Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Vacancy in ASB - Call For Feasibility Study Consultancy (extended)

Term of References (ToR)
Call for Feasibility Study Consultancy

Project Title: Improved Adaptation Capacities of at-Risk Coastal Communities in Indonesia and the Philippines through Inclusive Community-Based Actions and Learnings

1. Background

Arbeiter-Samartier-Bund (ASB) is one of Germany’s oldest and largest social welfare organizations with a membership base of 1.1 million individuals. Within Germany, ASB provides rescue, medical and social service delivery through a federal structure of over 200 offices. Overseas, ASB’s work includes disaster risk reduction (DRR), relief and rehabilitation and return and reintegration. www.asb.de

ASB is a co-founder of the Disability-inclusive DRR Network (DiDRRN). DiDRRN was actively engaged in the process leading to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), ensuring that active participation of persons with disabilities, and broader inclusion in disaster risk reduction (DRR) is included in this framework. www.didrrn.net


ASB is currently developing a new project entitled Improved Adaptation Capacities of at-Risk Coastal Communities in Indonesia and the Philippines through Inclusive Community-Based Actions and Learnings funded by BMZ (The Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany). Key project components will be implemented via local partner organizations in Indonesia and the Philippines with technical support from ASB Indonesia and the Philippines Office.


The implementation in Indonesia will be led by Yayasan Bintari (Bintari Foundation). Yayasan Bintari is an NGO, founded in 1986, based in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Yayasan Bintari’s  main areas of work include climate change adaptation/mitigation for community resilience and sustainable development (http://bintari.org/en/homepage-2/).The Quezon City, Philippines based organisation ACCORD will be leading the implementation of project in the Philippines.  ACCORD’score focus covers disaster risk reduction, ecosystem management & restoration andclimate change adaptation (https://resilientphilippines.com/)

The project will be focusing on climate change and its adverse effects on local communitiesThere are hardly any CCA related programs which aredriven by the local population itself and existing programs often lack relevance for the local population. Local knowledge and capacities are often overlooked, leading to irrelevant interventions and preventing meaningful impact. By strengthening communities to manage and mobilize local capacities and knowledge in Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) the project will contribute to improving sustainable quality practices of CCA and reducing climate change induced risks at local level. A social inclusion approach mainstreamed in the project will further strengthen relevance of the project interventions to the diverse needs and capacities of the whole target communities.

For detailed information and for submitting proposal for independent consultancy,  please visit: http://asbindonesia.org/careers.html
Closing date: 31 March 2019

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