Effectiveness of grant management and
    6. Impact orientation and sustainability in relevance to the target community.

The Evaluator is expected to start the evaluation process in mid-May 2019
Expected Outcome:
       1. The key product expected from this evaluation is a comprehensive analytical report in English that should,             at least, include the following contents:
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Description of the evaluation methodology
  • Analysis of program implementation and management
  • Key findings (including challenges, best practices, and lessons learned)
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • Annexes: TOR, field visits, list of respondents, documents reviewed, etc.
       2. The expected outcome will be used by three main audiences, including but not limited to WLF’s internal          MonEv and Learning (complete version), WLF’s partners (condensed version), and government             stakeholders (condensed version).
     3. All drafts and final version of outputs including supporting documents, analytical reports, raw data, and            multimedia files (if any) should be provided in electronic version compatible with for Windows.
Before the end of his/her assignment, the Evaluator will present verbally their findings and recommendations to WLF Team and/or other relevant stakeholders.
Essential Requirements:
    1. A bachelor’s degree in political sciences, international relations, development economics or any relevant           social sciences.  Master’s degree is preferred.
    2. A minimum of 5 years of experience conducting monitoring and evaluation of development programs in           impoverished regions in Indonesia, particularly in carrying basic evaluation methodology.
      3. Demonstrable research and strong analytical skills.
    4. Experience in workshop facilitation.
    5. Strong interpersonal skills in a multicultural setting, experienced in engaging community leaders and key           government officials at subnational levels.

Document Submission:
    1.. Most current Curriculum Vitae,
    2. Proposed methodology and tools for the evaluation process.
   3. Financial proposal to conduct the evaluation, complete with breakdown of man-hours or days required to          conduct each stage of the preparation, timeline for data collection and analysis, field visit/travel, report
         writing and presentation.
    4. Sample of  previous evaluation report.

Please send these documents to by 17 March 2019 using subject line Evaluator_RISE.

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